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Wanted. WANTED, a few Boys.—Apply to > team liopc Worltp, Ponsouby. ■\T7"A*MTBI>, n. Short-hr.nil Reporter I r H tho"Kvnlng Post," Wollliw'ton. P'-i----nvinent cinpiovnuii i.. On'y a Uioroauhly.rißclent and. fitoady men need apply to Jilmidcll i UiOB v _ _ j, W'ANTE!>, Bnsliineu and u'hem to j ' know that every pair of Watertight I Boots make by W. BrewiihiU, 15ii, (jiitieu-stritpt, I Auckland, are stamped " W. nnnvuhiH" ou tho Upperd WANTED, a rcaj.cetal.ile for the Benoh.—T. and H. Heath, Uoot ami Shoo Depot, Upper iSyinonds-sireel. W~ANTISD', a res^ct^deniJoyr-^Appiy '■ to W. Loys, iioolibinclcr and Pupcrruler, next to the Stah oflico. WANTED, all thinking People to read this:—Brown Marone and Slate French Merino, at 2s and 2s Cd poryard; Handsome Ostrich Feather«, from Is Bil ouch, splnndiil value; all Wool I'lai'ls, Is Gd and Is Ud per yard; Boys' Oxford Sbirts, :!s 6d each, vary fashionable: Shirting, 4Jd per yard; Hood Coloured BlnnkotF, 7s Gd per pair; Men's Coloured Blurts, from la (id each; Tooth BroshoSt 3d each Ladies' Kink Collars, 4d each; Vallonscieno Lnce, Id por yard, or !)d per dozen; New Wools—FingoriiKr, Id per plrein: Korlin Wool, it\ per dozen; White Cotton Socks), 2d per pair, whieli is id per pair chcapor than any other house in town; Girls' nnd Ladies' Whito Stockings, fid per pnir; Glyceriuo .Soap, Sd per bar, or 3d per cake; Men's Brown Cotton Socks, 'lid per pair; Hair Pins. Jd por box; Silk Sun Shiidos, very cheap ; Brown Windsor Soap, 2d per cako; Now make of ladies' Dr'as-holdors, 2d, in hotter quality, fid each; Tnnso Trimming, a splendid article, and only Id pur yard : Louk Curtains, (id per yard, or 3s tier pair; rttuir Uuttonf", 2(1 per dozen, worth fully 5d ; White Lawn Handkerchififa, 3d each : La'lies' Scarfs, the best vahio in town, for Is each; Wuu'h BraceH, Is, thfifsu are the 1w..,t, articles in Aurkland for the money; Children's Gartors, "d per pair; Child ion's and Boys' Felt Hats; Mourning Paper, In for five quires; ' Envelopes to match. Other Goods equally cheap.—J. Green, 44. Victoiia-stroet. W~ AN'nsjL* KNOWN, ttiiiijJ.UULLUE la prepared to supply all kinds of Tim- ; ber and other Building Ivluteriala, including Saubss, Doora, Monlrtings, Broad Timber, Hou3o Blocks, Postß, Hails, Hardwood ITellooa, Shafts, Iron Hark and Hluo Gum Laths, Shingles, &c, &c, at the lowest markot price, at his Yards-Cufilom-houso-stroev. AKTED KNOWN, J. Howuen lias for sale tho finest Harmoniums in Auckland, two Piano1-, one AnKlo-Americrn Organ, ono Waters' American Organ, one small 3 stop Harmonium, one 10 stop Harmonium, two splendid Violins, to be cleared ftt grout saci-ifico to mako room for altcratious and new stock.— Shnrt.laiid-streot, WANTED ! WANTED 1 WANTED I ; to SKIjL, cheap, lot oC Jam Jars and Bnttor J;;rs, with J.irin; Spi-ctacles, only Ist per I pair Ky<> Mlnsses. only If. 3d ; lot of Fidoles cheap; lotif Teapots, with Metal l i s, chnari: I llji.i Se's of .Ings, assorted, from 3s (id to 6s Cd p.'