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Land and Estate Agents. <P HA S. T$T ILLIAMSON, HOUSE. LAND, ANU ESTATE AGENT, 3, VULOAN IjAKK, At7CKtA^rD■ RENTS and tNTKKffi:»T Collr-cted. MONEY Invcßtr-d for Capitalists on flrat-cioss securitioH, without Ciiaugk. Sevjek per cent, allowed on de^osita until invested. MOETGAGKS and LOANa Nogoliated, SHARES Bought or Sold to order. ESTATES Managed for Absentees, BUILbirJG ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE, AT PER FOOT!— Home-street, 12/ Duke-street, 28/ SVcst-street, 21/ Parnell Rise, £i View Road, 80/ Kdwin-etrect, 81/ Riohmon'd RoaQ, 25/ King-street, 20/ Grattn.n-3t.reet, 12/ Georgo-Btrcet, £1 Sus?cx-streot, 20/ Victoria-street, £10 Randolph-street, 10/ Kyber Pans, Bu/ Wyndhani-stroet.^lOlO/lJrafton Head, 70/ William-sti-oot, CO/ N Olson-street, 40/ Sliort-streot, £9 England-street, 10/ Napior-street, 20/ Union-street. 20/ Franklin Road. GO/ Vine-street, 10/ Carleton.Ger.-Road, 15/ Irown-t Irect, 27/G Waitomatn street, 10/ . L'h V. Beach Koad, 30/ Dublin-street, 30/. AV~'->'; Nevvf.on. 20/ Clarcnco Btreet, W/ Liverpool-street, 40/ ADgloseastrect, 30/ Ponsonby Koad, 25/ Hnckett-stroi.'t, 35/ Prnspect-ftroet, 15/ Conquest Place, 30/ Norfolk-street, 25/ Also, hi various other streets at low ratos. p REY-STKEBT—Six roomed House (now)for VI sale. Large illotment. MOUNT KDKN—Largo Now Houso, fitted with every con.e.u'erco (two acres of land), for sab. Haj o:ic (.(: tho finest views in tnn distinct. HOBSOM-STPvffiUT —Shop and Dwelling Houau foi-Eale—new. Splendid stand for ALLOTMENTS nought and HOUS' S BUILT for Working Men. To bo repaid by weekly instalment"! ■P9\ New Five-roomed House for Sale in ~""-L<-' Newton i ohl. Two fr titages; two ai'otmcnta. Ba«y terms. C'Jnfl—Five-roonvcd Ifctlofor Sale in Nc'sOnJijoyj'j Blrctt- Qardon; tanks, Und all ion'V(tiiencoa. J?,9()()A TO LEND, In Sums of £10 and updUA\j\j\j war( j fii on KOO( j p ( . oMr i t y t DRAPERY HIJSINrtSS for Sale in the heart of the city; main theroughfarc. Abou? £150 required. x-ok/)— New S'3ven-ror>med Houso for sale in "°UIJV Parnoll. Peautiful vi'ivv. Mao, Fiveroomed House at £330. Six-roomed House, £100. QUEEN-STREKT.-Fine Uusinow Premises for salo. OFIICKS and STOKES to Lot in Durhamhlreet. / IAULKTON OORKROAD-Ono of the finest \y Allotments in I iuvry's Jiistate for sale. Money lent to build with, if e'esi' cd. 4?i 7a—FCVE-ROOMKD HOUSI< near tho ofc/i-'u Glasgow Store. Garden &c. Kany terms. I^ARNKLL.— Building Allo'monti for Snlo in . Gibraltar Terrace, with due view of Domain, 25s per foot; also, St. ueo: go's Hay Road, 25sper foot; Hriehton £2 por font, ov. rlnoki-g the sea Konct'd, planted with fruit trees, &-c. -P9fi()— Vincent-street, for Salo on .v^uv very easy terms. -PKA()— Largo now llouso for sale on Poncv<j\j\j BonD y Road, with Three Allotments 100 x 21)3. Splendid view. MOUNT ST. MAKY.