Land and Estate Agents, pHA S. XT/" ILLIAMSON, HOUSE, LAND, AMD ESTATE AGENT, 3, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. RENTS and INTEREST Collected. MONEY Invest, d for Capitalists on first-class securities, without Chakuk. Si.yen per cent, allowed on deposits until invested. MORTGAGES and LOANS Negotiated. SHARKS Bonght or Sold to order. ESTATES Managed for Absentees. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE, AT PER FOOT:— West-street, 21/ Duke-street. 30/ • Wellington-street, __i Parnell Rise, £1 Richmond Road, 25/ Collingwood-stroet, £1 Grattan-str-cot, 12/ Edwin-street, 21/ Sussex-street, 20/ King-stroot, 20/ Prospect Terrace, 27/G George-street, £1 Randolph-street, 10/ Victoria-street, £10. \Vyndham-Btroet,£lolo/Kybcr rnss, 80/ William-street, CO/ Mrafton Road, 70/ Short-street, £9 Berasford-stroot, 50/ Napior-strect, 20/ Nelson-street, 10/ Crrr-ran-stroot, 25/ England-street, 10/ Newton Road. 15' Union-street. 20/ Franklin Road. 70/ Day-street, 50/ Blake street, 17/ Viii"-strcot, 10/ Ireland-street, 35/ Shelly Beach Road, 30/ Vincent-street, 75/ West Nowton. 25/ Pitt-street, 00/ Sheohan-street, 15/ Ai-Kle3ea-strcet. 30/ Liverpool-street, 40/ Hackett-strest, 25/ Lincoln-street, 17/0 Uppor Queen-street, 70/ Prospect-street, 15/ i Conquest Place, 30/ Norfolk-street, 25/ Also, in various other streets at low rates. -POfinn TO LEND, in Hums of £5 and up3JAVVV wv ,(i 3 , on goo,] Hcom-ity (.-.orr—C MEoRTABLE HOUSE In Newton *I'JI for ralo. Excellent well, uni-ilen, *c. -yOI-UNTEkR LaND SCRIP FOR SALIC. Po_,{\.— NEW HOUSE, five rooms, for Sale, X-jOO ne . u . Ponsonby Hall; garden, &c. O.C.K.- OOMFORTABUO NEW HOUSE, ,_C/-_-_-<J Gundry's Paddoek,-Newlou, for Sale; pur-den. &c. rilO MARKET GARDENERS.—A few acres .1, of land to louse for- a term of years; three miles frcm the city. -Plfifi'-NEW FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE for 3_.__UU g a j 0 at Mount Eden; allotment, 71 x 119. View unexcelled. Easy terms. PANMURE— FINE FARM of 102 acres for Salo ; all in grass; volcanic soil. Sovcnroomed House, Stables, Cowsheds, &o. Tho hest Dairy Farm in the province. _q , ./..—NEW Four-r-oornod Houso for salo *'•*■ iv near tho Three Lamps, Ponsonby; water laid on. ji-inK,-FOUR-HOOMKD HOUSE, near tho X>_LUJ Turkish Baths, Queen-strcot, for sale. p. <_*n-—FIVE-ROOMED Houso for Salo oil' X/ 100 Franklin Hoad; Garden, well, &c. J?1 nn.—Four-roomed House for salo In Now3JLVV ton _ Garden, &c. JC/v-Two roomed Houso for salo. Good allotxo° ment. XfA KrV— Large now Horrso for salo on PonSJtOV so ,iby Hoad, with Three AUotmonts 100x161. Splendid view. _ , TVIORNINUSIUE. — New Horrso and largo -LV- L Allotmont for-Sale, opposite tho Weslcyan Church. Prico, £350. £200 can remain on mortgage , , . jOiyrjK.— New House, livo rooms, for sale in M&IO OuUo street. Two verandahs, tank, woll, garden, workshops, &c. j?i p.-iR WEEK.—Liirgorioven-voomed House ■*"'■'• for salo in excellent condition ; ten minutes' walk from Union Barrk. No deposit required. _ pqkA—Now Sovon-rooinetl Houso for salo in AOJ" Parnell. Corner Allotmont. Hoautlful view. Also, Five-roomed Houso at £330, Bird Six-roomed House at £100. ,\ LBERT PAliK.—Sovor-al Leasehold Allot- ■"• ments for Sale, with lino viows of Domain and harbour. ALo three Villa Residences. necf.— Six-rcomed HouiO for sulo .near Ka+/OOU rangalrapo Road. Gai laid on. Detachod Wash-house, Stable, Fowl-house, &o. Golden back and front, fine view of wator. JJoKA—Five-roomed House and ilvo allot; SjJiOK) moots, for Salo, off Wood street. riItAFTON ROAD.