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We underst and that |the negotiations bctAvecn the G overnment and the Bank of j New Zealand i or an advance of £1,000,000 I are not yet coj oplefced, but are still in progress, Avith eve .y prospect of a successful termination. AYe believe that ; Rowi's object in fixing a future meeting V/ Ltl_ the hon. Dr Pollen at Taupo after the c< mipletion of the harvesting, is to afford tii-nc for a consultation with the Ngatirauk* , W i tvs to tlie settlement of land disputes, an , | the polkw to be adopted m future in rr . ga ri Ito the lousing and sale of land. The Rail at ay Oommfcs;c» now sittiiugis anxious to j, r ooure i\_form.itiou from all quarters, ar ,d j invites countr V settlers and others to cc me : forwar dwith any complaints or suggest) ons. It B iay be hoped that this request will moo _ a hearty response. Those who ha? ro -complained so bitterly but ineffectual !y have iioav a cjiance of having their ,_ ;rh ivanccs promptly dealt with, and if the y neglect the opportunity, future protests ar il 1 properly be regarded as unwarranted gr iv. nbling. Durirjj, the : services at the Church of Englp'nd, Pons< >_ .by, yesterday, the Rev. Mr_ Bree anno v iced that a meeting of parishioners avc ,\_ id be held in' the schoolroom on Wed a.c sday evening for the distribution of p na3S to children attending the Sunday-s jhool. The attendance of parents and f riencls is ahvays a source of much encoura gem out to the teachers, and avc trust, the oj_ore, that there will be ;| strong muster o _ the occasion. A children's service Avillbe.; held at tliree o'clock next Sabbath. Tlie constr n<j_: ion of the uoav Episcopalian church in- XJni on-street is being pushed forward ny ddly. The building, when comj pletcd, Avi i\ he roomy and A\-ell ventilated, [ and. exec .pontly . suited to the requirements .of the di strict. A m atch was fired at the Mount Eden Irifle-ra _o C on Sat urday afternoon betAveen two te arn,s compos ed of Volunteers, for the P'lirpo _« <-y_ testing the relative merits of A\ rhite ar &. black targets, and Avhite and bVaekssig u^g, Capts tin Derrorn superintended thefirio ( ', 'The ra mges Avere 200, 400, and 500 yar ,£' i."*. shots at each range, the 6by 4 feet t-u-o-e.,- Wl^ x the 8 "ICU bull's eve h ill-g uswfatth 'C OO X ard? raU»e A ' and % °' f J targets -ft odher.twq. Any position AA'as° alloAvpd iv nrm S- The white I tai;---. ,v „!,._.' e, a, ' <>i 357 and the black <*f i^wlSrV.^te V^-l-wcd369 a'^ the black 347. _? 'be furniture of the _ y *J r, JT 5? Jf; allace, of Otahuhu will , V "wf ***' vnshin hv \r*n' «,., lii1 ' on Wedw? sd-iv Tt _ , l e°1 *c Sib' * *he event *i Ino donhj p. ? ai' ly ? eW ' an' f ■mL S? Ui} i ?" fcJ w 50tfl0n County el. "f °W f «M tog late, tI_Q fefeiwt behig Aver* o, \

It will be seen by reference to the report of a case heard in the Supreme Court in Chambers to-day,|that the arrest of Mr H. B. Sterndale has been quashed, and he has therefore been liberated from custody.

Mr W. T. Ball announces through the medium, of our advertising columns that he has commenced business as a chemist and druggist at No. '214 Queen-street. Mr Ball is already well and favourably known in Auckland, and he need, only adhere to his expressed determination of supplying "a good article at a moderate price" to rest arisured of a fair' amount-'of public patronage. .. _" - The.liodney races take pl^ce on Thursday next. The Lily is advertised to leave for Mahiirangi on Wednesday at 6 p.m., returni j lg at midnight oh' Thursday, after the dance. The Mahurangi Agricultural Slur rr will be held on Friday next ; the Annie Milbank leaving at 11 a.m. on Tlroa-sday, returning on Friday night after the. concert and ball. The Agricultural limner comes off at 5 o'clock at Mr B refiner's hotel.