-Will finished Fivoroomed Cottago for sale. Two a lotmentu, two frontayea, two tanks. Splendid view of harbour, IJONbONBY.—«ix-roomed Housj and largo JL uilotincnt lor calo. Termscau UeuniniKoil. I'rico, GlB5. DUUJKY.-225 acres 1 nnd for snie, haf a mllo from Drury; well watered; good soil, partly cleared, and sown with mixed grasses. £1 Ih por aero. X'VIU)— JCight-rooii ed House, oil" Newton cv-iuv Koad, tor hivlo; verandah buck and front. Kmhj t.'rms. / -\ UNUIiY'S I'ADI.'OCIC—Now itoiiHiof llvo \X rooms, Boullory, and workshop fo>- wule. Ci/vnlen, film view, fre. On vrry eioy imms. j»ooiv—Sovon-roomod llousq in Newton Hoad 'i-''-' for Halo; every conveninuco: llnovli-w. House for ualo (brick), cOOUU W !,iiin ten minutes of 'lie Ui.ion Hunk; lain on. J?.>jr,—Hive-roomed Houno for Salo In NowcUlj4U ton, witli outhouses; two allounents planted. Uoot* viow. Uh'.«UKllA.— Sixteen Acres Land fort'alo; tine view of I'aci-O:uise. Ka>y terms. mo .MAKKICT GAItUENKKS.—SmaII Farm JL to let, with povrn-roomud House, 1 miles from Auckland, on Great Nortn tvond, and a'so (.08 o^s-.'S iVntcr frontago; orchard and largo IJANMUIIK.— FINE FARM of 102 aores for ri.-ili) ; a'l in gni"»; volcanic soi:. Sevenroom. (I Ilmim, Siablos, (Jowgheda, &c. Tho best Dairy barm in iho province. iLHKKT PAHK.—Several Lpaaohold AUot■/i- inonts for Salo, with flue vi'iws of Domain and harbour. Al v three Villu Uesiduncca. QTOKitS'd POINT—SiiHiII KarniH for Sale, unImproved and partly In.proved, on eaay termsP.VIiMH alfio for Salo at Hunun, Mount JCdon, 1 Waikomlti, Itiehinonil, Komokoriki, Mauporo, I'arenioromo Koa Tamakl.Htoki's'a Point, Walta-kerui, llondurßon'u Clock, Papiuoitol, Rumuera, Cambridge,, Little v <m<i Hig Omaha, Karioi, ltlvcrhettii, IJornii.giido, Muhurungl, W'alnul, Oomaru, Arurimu, Uoromandol, Mercury Hay, Okulhn, North Shore, Owhjwha, Jtay.orbank, I'iiuukura. «.v.c Alho, boo list In iVciu SaUanA lUraid unil MVc.'../;, V«im. CUAS.WILL I A M S O N, K3TATIC AUiiNT, Vuloan Lanje. Musical. J U S T 11 EOE;l VX D] TIIIC ' ZICALANDIA POLKA MAZURKA" AND "HISRTIIA WAI/IZKi" (Composed by T. E. Tikkiu.i,). AIITII UII E A 1)Y, AUCKLIM) MUSIS WARKHOUBK, 74, CJUKKN-STIIKKT. riMlr. NEW '/.K l,"Sl> MAUAZIN£. J. Containing Pori'r.Ait and • 'tandauu St)MJ.-i and IIKUKf, ETO, ■ CONT XN T S O F N <>. 1— 1. Tom Howling iFavourito !-"P'i - ong), Dibdon 2. Grandfathers <- lock, 11. (.'. Work 3. brown Kyes c:(i"c tlm H'lm ow, liosabel i. Kiithleen of Kilkonny, Milliard 5. BoinuMxlyV Coining whtu iho Dewdrops Fail. Maey (!. Johnny -Morgan (Popular Comic Song), Fitclio't 7. The " Times" (Polka), F. Hand 8. Grandfather's iiomo •Comonnlon song to OrandfuihiT'B f!oek), F. Went i). We aroTwolloviugAlliißUvlHiniiOt), i'airy 10. Me Jor!oy'B Twins (Comic), Phillips 11. Still I Lovo Thee, Lockwood 12. R;ury o; ArK)'le, Nl-Uiud CO N T X N T S O F NO. Z— I. Thy Fairy Wediliti;; (Walizl. .1. VV. Turnoi '}. Moui.tan li'lll i-hottis- he). Kinkel 3. Blue D.