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The usual fortnightly meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Mr Waddcl being the senior Councillor was voted to tho chair. There were aho present :— Councillors Goldie, Hemus, Montague, Thompson, Crowther, Orler, nnd Aicken. Minutes. —The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Transfer ok Phoi'ekty.—Mr E. H. Percy upplied for a trausferof his shop and premises at the junction of Grey-street to Mr Tbog. Cain, to whom ho had sold his iutereat in them.—Granted. Compensation.—Mr John Keir, 'bm proprietor, forwarded a claim for compensation for injury dove one of his horses by an accident occasioned throimh the falling in of the road-way upon a defective sewer in Wellesley-strect East.—A memo, attached to ttie letter by the Surveyor stated that the horse was cut about the knees. He was not aware that the Council were responsible for these unforeseen accidents.— it was resolved that the same course be ' token as in a previous case of the same ! nature, viz., that a veterinary surgeon be eugiged to estimate the daniago dove. Telephonic Communication.— In answer to the Council's instructions to obtain information on this subject Mr Louis A. Nathan wrote from London under date Aug. 12th, stating that he had gono into the matter thoroughly, having had two interviews with Captain Shaw, the Superiutentendent of tho Metropolitan Fire Brigade, and one with Mr Henry Eaton, Superintendent engineer of the Metropolitan District Post Office Telegraphs, who bus charge of and superintends for the Firo Brigade, their system of telephones and telegraphs Mr Nathan, in his letter, goes on to remark that the Council had not suggested any system which they would require, and as there were a great number of them, selection became difficult. In London some four or live systems wore being worked and the Fire Brigade try every new idea that comes out, and meets the approval of the telegraph authorities, but neither Captaiu Shaw nor Mr Baton would recommend any one system as perfect. The telephone had been found not to answer alone, as it could uot always he relied upon, and oo it was used side by side with the telegraph, but the telephone and electric alarm together did not work. He had decided to call upon Messrs Sierneu Bros., Mr Thomas Henley, and Sir Filston Bright, aud lay the Council's requirements before them, they being the beat people for the purpose, and their patents being in use. They would place their systems before Captain Shaw, who would decide which was the most suitable for Auckhiud. Mr G. S. Graham had rendered the writer valuable assistance in the matter, and after inspecting the various plans would explain the different systems in use at London upon his return to Auckland in a few months' time. A letter dated September Bth from the same hand stated that Captain Shaw had not (hen made his report.—Letter received.

Hiaii-STKEET Levels.—Mr S. Rout entered a formal protest on behalf of the owner of Brace and Go's, saddlery warehouse agaio9t ihe carrying out of the fixed levels of High-street, the reason being the risk and expense that his client would be put to in consequence in common with the landlords of adjoining buildings of a similar class.— Letter received.

Review Preparations.—Capt. Mahon applied for permission for the Victoria Company of Volnnteers to iire blank ammunition in the Albert Park on Tuesdays and Fridays, between the hours of 7.30 and S.IJO p.m., the leave to extend up till the date of the lievicw (November 9th.)—it was agreed to grant permission to all Companies, intimation to be given to the Press that there would be firing on those evenings, to prevent unnecessary alarm.

Patronage.—Mr James O'Brien, late lessee of the Theatre Royal, solicited the patronage of the Mayor and Councillors on the occasion of a complimentary benefit to take place at the Theatre on the evening of the Bth November. Granted.—A similar request was preferred by the Auckland Garrick Clnb for a performance to be given by them on the 9th of November iv aid of St. Stephen's and St. Mary's Orphanages. Granted.—The Secretary of the Fire Brigade also requested the Council's patronage for an entertainment to be given by Dean's Minstrel's on the9th November. Granted. —Permission was also granted to stretch a line of flags from the United Service Hotel to Cruickshank and Miller's on the 9th November, with intimation of the performance to be given by Dean's minstrels on that evening. A Charitable Plea.—Mr .J. Craig prayed for a reduction in the rates levied upon a poor widow named Mrs Lowe, who had recently had an orchard spoilt by the cutting down of William-street, as well as a small house rendered almost useless by the same work. Her compensation claim had not been granted.—Referred to Finance Committee.

Harbour Board Correspondence— Letters were receivedf rom the Secretary of this body with reference to the baths site and boundaries of wharves, and also tendering their thanks for the erection ot a gas lamp near the toll house.—Letters received.

Synagogue Hall Site.—Mr D. A. Tole wrote announcing receipt of the Council's letter re proposed exchange of Synagogne Hall site, and stating that he had submitted the matter to the Government tor consideration.—Letter Received.