A correspondent, Avriting from Te AwanuL, East Cape, says: "Sir, —Some fifteen months ago tlie Government called for tenders for purchasing and boiling doAvn infected sheep in the East Coast district. "Penders Avere duly received, but no tender Avas accepted, for some reason; it has since been put pit'from time to time. The sheep have been allOAVed to run at large since, and between 6,000 and 7,000 perished last year, and others aro still dying rapidly. I think the Government made a great mistake in not accepting the highest tender at that time,as the loss in quantity of sheep, etc., would more than cover the supposed loss in price, besides removing at once the great source of infection from the district-—I am, etc., W. A. Wilson."

A Sydney cablegram of the 17th states that masked burglars robbed a Country Bank on the previous night, of £900.

A new Catholic Church is about to be created at Hamilton East. The church has been designed by Mr White, architect, of Taupiri, and will be plain and commodious, and of sufficient size for the present want of tlie Catholic portion of the community. We learn that the building trade is brisk in the Waikato districts.

The Bca'. J. Sehvyn, the neAvly elected Bishop of Melanesia, avus consecrated yesterday_ at Nelson. The Synod has closed its sittings.

The Engineer and City Band, under the leadership of Mr Impey, Avill perform a number of choice selections of music, this evening, in the Government-house grounds, commencing at 6.45.

Two of Mr Walter's racehorses Avere shipped for the South on Saturday morning per Union S.S. Co.'s s.s. Wellington, which left the Manukau at 11 o'clock.

We learn that some unauthorised person lias been convassinjj the residents in'Ncwmarket for subscriptions to the Stai:. We may state hoAA'over, that there is only one authorised agent for this journal at Ncavmarket, Mr 0. Grice.

A singular accident occurred a feAV evenings ago at the City of London mine, but fortunately no lives Avere lost. As the last truck load of dirt Avas being hauled up, and four men were Availing on the brace to descend for the purpose of relieving the shift underground, a kink in the chain attached to the cage was observed. Mr Hicks, the manager, immediately ordered the empty cage to be lowered just below the clips, so that he Avould be able to reach the kink. Being rapped by the hammer, to the astonishment of all present, the cage fell, but did not stop. Mr Hicks gave orders to " slop the engines " with " stand clear," the clutch was broken. The cage and rope descended rapidly to a depth of 470 feet, and into !) feet of A\*nter. The Aveightof the rope carried the spider round, Avliich Hew into hundreds of pieces, going through the engine house, and scattering avooil and iron to a distance of 400 feet. The damage altogether is estimated at £30. It is supposed the clutch avus fractured, though uuperceived, by constant jarring.

Ilerr Schott, the distinguished musician and composer, whoso arrival in Auckland was recently noticed in our columns, lias been persuaded to give a concert in the Choial Hall on Thursday next, when he Avill be assisted by tho best Auckland musical talent. We can, from knoAvledge of MrSchott's attainments, assure musical readers of a treat of no ordinary character. As a performer on the obeo Mr Schott has probably no superior in the Avorld. He is also equally skillful Avith the corno, inglosi, pianoforte, and that delightfully uiipronouncahle but domesticated instrument the lignridgolosophone. An effort will, avc understand, be piade to secure Herr Schott as a permanent resident in the city, to conduct the Choral Society and to iiifuse iicav life into musical matters, Avlijeh have suffered something of a relapse lately. The concert of Thursday avi'll afford all lovers of music an opportunity for judging lioav desirable an acquisition to tlie talent of the city Mr Schott Avould be.

In reply to a letter Avritten by Sir Robert Douglas, the Hon. the Attorney-General Avrote : " Sir, —In reply to your letter inquiring whether tho Government avill pay subsidy to a County Council which has not levied a county rate, I have the honor to inform you that the Government intend paying to the County Councils the subsidies provided by sub-section 2 of section 8 of the Financial Arrangements Act,- 1876, although no County rates have been levied."

The usual monthly meetings of Volunteers, Avill be held during the course of the Avcek, and the adjourned meeting of officers to receive reports as to tlie proposal to present a testimonial to Major Gordon, Avill take place on Friday evening. The Temperance Hall, on Saturday, avus satisfactorily filled Avith a peaceable and respectable auditory. Mr James W. Can-, an old and steady friend of the cause, filled the chair, and made a feAV practical remarks on the progress of the principles of strict sobriety. Mr Brainc, also, delivered an address in a similar strain. The songs and recitals were choice and unobjectionable ; the music SAveet, and the dramatic selection from the Lady of Lyons, a fair amateur performance.

