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Land and Estate Agents. ASH TON AND SOJN, o HOUSE LAND, & K3TATK AGENTS. 8, Nkw Zealand Insukanck Bpildings, Qujckn-strAt, Auckland. FOR SALE. NEWTON WE3T.—Three Cottages, with Fivo Allotments, all well fenced; with frontages to two good roaris. Each allotmont 33ft. by over 100 ft. Two good wells on the property. ONEHUNQA.—S acres oi' flrst-chwslund, with Koud ,Six-ivomed Cottage, good well, orcnard,. and f»ardoD^withia five minutes walk of the railway station. i I ' - MOUNT KDKN. — Four-roomed Verandah Cot age, with largo Allotmont, soourcly fenced, and will plinted. In flrst-class order, and every convenience. ■ .i NEW NORTH ROAD.—Largo well-built Hottag(3, only recently erected upon, a large allotment 50 x 200, with every convenience. Only tlirco minutes walk from tnc railway station. S'i'ANLEYSTKKKT. — Building Allotments on easy terms. GHaPTON ROAD.—ComHortablo six-roomed Verandah Cottage, with large allotment and good{well. Bnildinu; Allotments in Kyber Pass and Mount Kdroi Ro*ds. PARNELL—Two Cottago on freehold allotment. £350. A i'irnvy-ood Business lnj'tho City,,' With largo freehold allotment, stuain-.engine and boiler, ■Office Btftblca, ehodß, and loft, in good working ortfor, and doing a good business. STOKES' POINT — lv aores nloso to tho Churcn, with frontage to main road. DttVONPOUT, Norths Shore—An 8-roomcd Hoiibb, with boat-shed, &c, allotment 3S feet frontage to Beach Hoai. Price, £400. UPPKH QUlSi'-N-STRBET (City) — Businesa Site, suitablo cither for Privato Kesideuco3 or BUBincaa Premises. Price, £7 per foot. STOKKS' POINT, North Ohoro-51 acres of Laud. Prico. £3 10s per aero.. S'l'OKHS' POINT - Building Sites in this favourite locality, suitablo lor privato residences or business px'emißes, situated oSposite.tho hotel' and Denby's storo. ICasy terms at low prico. ! JONaoNBY.-A-,Good Building. Allotmont," KaRANGAIIAPIB ROAD—Valuablo Freehold Proport with buildings creotcd thereon Urnt-rato site- tor largo Family Hold. ALBHiKT-STllijiiCT, Oity—UriekCottOKO, with vorandah. good'woli,i aud ,t\v.o freehold allotments. ,-, KP3oM—Vpry nico Seven-roomed Cottage, with jtfvrden, &.c. ONICHUNGA.—Seven-roomed House, with thrco allounenta, near the Parsonage. PONSONBY ROAD.—A'-well-MnisheoFamlly Rcaidonco. with slated roof, well fenced and planted with ornamental traos, all in llrstrato onlor. 'Busses pass ovory qunrter-of-an-hour. WANG Ait-.1—200 acres Good Land. JIAItaDKN.—«S acres Uniniproved Land. NOHTH SHOKB.—I7O aei-es o£ Good Land, with long lrontak'O to tho beaoh. . NAPiICU-STltlCKT—Bulldicg Allotmont. TO BK LEX :— ALBKRT-STREET.—Larjrp Allotment, suitabli.' lor manufacturing busincus, for heaao i'or a term. Honßo,:with large .garden and'PacMocks.'.Fonsonby tio:vfl.» f" ', 'J WANTED—SmaII Col.taßes for Sale. H. AJSUTOJN & MOW, IToubo, Landi and-JCatate Asjcntfl, 8. Now Zealand Insurance TSuildinßß. Estate Agunt and Valuatok, yuKKH-STKBKT, AUOKLAND. MONEY LKNT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON jtfRST - CLASS SECUKITIHIB,',Qfti IN- ' VKSTICU IN BANK, INSURANCE. .OH OTHER SHARES. NO CItAKQE TO LENDEh OK INVBSTOR. 0917 (\ ACRK -FARAf, with larao seaboard O£iiv> frontaKO.—Mostly good land; well suited i fora cattlo run, or for any gentleman wanting ■grounds fcr hunting, fishing, and bouting purpoaos, combininß buainuss with pleasure. Prise, £1,bu0.-—J. M. Lonnox, ICatato agent. , ipOu SALK'ta Bargain).—A llrst-claes TTarm 1 of 250 acros in tho Waikato, with IIouso; Orchard, &c. Price, £650.J-J; 'M. I^jnnox, Kstato agent. ■pOR SALE.