-Four Houses for Salo W near tho Bowling Green. Terms can bo arranged _ .. , __• . r>o . n—Four-roomed Houso in Weat-atreet, dJAQV Newton, for Salo; also adjoining Allotmont for salo very cheap. CTOICK.S'3 POINT—Small Farmß for Salo, un- £> improved and partly improved, on easy terms. ..npft— New Four-roomcrl Houso on Nowton <t4OU Road. Good view. TPONBON B V—Several Houses and vacant L Allotments, largo and small, for Salo lv this rising diatrict. HARMS also For Sale at llunria, Mount Eden, -^ Wnikomiti, Itichmoml. lvomokoriki, Manpere, Pnremorcnio.Ea-.t '|-umaki,Ktol_i, s's Point, Waitakcrei, llcndc.rson'n Creek, Papatoitol, Rcmui-ra, Camhridgo. Little and Big Omaha, Karloi, Kiverbead, Morningside, A.alnirangi, Walnut, Onmaru, Ararimu, (,'oromandol, Mercury Hay. Okaihu, North Shore, Owhiwha, Itazorback, Papakura, «.-o. Ali-o, sco list in New Zealand Ilraid and Weddy News. ALLOTMENTS BOUGHT and HOUSKS BUILT for Working Men ou Applying to CIIA S. WII.LIA MSO N, ESTATE AGENT. Vulcan Lane. X> C. G R X E N W 001) JL\JO AUCTIONEER, HOUSE, LAND, and ESTATE AGENT, Market House. 17.011 PAL"". S acres of Rich Volcanic Land fenced with stono walla, together with fourroomed Cottage, &c.; garden. Land well watered, nnrt' silrnted 2} miles from town (Mount Roskill); 1 acres of this land is of tho richest volcanic land, frco from stone, and very suitable for a garden. Price, £150. I/ORSALK. IS acres volcanic Land, closo to A town, together with four-roomed house, stable, &o. Lirid all in grass, and well watered. Very ohcap. Price, £li.'io, IriOß SALE, a Soveu'roomcd House, with outbouao, kitchen, wash-house, with coppor, stable, and over halt an acre of shrubbery a"d garden ; situate In St. Mary's Road, Ponsonby, corner of Haokctt-Btrect, Ha-> a tea frontago; g<>3 laid on, &c. Price. £550; very cheap. Teams easy—£loo caah ; bolftnce as agreed. FOR SALE, a Cottago In Nanler-streot; has 15 years leaso to run at £0 per annum; now lot at 7s per week, Prico for remainder of loaso, £33. I?0\l SALE, a very good Farm of 100 acres, 1 12 milcH from town l>y good roads, or 10 miles by cutter. Has creek and sea frontage: 5-roomoi cottage, 2 Hall'd stable, cowsheds, Blo^k-yarda, «re.: is mostly laid down in grass. 'Bus passes tho faun tix times a week. Prico, £550. Terms very cr..y. 17<OR SALE, the Freehold of a Country Hotel, doing a good trade, and let to a good tenant. This is a capital investment. Prico low. 17TOR SALE, near town, a Superior Groomed Houso. with slato roof, and over lOacres of good laud, all laid down in grass. Capital outbuilding!, &c. Prico £1,100. Terms very easy. ITtOR Immediate Sale, a very Superior Farm : of 35 ucres ot rich volcanic 8011, all in tho heft of grass, sub-divided into nino or ton paddocks, by stono walls ; Bix acres of orchard and garden, completely stocked with tho boat fruitbearing trees: never-failing sbring well, with force-pump, besides a running stream throrrtrh tho land. Seven-roomed Cottago, 3 utall'd stable, barn loft, cowbalcs for 11 cows, pix-sty. &.c. Three miles from town by good road, aud prico £1,000. This property is very cheap, and well adapted for a dairy form. Terms very low —£300 caah, balauco may remain! at 8 per cent por annum. 1?OR SALE, a comfortablo Five-roomed Cotta.4o and flvo acicß of good land, all In cultivation; grass, and orchard, and garden, &c: good stable, sheds, well, &c.: six miles from town by good 'bua road. Prico, £275. ITTOR SALE, on tho New North Road, euitablo for working men, tho following Cottagos: - 3-roomed Cottage and over quarter acre garden, £C 0: 1-roomod Cottago and over quarter aoro garden, £95; 1-roomed Cottago and allotment, 50x100, £135. Alpo several Aero AUotmonts of rich volcanic land, at Mount Albert. Terms very easy. TpOR SALE,N.P.W.of Lot3o.parish Marorotu -^ good Land; 60 acres. Prico, 7s 6d an acre. Weekly payments takon. "IfOR SALE, -10 aorca good Land, parish Oamaru. -1- Price, 10s an aero ; weekly payments takon. TjiOß SALIC, 300 acres of rich bush Land in a ■*■ Kood diatrict surroundod by settled fanners. Price, 12s Od