The iicav premises attached to tlie Occidental Hotel Avere opened on Saturday night. Tlie billiard room Avas much admired. The expected match between Mr Perkins and Mr Nissen, of Hamilton, came off, and avus Avon by the former by 43 points," in addition to a start of 100 given at the commencement.

The cricket match, North Shore C.C. v. West End C.C, which Avas played in the Domain on Saturday, turned out a very one-sided affair, as it Avas Avon by the West End on the first innings by 52 runs. The scores aa'ere : North Shore," 27 ; West End, 79. It is but fair to say that the North Shore had to play without three of their best men, namely, Rees, Carter, and Wells. Kca-. R. S. Hassard's sermon yesterday morning at St. MattheAvs Avas chiefly in relation to tho consecration of the Lev. John 11. Selwyn a^ Bishop of Melanesia at Nelson, and to a succinct history of the Melanesian mission Mr Hassard spoke highly of the neAV bishop, avlio possessed many of the estimable qualifications wbrcn Mr Selwyn _ father, the present Bishop ot Biclmeld.jjossessed in an eminent degree. Rev."6Tm: Nelson, M.A., of St. Paul's intends holding a series ot church services during the Wednesday evenings of the season of Lent with short Lenten sermons. Mr Nelson Avill also preach irom texts, bearinsr on Lent on Sunday mornings, the first of which, from' 2nd Cor., 0.6, v. 2, 'Behold uoav is the accepted time; behold, noAv is the clay of salvation", was expounded yesterday morning in the Cathedral church. "'

The last number of the weekly representative of total abstinence, known as '• Temnlar ______£ • wL^.^-' vWo ""derstand that the httle Weekly ' has been for a considerable tpue a loss to the projectors. It is the intention, however, to issue ere lona, a periodical ox wider pretensions, and of higher Uterarv

To the Editor : Sir,-Why this fuss about the levanters by the schooner Canterbury? It is but a confirmation of the truth of the ada"c : " He who goes a borrowing goes a SuAA°arrowing." Please break this gently to the Auckland public. I shall be away at the Thames when it reaches them, ana safe from bricks, clubs or such things.— Yours etc., Agent. To-morroAV (Tuesday) CA-ening, the monthly inspection of the Victoria Company, and tlie Hobson corps of Volunteers avill be held in the drill shed at the usual hour, the former under command of color-sergeant, Self, and the latter under Captain Dignan. The presence o£ all the members is requested. The Sunday/! evening service for the people ai tlie Theatre Royal, under the auspices of tho Young Men's Christian Association was crowded. The hon. secretary of the Association presided, and addresses were delivered by Rev. I. Buddie and Mr Larkins. Mr Bloomfield's choir of ladles were present, and sang scvoral of Moody and Sankoy's hymns, accompanied by an harmonium. At tho close of the proceedings, the president announced that arrangements had been made to occupy the Theatre for a term, and in view of the good that had already been done, the committee had felt justiiied in taking this course. As heretofore, the meetings would be free to all, but as the financial responsibility Avould be considerable, and Avould devolve upon the committee, they, in accordance Avith the Avish of many friends Avho desired to contribute towards the expenses, had decided to place a box for the reception of voluntary offerings at the door. They would ask nopcrsonjto contribute, and the box was there only for those who desired to give. The collection amounted to £12s 9d.

The police yesterday mado a regular raid upon the hotel-keepers. Scarcely a licensed house in town but a\diat was invaded at one time or other during the day by two blue coated gentlemen, who CA-inced a strong desire to ascertain the contents of the glasses which they found in front of persons sitting in the parlours. At, one house, Aye learn, a boarder was subjected to considerable annoyance by an om'ccr taking his glass out of his hand, and deliberately drinking part of Ills grog. "If you want a glass of brandy and water, you can haA-c one at my expense, but keep your nose out of my glass," said the irate gentleman. The constable, Avith official sang f i-oid, only replied to this by taking another sip. Then that gentleman got very angry, and told the officer to " drink the lot and to go to the d 1," and ho called to the waiter to bring him another nobbier. Two or three summons are likely to be issued, as the result of yesterday's ferritting.

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Auckland Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2172, 19 February 1877, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2172, 19 February 1877, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2172, 19 February 1877, Page 2


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