.r But; Brown Tenpotß, la to 'in each; Wl'ito ami Gold Cups and Saucers, Is each, 11b per dozen; Cups and Si'iiocrs, Ss 6d per dozen; Smull Cn\m and Saucers, Is fill por dozen; Whito Chambers, only Is; Toil"t Set*, only I'M; ■ Pudding Husins. from 4d U> Is: Toilot Sets, 3d to (irt ; Plates, Us to is Cd per dozen; 30 pets of. i Wii o Di»li Covers, 8i (jd p«r set of C, or Brt to 3s each; 100 boxes Clothes Pegs, only is fid por box of 5 KrOBH, or Js 3d pur gross; assorted Jams. 7s 3d per dozen ; full-weight Candles, only lOd per I'd ; CObuxis of good Tea, 19s per box; Notepaper, S quires for Is; (jood Fens, 8 for Id, or 9d per box; Hlato Pencils, 10 for Id, or 7d per box ; Maids' KM JSoote, only is fid per pair; Children's WhLto Kid Hoots, V to 10 size, only 3s per pair; lot of A ucklanri-niade Leat er liomu, clicap; Klate Pencils, 10 in box. onlyld bux; Boys' Tops, 8^ per fjioas; lot of Vases. cheap; Lemon Peel, luGdpcrlb; Ciirrauis, Jd 1b ; good Kauco, only 7d hoit.lo ; Wire Nails, 3d and Idlb; Holland Black's Tin Matches, Is B<l dozen ; Palmer'^ Tin Matches, is G'i; Bell and Hlack's Plaid Mutches, 7d dozen; Boye' Slatec, from 3d ; Shop Twine, Is3d uer lb.—H. WAITS. Pitt-a trout. WANTED, 20 good Bushman and a Ccok.—Apply .1. If. Criiijr & Co.,Hokiant;n. For further particulai s apply to A. T. Harris, corner of Cook and Vincont-i-.treets. ANTED, a respectable Girl about 15. Reference ivqulii-d. — Mrs Gulliver, Graitan-Mtrect. Ciimphellyillc, Pnnsonby. WAN i nD, a respect.vhle young Gill.—>-.. Welle- loy-itreut WANTED, ii Htnurt Yomi},' Man ; must understand waiting.—St. Mungo Cart, Queen-street. _ ' W" ANTED, (i cfp.-tn" i.clive I'.oy.—W. Bady, 11, City Market. WANTICD, a Strong Lad as Apprentice, ono who has been at tho trade beforo preferred. — Apply lo J. Setter, Newmarket Shoeing Ityrgy. WAN'iiiD, an Apprentice for the jewollcry business.—Mr D. N. Garaicr, 207. ijueen-stroet. _ \i/ANTidD, astrong iioy, about l«,'to > V go to thu Bay of. lulands.—K. Stevenson, Newton Ki>ml. WANTED, Board and ilesidence, with use of front roon;, fora Master Mariner, who purpoes opi'iiing n School for teachiog Nnvigaticin.-Address, G.P.C., Wharf Hotel, yucon-strcet, Auckland. TXJ'ANfEI), immediately, six Pairs Vi Sawyers; hlso boiiio good Squarers.— Shcehan and Fou(?hy, Hclcnsville. WANTED, Dressmakers and Apprentices.—ft. B. ShaHurs and Co. W" ANTED, a Girl about 10, with references. — Mrs C. Palmer. Brick Honso. nbovo Iliilmc Court. Parnell. WAiNTJiD, immediately, a good Frccstono Mason.—J. and G. Buchanan, Wellealoy-strcet. V.i/ANTED, a Young Girl as General V« Servant.—Mrs. 11. W. Slater, Brick Houbo. Vinccnt-streot. WANTED, Membora of the Choi a 1 Society to obtain a copy of " Judas Maccabeas"at Heed's Music Warehouse. FuUsoore, Is tid. Only a few copies left. WANX'ED*, by a Lady, nn Engagement as Honsokeeper or Governess in v family; Waikato preferred.—Address "Beta," oflico of this paper, WA N f E D KNOWN. TO TUABK3MKN. MECHANICS, AND OTHBKS. Monby Ar.vANCRD in Swmb of £2 to £50 ou ppr.-onnl Kocui'ity. ro-payiililo by weekly instn.l--inpnts, at L. 11. NKUMKUKN, Auckland Loan Otlice, l(w (Ju.-.en Ht.,_oppOHiU^Saving3_auiik ; _ W'AWl'ElO', Tliose who wish to spend their money well, to call nnd see my Btnck of Ladies' Hats smi Konncts from Is 6a voch; Flowers from 2d; FcathoiS from Id; a lotof Trimming for Jlals and n.oimeta iiMcps thun cost prii-o; a bjniittul asnurtrnent of Liil-cs Drawers 2s Cd, woitli . r >s tid, oi'by tho hiilUUizen 12j : splcnoid lft of ' shanr-e (;orsets 2' Oil null, or h .lf-dozetiKSs : T.o.rlks' Silk Soi-.rfu, ■1.1:1 each; Lailie:-' Whitj Kid Ulovcs. Js lid; Cleric's Al Crochet Cotto ■, :'s fid por doze-i; Krnitinß Cotton, Is Ud per lb.; Ladies' Whito Sin-kiugs fioin (id; a sp'emlid aasortmint of Ladis'iaid'n Boots and Shoes very ohcapi my Ladies' spriuc-sido K\A Hoots at f« tid and Cs mo going very fast; Boois and Shoes of every description mado to measuro on tho'premises.—John Simpßon, Cheao Lirapary and Boot a;icl Shoo Warehcus^, corner of Albert iindVictoi-iii-strects. .