Wynyard-Street.-A letter was received from Mr George Ashtot?, representing strongly the almost impassable state of Wynyard-street and praying for the construction of some means of access to the houses in the neighbourhood. A memo, appended by the Surveyor stated that the (■round was certainly difficult of approach. The making ot a cart track from the corner ot Domain-street would cost about £30.— Keferred to Public Works Committee.

FORT-STRKET.—Messrs E. and A. Isaacs called attention by letter to the state of the footpath near their s'oies in Fort-street.— The Surveyor recommended that the portion of the footpath referred to be asphalted.— Agreed that the work be done as suggested by the Surveyor. Building Regulations.— Mr C, "Westpfahl requested permission to be allowed to,retain ajwooden partition which he had erected in the late premises of ltobiiisou (draper), and which he bad been ordered by the Surveyor to take down, as It was a breach of the building regulations. —After considerable discussion it was agreed that the concession be granted, as recommended by the Surveyor, but that this be not made a precedent.

Remuneration for itf ight Meetings. —A letter was received fro'n Mr W. W. Day, assistant clerk in the Corporation offices praying for remuneration for enforced attendance at night meetings. In support of liis annlication he adduced these facts : — l)i That when he was permanently engaged no intimation was made concerning attendance at night meetings. (2). That previous to his permanent engagement he was allowed extra pay for some night meetings which hi did attend; (3) that all his present duties could be done by him in the day time; (4) that in order to provide tor his family he had his evening's profitably taken up, and that the Council's order would oblige him to forego part of his income ; (5) that his family necessities made the burden heavier to him than to the other officers; and (6) that already he frequently had to remain beyond the ordinary hours. — Referred to Finance and General Purposes Committee.

Sewerage.—A petition was received from a number of the residents and ratepayers of Hobson-street praying the Council to lay do-vn a. sewer in Hobson-street from Cook-street to Wellesley-street.—Referred Public Works Committee. ,

Hydraulic Lime.—Messrs J. Wilson and Co. applied for leave to lay a piece of concrete pavement with Wilson's hydraulic lime, with the view of testing its suitability for that purpose. If the teat proved satisfactory, they would be prepared to contract for the city pavements ler » term of years, Referred to Public Works Committee,

Hobson-street.—A petition was read from the residents of Hobson-street relative to the necessity for providing some sewerage between Cook and Wellesley-streets. ferred to Works Committee.

Grafton Road. —Councillor Aicken said he wished todrawthcattention of the Council to the fact that the path .at the corner of Wynyard-street had not been repaired.— The matter was recommended to the Surveyor. Princes-street. — Councillor Aicktn also directed attention to the lodgement of water on the east side of Princes-street. He said that the residents of this and adjoiuing streets were put to much inconvenience thereby. Mr ADderson had recommended that six feet of the path be asphalted, which he thought would remedy the evil. If necessary he would give notice of motion.—The Chairman said he would suggest that as the best way in which to deal with the matter.—Mr Aickeu said he would accept the suggestion, with the view of getting the Surveyor's rerjort.

Cole's OlßCUa'—The Public Works Committee wrote recommending that a portion of the Albert Park be allowed to Cole's circus, at a rent ot £20. —Accepted. Library Committee.—The Library Committee recommended: (1) That the fivo volumes of "Literary Gazette and Examiner," presented by MrEdmonaton, be accepted, and that the thanks of the committee be forwarded to tho donor; (2)

that a list of donors be kept together with date of presentation, the donor's name to be inscribed in works presented ; (3) that new sashes be put iv the windows at the back of the Library, and the two front ones closed up. —Report adopted. Public Wokks Committee.— The Committee recommended as follows —(1) That

iv refereuci! to the application by Mr T. \V. Leys for retaining wall, etc., iv Collin«woodstreet, the previous resolution be adhered to. (2) lie W. J. Dalton's application for right of way— that in cousequeuce of tho application beiiig contrary to the Act, the request be declined. (4) Ke Sinalli's applicatiou for circus site—that the site applied for in Albert Park be granted, and that the sum of £10 be deposited as a guarantee for removal of all das' or refuse ; also that the sum of £20 be the amount charged for the site. (fi) Ke letter from uiuler-secretary Public Works Department as to the main sewer diversou that tho Mayor's action be approved.—The report was adopted.

