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In our Wednesday's fssue we state': 1 our determination to refute once .and for aU the sfestementss which have been made castins doubt upoa the enormous circulation of the Star. Mr. John S. Lepine, whose name now appears on the 'imprint, as publisher of Mr. J. S. Macfarlane's organ, wa?, up 60 the 7th of August ]c;sfc ; publisher 0! the Si ilr, and more familiar wifcb the number of copies issued .and their doHtinatibn than bae proprietors fchamenOYHs were. On" Wednesday j last we reproduced the figures watered by birn i In the publishing books kept in this cilice, awl challenged him to deny then1 accuracy. Very wisely he Las refrained from doing so, for in iib.e evervfe of such a false declaration or statement appearing, it was our intention. jln ■pursuance of the determination we have 1 expressed of placing this mattov hsyqiid all I qnpsfcion, to take it into tb'e law cbivt-fca, and I there compel proof or dematad. costs for these statobieats, wh'cb, are np'dpn'b't mode witH 1 tbi intention the bimncss oltlxs Si'AR,, 'We iaavc ree»iveci fco-da? ihte fo]loT7--ing laifear frdfe ivfc. R'eciop, 4«ite', unsoiipijb^i «n|o-arp3?t r -exafipi; by .the ajlusien mads oa WMneaday to the register fitted by him on ok? printing press *—■ 15 Mhssrs. Rbed ak:o S^ett. ' "Gentlemen, —In reply to you? reqaeist in ; the Stak of the Ist, "as to" the register I flct«d to themaehine employed.ia printing' the Star, allow aie to say th.'it from its construction, and! the mode ©f its connection with the machine, the record reas'c necessarily be correct. There is no moans by which' it can be icade to register more than lias .actually passed through the machine when tho case is once locked, except by running the machine without any paper to print. _ This, of coarse, vroald damage the cylinder » hlxhket. 'iidat-ive to my

;coffiP»oting' ft register, — X regained the printing of • the last pages (thsothers, or outside ptv^s1?, hsvinct been previously printed) for my owe satisfaction, not only to watch the aei'icn of the register, bni." to see what the circulation actually was 1 regret that I have mislaid the memo, of .the -•-■■;vc;!; number, brit I distinctly remember that It v,v.s iox 5 *m<l -■ 4.000. The kay was in ny 'pessssntou bhe whole of the time. I doa't think that inyano aware of ay presence y,t tiie time but Mr Lepine and the pressman, .■iortminly no ono knew that I was watching the uutntei' printed." I retained the key r.he n«:t;; <.'.f.v, but did not stay by, and found the vclv' •" about the aame as the other.—*l Te-m-ih gentleman, ycrars, "truly, "Geo. W. Hbslop, -' Engine*? ■ '• i« i-Pittinc* She;:.. Shortland-street, We r ;gret that ao one feeling an interest in Aivkland otiaritisa hr*s called upon us to pro-, to <iie satisfaction of a competent pa olio accountant, or forfeit fifty pounds, th-t' r.he isspe by the -tar during tho seven days from the 23rd August to tho 30th of August (both "'ays inclusive) was 29,505 copies including 750 second ditioa«, namely, on ■:■ 23ff1 of ".ugust, 4,007 copiea ; on tho j 2-kri su,mt, 3.925 uopies; 0 >;h<: 25th Uifcnst, 4,010 copies ;an th 26th Au:;'.i■'. 4,003 uopses; on the 27 r.h August, 4,124 copies; 011 the 2Ssh August, 4,484 copies; and on the 30th August, being the issue ..uijonin.-ung fche 'loath of Commodore Good j enough', and the general aews by the H<jt ■..-, . 4,955 copies. We now repeat this brVerS'V' ■ j tend \ u< We agree to pay thesua?.?jut '■•''■ : vjovc if :vo fail to prove upon deusnid o< .■..>>;•./mo, to tha satisfaction of a coir pct-e" *; j.-'ih*.u-j accountant, fh;.t the nuisfic- ot : • ! issued during that month. {■* >.."v.i 'ONE HUNDRED \N.!:> SIX TtfO'i:?-/ ;.; ; TWO HDNDRE; A of*: ORTY-SEI."»W\ i (108 247) copies. by thes-; fif1 - sboc-.10 --atisf', ■" r- id*-:: .tiscr. W- -halkagti car •jf>ntonii?'."*r..v.; K^ the pf , ?,nd .'" -ir'.ie^'.ai ;.>ck -ri'w;i, ijssiief uj-.Pit felK; ' f>:v'r. jf) r,iropU'tß.Ti.; ■I. cV. tho ••■! ,<■, •'•-j.l ./.» ■■:• p:b':.i-:ti.y ''. A.-iik-Irtul •■■■ n.-' -.'-v :■■■:. t>,C'.c nurabcr. ■,> rr<n ».- ■-^m :; ;;•_:'':}';-::j A'X'OV'JaT.S, '■ : ry, '.'■•." .';'■? your colur'r-!- ':: <srav; pir.•':■■; '<.: tsu:'ior fo Sho tinarisiai sv'ite; !oute and ;:aM> .