____ WANT'" D Known, Violiii Strings, btot quality.—Kccd's Music Shop, Qucen&lrect. ' ___ WUHKING MEN ! Plenty of Cheap Provi-ions at V. Ilowin and BioUior's. Pigs Jowls, 3d per lb ; the finest flour in Auckland, (is Cd nor 501b biwr; good Hico, 2W; Pickled Salmon, Sa per lb, IJd by the ca>k. Wo have just landed Crushed Lump Sugar, only od per lb ; 100 boxes Fronch Prunes, 7cl per lb, Cd by tho box; CO boxes Persian Dates, only 7d lb, 6a by tho bos. WANTED, "WATSTED, to sell very cheap, iiOO Assorted Men's flats, only 2->. each, worth 4s. ; 50 Onscs of Good Salmon,, only !ld. per tin, Ss'. Gd. per dozen, 7s. Sd. by the case. H. Watt's, Pitt-street. WANTED KNOWN—The undersigned has on hand, a large quantity of White Pine, Ttoinu, &c. Flooring und- Ceiling stuff spooially prepared nt his yards, Cui<too\-h<mse-street, antl at the Thames Kiver Saw Mill.— Kdwin Cakk ____^ W™ ANTED to SELL, 200 281b. tins of Groan Point, at S3 per tiu: 30U Pig's Heads, id per )b.; 20 doz iiosorled Essences at 3s Cd per dozen, or id per bottlo,—ll. Watts, Pitt-street, , \X7OHICINGMBN ! Plenty of pood Tea >» n t V, He win and Brother's, la Ud per lb; (rood Tobacco. 33 (id per lb; splendid Sutmr at Id per lb; No. 1 Company's, 'IJd per lb; full weight Sperm Candles, lOd per lb; Jams,7id per i in. 3s Oil Ilio hiilfi'ozen; Snlmon. 9d per tin, is 3d the half-dozen ; Marmalade. 8d ; good Sauces only (id per botiln ; Dried Apples. 8d por lb, filns for 3s (ia; Drii d Peaches, Od per It), 61bs for is 3d. _ ' WANTEFkNUWN, they are j;oitiK What? Our Ladios' Kid E.S. Boots (pegged). — Colonial Boot and Shop, Markot CornO'1 Ouoen-strnet. WANTED, by a middle-ngcd person,va Situation as Housekeeper; has had great exporienco. Can Rive good rcfoiencts; country preferred — Address for particulars ' Housekeeper," Stak oftlce. ANTED KNOWN, that an Extraordinary Meeting of the inhabitants of. Aupklnnd arid surrounding districts will take place at Mr. Arlhnr's Mart, when a Large Quantity of Unredeemed Pledges will be offered to public competition, on TUKSI>AY, Bth April, at H a.m.—Jamea K«p. Pawnbroker. A YOUNG LADY, accustomed to tuition, is desirous ot obtaining a situation in a private family where the children are under fourteen; she ia qualified to teach the usual branches of a good English education also Music and Ifronch.—Apply "CD.," Stab oftice. • DRESSMAKER.— Wanted, a first-class Assistant Dressmaker; also a first-class Mantlemaker.—Milne and Chnyce. rBTAJLOIUNG.—Wanted, a/good Tailor ; 8. also an Apprentice.—G. Bryott, Tailor, ShorHand-strfiet- p D"~ EESSMAKER.—Wanted, a lust-claas Assistant Dressmaker.—Apply to Mime and^Chojce^ ' ILLINKRS. — Wanted, Apprentices . to the Millinery.—Milno andChoyce. mo DHESSMAKERS.—Wanted a good .1. bend to take over a buaineai in the country. Advertiser resigns from ill health. No payment expected.—J3ox,2l, Post Office, Ngaruawahia. T> AILWAY LABOURERS.— Wanted" «\i 50 good Pick and Shovel Men ; also, eight Qnarrjmen.— *. • ply, at once, on the Works, near Henderson's M'H—Taylor aud Danaher, Vonlrnctor^ / \;.\ itiTE■"li.'v. W aNTE'.', uxfH'i-ienct-d, \.~r aud of st'adv habits,-Apply to Mr. Murdoch, Prospect, I'psom. A RRIVED, PER TAUPO: 680 Backs BRAN . 10 saokBIOATMBAL 7I_CfIKKSE. "

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Auckland Star, Volume x, Issue 2781, 2 April 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume x, Issue 2781, 2 April 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume x, Issue 2781, 2 April 1879, Page 3


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