an acre. * IjlOR SALE, Kin acres of kauri and othor tim- • bcred land, with river frontago and creek through Iho centre. Prico, 12s Od an acre. "IJU'R SALE, near town, ono or two gontlo- ■*- men's residences: must bo seen to bo appreciated ; every facility given to intending purchasers, rind no trouble spared in showing tlio properties. TTiOU SALE, tho Papakura Mill. Mill Hontto - L 2 Cottages, and 0 acres of good Land with deep water frontago and running Btrcani thiangh it, close to tlio Railway Station, and fronting tlin Great South Hoad This property ii well Worthy the notice of Millers, Tanners. Wool-staplers, and othois, and will bo sold a bargain or let for a term at a nominal rent with a purchasing claim to any ouo wishing to common.;.! business. j^Olt SALE, 5 miles from tho Lake, North ■*- Shore, a ffarm of nearly 300 acres; a good portion flat alluvial soil, having a milo frontago 10 a deep water creek, other-portion fern land, with a littlo bush. baß a frontago to tho sea, and a F-liebercd buy; conveniently situated for a Homestead: is surrounded try thriving settlers, and is easy of access by good roads or by cutter of 20 or 30 tons. Price, £350: tnrniß: £50 cash, £50 in six months, £50 in twclvo mouthß, and so on. or easier if required. ■J^OR SALE, a largo and Superior Farm in the - 1- Waikato, 3 miles frontago to the river and close to Railway Station; largo and convenient f>imily residences, Farm Horrso, Cottago, Bakery, Barns, Sheds, Stables, Stockyards, &c, &c; some hundreds of acres under cultivation and laid down in grass ; plenty of wator and ferrcing. On tho the property hundreds of acres ready for tho plough, and as the land is mostly flat is well adapted for tho use of machinery, thereby saving labour; miles of livo thorn and other fencing. &c, &c. Particular attention is called to this Farm, as its position is such as to onsuro a ready sale to any man with means and common sense. Mortgages negotiated; Insurances efFooted. Terms: On commission or othorwiso, as per agreement. Offlco. Market House, Queen-street. ■ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. PUI.VKRMACHER'S GALVANIC CHAIN BANDS, Fok thk Speedy and Effectual cuke of Neuralgia Sciatica Indigestion Nervous Debility Rheumatism Liver Complaint Paralysis Lumbago and those infirmities resulting from impaired Vital Enorgy, consequent on various excesses, arc approved by L'Academio do Medicine, Paris; Tho Royal College ot Physicians, London; The Imperial Faculty of Vionna; Sir C. Locoelr, Bart.. M.D.; Sir H. Holland, Bart., M.D., F.R.S.; Sir Wm. Fergusson. Bart., F.R.S.; Sir J. R. Martin, F.R.C.S, F.R.S.; Dr. D. Sleveklng, Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, &,c„ &c, &c. This is a fair samplo of tho numerous voluntary testimonials:—" Paralysis and Loss of SPKEOH,—Wood-street, Brompton, October 29, 1871.—Some months ago I wroto to you about a patient of mine rmil'ering from Paralysis of both Lowor Extremities and Loss of Specoh, and for whom the usual medical treatment seemed of no rißo. You furnished him with two of your Bands, and by steadily persevering in thoir use tor three or four months ho hxs quite recovered his speech, a^d almost entirely his power of locomotion. I enclose a copy of a letter written by the man himself, expressing his gratitude— Edward Henuy Hugo, L.X.C.P.Ed., M.R.O.S, ting.. L.S.A. London.—J. L., Pulvcnnachor and Co., 16S, Kcgont-street, W." Agent fob New Zealand : A I C X I N, THE PHARMACY Queen-stbebt,
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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2924, 28 August 1879, Page 4
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1,733Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2924, 28 August 1879, Page 4
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