-inub' (Waltz), Str.iiipa 4. Still Time Own, J. 1(. 1 hoiiiaa 5. When tho tireen Leaves Como Ai,rnin, Sir H. liishop C. ninmenheii, Lango 7. Wuiilny, 11. Millmr.l S. Gipsy's VVarning, i.'oard 1). Won't yen liuy my Pretty Flowers, Persley 10. Qur-en of tho Night, Thomas 11. Ah! Never doom my lore can change, J. It. 'I homas. 12. Little Suowwhite Ulossonis, C. A. Wliito .SOLE AGENCY— \UCKLA>D VrUSIO Ay-AREHOUSK, QUKKN BTItEET AND VOICAN LANK Auckland iyr usi c ! WAUEIIOUSK, 74, (JUli EN■ ST R K*K T, (A. KADY, Manaßor), IMPORTERS OF PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN OKGANS, HARMONIUMS, And at varieties of Musical Instruments, HAVE TH'-C LALtOKST AND HKST-SKLKCTKD &TOOK Of JJi SIC to bo found in Auckland, which is supplemented every mail by Novelties eolected bj our Loudau agent. BU ASS, HICK!', WIND, AND STRING instruments A Jarre Supply of SJPKRIOB VIOL N Si UlNOSjust to hand. A UCKLAND MUBIC WAKKIIOL7SK, 71, QUii«X-3TRFKT. A. Eady. NKW AND I'OPULAK MUSIC. 'I hy Fantv—Marriott Silver CMtp—Adama Rviiiumb-ir or l'"orgot— Aido Uoldon ■• -horc--Hatly Clioristor—Sullivan clang of th'< VVoodon Khoon— Molloy Twickenham tfcrry—Marzlals Tin) Lund of Long A:, i-—J.'oloros Only to Sco Thoo—Campanu. Far Away where Angels Uwcll—lilumonthu. Darby nnd Joan-Molloy licdouin I. no Song—PlnEUt Apart—Gutty When Thou art. Near—Sullivan Living I'ooins—Sullivan St. Agnes Kvo—Sullivan Sleep, My Lovo—HnUlvan Distant chore— fc-ullivan Lllo—Blumonthal A Loiter—lilumonthal lirown Kjeßor liluo Kly>;B—Aido (J, TaUe Mo to Thy Heart Again—Balfo Nancy Loo—Adams Carisuama —Portot A Warrior Bold—Adaiim Thorns and lioses— ~ Tar's Farowoll— „ liluo Alsatian Mountains—Adams Tho Ono I Love—Adams Alone on the, Shore —Aido Angels arc Watching—Abt Tho Lover's Warning—Aido Let Me, lJreari) of Happy Days—Aida Tho OM i ovo and the New—Cowon titorminj.: tho Breach—liucalosai Once by l.h» Biookside—Swift A Sailor's Wooing—Rockel V Love of Mine—Morley Three Bailor Boys—Marizlola I'd Dare c'en death to Voti—Piuaut lonely ia the, Dawn -l'inautl Jn Shadowlami—Piusuti Heavi ns Choi istor—Piusuti Uiisohlrka—Pliisntl Still VW.tern Hun Deep-Pinsuti Smilo and Hid Mo Livo— If—l'innuti Tlie Old Sweet Story—Gaily True to the Knd—Gatty Do You Keini inber?—Claribcl Just Sixty Years Ago—Cotsford Dick ; Olh in—i'olKford Dick It was a Dream—Cowen iiaiis^acha-lierßor ; Lived nnd Lo-t—Mnllor I Golden Dream—Barri j VII Sjioak to You—Frndericku Hero Stands a Poot-Ixtvy I }L.>u-,t Ciii-u-iilKo—^orf.'utto 1 A Draauu Wiihin it iuvam—l'orn.i &0. &0f

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3081, 5 March 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3081, 5 March 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 3081, 5 March 1880, Page 4


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