—A flrst-olasa Farm of COO acres, X with river frontage south of Auckland.— Prico, £1,900.— J. M. Lmmox, Katate attent. PUKiHI UUsiH.—2o3 acres at Jlongonnl, a. largo portion of which is Puriri Bush, Prico, £150.— J. JH. Lennox, Kstato "agent. c*oki\.— Five-roomed Cottage, in Pagct-Btreo% , cv-j.ju W ith largo freonold allotment, 60 x 1). —Price, £250.— J. M. Ijonnox, Kstnte aKont. -P 1 on.—L'ottaga and large Allotmont, 60 x 100, *IOU in tho city. Price, £180.—J..M. Lennox, Kstato Agent. MOUNT KDKN.—IS Acron, partly in prrass, with BmaU House Price, WOO.'-J. M. Lennox, liututa Agont. .. .. . RKMUERA.-A innKniflccKt Building Site ot 8 acres, in this charming district. • Prico, .t;!il)i). Can bo sold in Ipts to buit purchasers.—J. M. Lennox, Kstato Aucnt. PONSONHY. ft Bari?a.ln).—U acres, with froittase to tho main road,: with two Cottages erected thereon ; about, two acres oC strawberry gardens. Price. £1.250.—J M. Lennox Kstato Agent. TO Farmers.—for Immodiato Sale, a Earm in 'th.V rising district of. Mangerq, a few .miles from the biWKc. There aro 130T acres. This' JKarm will bo sold a bargain, us tho owner is about to leave tho district.—J. M. Lennox, jißt'ito agent. PONSONBY — A Fino Property near tho Hotel.—J. M.Lennox, Kstatoagent. PiTon—Slx^roomea Oottugiiand freehold allot£,avv men tj n Purnell.-J. M.Lennox. SUBURBAN Residence and 5 acrea of froo hold, good orchard, Rcsldcnco containing C rooiriß. Price, £600.— J. M. Lennox. r~l LE>f BUHN-AChoice Bosidenoo, with lofty, VT imd spacious'rodins.|\Tho gi'dunds aro laid out with ornamental ana fruit trees. TheKosldonco commands a magnificent view of tho harbour and surrounding country. Price, £050. J. M. Lonnox, Estate agent. T^ARM'Of 215 aerea, 60 , milefl South of Auch J? land,- about 1Q railea.ftom the railway orchard, Kinlou, - and, about IUO aores In groas. Price, £5 per acre.—J. M. Lonnox. , , ~., VlLljA r KSBHJENCE. — Orio ot Wift most Bountiful Villas in .Reinuora fos sale, with 5 acres of f ret'liold. This choicn property Is near tho Beach.—J. M. Lonnox, R'atato agent. r>o r A—Eight-roomed Resldetieo, woll finished XiO.<>\> 'and. fitted «p with ovory convenience, inalurting a good well of water, frobhold pilot: m"nt 33 x 100.—J, M. Lonnox, Kstato anont. n-fCA—Fonr-rfomed Cottage and freehold *J-JU ollo)jiwivt in Parnoll. Terras cosy,—J. M;.Lennox. Kstftte agont. ■ - . ' ■ ~ -PA RR—TIIR.-JC Cotiaptcg,with largo freehold **",» nllotmeht and good wMI, situated ii» tho heart'of tho oity. for. 278 per week; Price £155. A firat-rlass investment.—J. M.Lonnox, Estato agent. 01 Q< I—Three-roomed TIOUSIC and freehold jj.\-O\j allotment in Alexandra-street. Prico, £130.—. T. M. Lennox, Ksiato iigent. Ij^ARM of 375 acres, with Hbuso, Stabling, all fenced. Situated only 13 miles from the oity. Price, £7 por adre.—J.. M. Lonnox.. Pol k—COMMODIOUS 7-roomod Reßldonco *"?-Lt f -intiioaieartof t,heo,ity; torgolroehold allotment:—JiAf. l^nnos.'Kstfcto agent •■■"'»,: 171RANKLYN*ROALI— A beautiful Villa 80- --. sldonce, with freehold allotment, having a frontttgoOf 183 feet to Franklynxßoad. 'PWce, £1)50. Gas laid on, and ovoi^convonieneo —J. M. Lonnox, ICatate agent. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE in tho rlninß district of Mount Kdpn. with 6J ncres oC froohold, part of which is laid out in ornamontol treus and shrubs. . Price, £750.— J. M. Lennox,. . T» KWWN-S'rKBKTu Poiisonby—Lotlßli' Price Jj £35,-J. M. LenuQx. -* WAKKr/KLD-STEKftT.-^A'ferioipirirtiolmhfe Mr. Hobbg'B, with freehold allotment. Price. £350.