The Evening Star: WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Evening News, The Morning News and The Echo.
For the cause that acks assistance, For the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do.
The total wreck of-.., the- American steam er Louisiana, in a fog of Magee Island, intelligence of which is conveyed in a Star Special cable dispatch from London published in another column, recals a long list of marine disasters which have recently occurred from similar causes. The island of Magee is situate on the west coast of the County of Antrim, Ireland, between Lough Lome and Belfast Lough, and therefore is approached by vessels bound to Belfast or Liverpool through the North Channel, which varies from 13 to 22 miles' in width from land to land. Vessels from Quebec to Liverpool and Belfast usually adopt this route. The circumstances attending this wreck bear some resemblauce to those which characterised the recent loss of tlie Taranaki 9 In each case the disaster is attributable to the existence of a fog. In the case of the Louisiana the wreck has occurred in all probability from hugging the land too closely, and from neglect ofthose precautions which should be adopted when a fog is encountered at sea.
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Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2710, 27 December 1878, Page 2
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The Evening Star: WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Evening News, The Morning News and The Echo. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1878
Auckland Star, Volume IX, Issue 2710, 27 December 1878, Page 2
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