Finance and General Purposes Committee.—This Committee moved tho following recommendations :-(l). Ko Wm. Smith's application for water supply in Domain-street—That permit bo granted in

accordance with the report of the Waterworks Engineer, viz , tnat if water be laid to the said premises it should be by a j-pipe from Stanley-street junction, and that Mr Smith pay tor the extra length of pipe required. (2). lie Dr. Philsou's claim on tho Improvement Commissioners—That tho matter bn deferred until next meeting. (3). Ko Cab Bye-law—That tho solicitor's advico be acted upon, anil that the Cab Bye-law pass through the ordinary course necessary. (-1). Re letter from J. Coruwell to proceed with the public baths contract, t tat the Council accept Mr Miguire's tender, being tho next lowest. (5), That the patronage, on behalf of Mrs Arnold, that tho request be granted. (U). lie letter from the manager of the National Bank of New Zealand as to sale of Endowment Lo m.

Deuentukks.—That tho Council bo recommended to give instructions for the sale of the amount specified (£14,500) at uot less than the prices quoted in their advices. Agreed that tho report, with the exception of clause 5, be received. It was also resolved iv connection with clause 5 that fresU tenders be called for tho public baths by advertisement in Friday's Stak. SURVEVOII'S llßroitT.—The Surveyor reported as follows :—(1.) The whole of tho new lamp heads procured with the last lot of lamp posts are now used up, aud we have been borrowing from tho Gas Compauy, who always keep half-a-dozea at their works, to be used iv case of emergency where old

lamps are unlit for further use. I would therefore recommend that one dozen new lamp heads be procured, as we do not know the day the ones at the gas works may run out, and there are also new ones beiug erected occasionally. Iv a very short time there will bo none on hand. (2). Some months ago I was recommended and was granted permission to lay down concrete blocks around the lire plugs, as the present stones are very loose and continually getting out of position. I find that under the present circumstances it would be useless to do "so, aa auy repaiis that are necessary to the plu^s require that the present stones he lifted to get ut the ball. This i am told by the turncock is the reault or the valve-boxes lieiug too small, so that the experiment with the concrete blocks cannot be tried unless a few new boxes ot the proper size are made for that purpose. (3) As plans aud specifications are now ready for the City Road Works, I would request the Council to definitely settle whether there is to be one or two paths iv the road. He stated that the road was 21ft wide, and with a path on each side of 3 feet G inches in width, a vehicle roadway of 14 feet more left. (4) Parties interested iv the formation of lower Union-street have agreed to the proposed improvement!) as it ia a very long street; he suggested that this portion be let iv one contract, leaving the upper portion to be dealt,with when the residents consent to have the work done. As it would take some time to prepare the kerbs, tenders might be called for them, and wheu prepared the balance of the works, iucluding the setting of the kerbs, could be let in a separate contract. The public would be put to an inconvenience by dealing with the works in this way.—lt was resolved to take the Surveyor's report, seriatim, and the following items were decided upon :—Re

1 amphcads—that tenders be called for 25 new ones ; re fireplugs—that the Surveyor be allowed to experiment and make such repairs as he thought necessary ; re lower Union-street —that the money aa recommended be adopted. The report as a whole was then put to the meeting and adopted. Tenders.—The following tenders were received iv answer to advertisement for a supply of street name-plates and houseliunibers with samples :—J. Fisher, £51 4s ; J. Henderson, £53 9s ; H. L. Houning, £62 10s. —Mr Aickeu said that neither of the samples sent in were according to specifications. He thought the lettering should have been enamellod and the plates properly baked. He would agree to accept Mr Henderson's tender if he would give some guarantee as to the durability for a stated period.—After some further discussion Mr Henderson's tender was accepted.

Night-Carts.—Two tenders were sent in for the building of fivo night-soil carts—one from Messrs Cousins and Atkin for £325, and the other from Messrs Gee and Potter, which, however, was informal.—The tender of Messrs CouMns and Atkin was accepted.

Kerbing.—Tenders for 200 feet of 12in. kerbing were put in as follows : James Frays, £34 33 4d ; Alexander Archibald, £32"95; James Davidson, £36 Bs.—Archibald's tender was accepted.

Inspector of Carriages.—A. memo w&a received from the Inspector of Carriages inquiring whether he should carry out the law in its integrity as to the form of ticket and name in light traps and other vehicles during the ensuing year. Resolved that the Inspector of Carriages be instructed to procure tickets in keeping with tho byelaws.

Notice of Motion.—ln compliance with notice given at a previous meeting Cr. Hemus proposed " that a half-inch water pipe be laid on Mr Wood field's house iD place of the tank previously voted. Cr. Crowther seconded and the motion was carried.

Auditor's Accounts.—lt was agreed that the half-yearly accounts bo printed as usual.

A resolution was also passed empowering the present chairman (Cr. Waddel) to sign cheques for the Council in tho absence of His Worship the Major. U'his concluded the business.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3205, 29 October 1880, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3205, 29 October 1880, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3205, 29 October 1880, Page 3


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