—3. M. Lennoxi KBtatfeftgont. WELLINGTON-STREET (a bargain)— Two , detached' Housed,, with; large freehold allotment Prico, £250 tho two.—J. M. Lennox. 0 YMONJ)BS'I!KKKT k 4-B'or Sate,- two attached (p Housob, with froohold allotment, in a good powlfion. Prloe, £2CO. Torms very easy.—J. M. Zionnox. Kstate agent. , «r For IldnicS.-JfWttW, 'anA''Allotments, soo m/ long advertisement in " Woekly llorald." J. M. LENNOX, .'M't'ES*ATBf AdKNT;IAuCKtAND, }VAS\V> |1 OR S A L -*. -(0H E A P)FOr Sale, at Ponsqnby, ;a>. KOOd and woll-hullt i four-roomed Cottage, with vorandah back fMKI front, aood woll, andfrenhold ! allotment;. 49 x lOOrt.; alsb'a'larffO Build- . ing, suitable for stable or workshop. f For Ealo, a oonifortablo four-roomod Cottage '• at North Shore; good well, pump, and . -■.»r.fJ Vo?f-vP^fif : - l S?f?Tl9I*fßflSf7*?Stt ftiS'S?1?/ : For Sale, 1319 aorqs good Land, fronting to tho' Thames Biver, will bo sold really oheap. For-Snio, ii really good and well-finished foocroomed House, on corner allotment 103 by 102 ft., situated on South Nowton. For Sale, 760 acres Good Land, 11 miles from For • Srilo," ISOO-obfoa-'.-Flrat-'olasH Land,: with vory oxtonsivo water frontage, and only 12 milos from town by a good road. , For Sola, a Beautiful Island ea 100 dorea, good ! land, 12 milos Irom town by water. For Shlo, 1050 aores v«ry. riob. Land, with good 1 Ilousd and Buildings upon it, partly .funeed, and a portion in grass.; aboutSQ : miles from towri; either byroad or wato iO aces at Pukeatua. lot 276. 80 acres, lot 20, at Tokatoka. '" 5000 acres Matumaoho, Piako. i 220 acres Good Land, Lot 118, on tho Ea - Crock, Mahurongi ! ,40 aoroß atrPukoatua, Lot 10 .., ~ ~..,., ; '99 aoros, HDtoa Block, Pariah of Oru^whiri> and Paklrl, Lot 69 ' 98 acres, Parish of Te Papa, Cook's County, Lot 281 IXI,I/,: W 40 aorea. Parish of Walrau, County Marsden, Ix)t26 , . . 2881 aoreß; Okanu Blook, Parish oi Aropohue' Lota 02, Xi, 01, and M ~ —Apply to ' JOHN SOPPHIT, - No. S, Qaeon-street* English Advertisements. ■ tiiKdi'i;'; ''!■«■ ■'!'..' ».l ■ HOLLOWAY f PILLS. THE GKEATKST WONDER OF , i; ,j , ; MODERN TIMES. . ~ , i;k! Long experience has proved these famour romodtoa tip be-most effectual in curing eithoa the dangerous irialadies or tho slighler complaints which are more particularly incidental la ths life of. a miner, or tnp^e llvine in the pqsh. " Occasional dosss of these Pills will guard the aystem against those evils which so often beset the human race, vi —Coughs, colds, and disorders of tho livor and stomach—tho frequent orerunners of lev dysentery, diarrhcßa, andr olerai:', ;>■ ■ f-f ■:.■.■=" ,-- -•, I "-' HOLL'OWAY'S OINTMENT Is the most effectual -remedy tor scalds or vrounda,, ulcers, ' rheumatism, and all skin diseases ; in fact, when used according to the yrintod directions it never fails tp, (jt^a alUfO' deop and stipipficl'■■■ fjimaatar■• ■ ■ • ' ■■■■'.' Q?hese Medicines may Be obtained from all Teßp6otable Druggists andStorekeepersthroughout the civilißod world, with directions for ÜBe ; n ahnost every lamguaga l •"'- ■ > They aro prepared only by the Proprietor THJMAS HOLLOWAY, 6 Oxford-street London. _*-*.»»--—-~v^-.('jO/vTiaii»rfAJia that, mayemanate, i

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Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2845, 10 June 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2845, 10 June 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume X, Issue 2845, 10 June 1879, Page 4


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