--i ;>:nt? of Lhs ' v: ■~ a'.fjt m i.:i;,-: t j< zn ■■■':•.; 1"-2i^*i'- V7f;' «:< ;i. >ii;iit4;r»tion I.n'.i'.l; 0; iriTiJ, 187:-!, H7ld i'- ; 'i. ' (l;>'U'it ■!j;;!utiC tby D«fe;j<.:p Loan vJ'.», nortec Oensral Pucpos'js Los-l f s L;7'; la fhe publio -V'■<_•'■.' (it if.t ■"..•>- <. ■.- well &h ip It-" appendix i.o Mr o£K-!'r tr.-.nciai statssr.enfc L*i i:i?-!, th'- ".'■jTe\t»i i )<rut debit f;heri?a<;.ive3 vpif:l) three '* roi • ■;■',. -t ■ -y'' 3' (I'j/cdsA! riu>.'-.;, 'i:-c. rf' c.j nl:t (fcwrj i ortdoLV ■; ';' •'" ■' :':.•', c-c :■ .7*!... M ! <'>^,^; ,•; ■,;,.ri;, -,i..:n;r. '■(! secant', 'f 'V; v -■-.'■-r'-u • Kanic of i,sey >>aSai."X .:;l'" 'XK> ;,.;..; d ; r.^jr.n.L £)-!<• 000 ; makings tot-! oC £',110,000, vi -lihis ihey repaid £8)0,00" 'fe r. page rxxiiL)., icavi::,.g a Itatancc of ••■-.tpaid vhat year, his sum <M>"'-. r <:>'; ?T5/">!, r at all in ?b«. n'jconr.cs this year. '.: ."v r.n:i VvL'/n -.-.a; ;/- ;->cVIV On the ;;:)f v K&y, ' ••'. '. tho G< :- ;-- !-:--v ;..g;-nt3 so!n n London £!,"00,000 (onr and a-kalf rm'lior";'■-'•■' the 'ran ;.f ;■-"■', the Ns^v y,i-?,';.-no '.',■■ rtnnont received the acney ; (2oc !•■. ; ' ?'■' c cr\nc?al stritsraent, 1674.) Whero r?^cH that ■ vlr-'T ?\-baif app?ar in the OovorumoKt aocornfes? Suppo?« w.e id ."'..'; tb->i". «r it: i£ Ljct. s'uclsu, or K^ftye-1, i: i« sail-, of -Z! .500.000, borrowed i■';■'.■:'!!LGfCiS of JSew Z-esland ?ij Lore-l- :r tae ''i' &b. of May. 1874, arid nercr since hoard of, Twopence halfpenny reward will bo r>nid to the dis-covf-.ver of th»e money by the Treasurer of N&-V Zealand, —Apply at the Treasury, Welh'ljjston.'1 [n the aceonnt* of 1873-4 there is no trace of it. whatever. The public account iy debited ■with £1,200,000 o" borrowed SLiuney received in London, £500,000 under the loan of 1870, at 5 par cent. : iat-freali, And another £."00,000 of the same loan o£ IS7C at 4.v, nnd £200,000 of. the £1,000.000 gcaranteed by the Home CsoTerament, but nova word of this million I and ?,hr,:f. Is it thon in the accounts of this I past 3 rear 1374-5? The appendix to the [ Treasurer's financial statement; delivered on the 30th of July las>t, pages 12, shews the total receipts by the pubi'ie account in 1871-5, as proceeds of the sale of debentures under tue Ir^na ot 1870, 1873, 1874. They are all set do vriiu one aum, riainely, £3,547,469. Is the £1.000,000 in this? The question c:iu only be answered by seeing what other funds have gone to make up this sum of £3,847,469. First, ia the four million loan. (Jn reference to the correspondence relative to the negotiation of the four raillicp loan (pages 4, 10. 20, and 22) it vill bs \>und that on May 13-h, lS7o; £2,850,000 of the loan were paid up in full, and the other £1,150,000 —including discount paid up, to *he amount, oi .£&;") pnr s?hare—iu alt £3,482,500. Nov.-., after May 13 up to June 30, a peri. I .f seven weeks ieas one day, we may safely Bgeume that another £200,000 was paid into this account by the purchasr -^s of debeutnves, which, wonld rnako £3,682,500 :. a svi.m enly £164,969 less than, the ;;ocal receipts oc saicn of debenturt1.:-? altogether for the year 1574-5. Besides this, the Government had.myested aor-.e ot tbti crusß funds i.v shose debectnrea -, do that it ia plain that there is ao room for the £1.500,000 in the receipts this past year., then, doea tt appear'/ Moreover, on reference to tfeie balances in Mv Abfeinsoa's financial atatemsnfe, it- will appear thaii nearly the whole of this vaat i.3 iciicaUy lostBee page 3 : " Tho balance .votcs.irJ.Tig ip. the Bank of Sew Zealand on May 31 •* ;* * *as £2 J 056;716 Us Bd, but; against this aum drafts O!;. tho Crown &gei3fc<; fco the amount o£ £',050,000 kad ny} bo the I 20th. of Juoe been;disootmtedby the Bank 1 m the ciiJcuy." '!'he balance to acihal credit j then was, according to the statement, j £1,006,716 11s 3d, or one million pounds; but this makes ao provision for the payment 0? *be £300,000 unpaid to the Bank last'year, which would reduce it to £706,716 tls Bd. The balance unpaid of Llie four million lpaa, however, worild :?_c doubt bring Jt up to about a million. The Bank's quarterly returns make the Government" deposit on the 30th Jane, Jjwst £980,000. Kew-, the Government has spent on Public Works and Itttniigration, Defence and General purposes I £7,739,41^ Sn 5d (see page S, ; Statement), baking a feotia). of what;- they 3iave ana what they have spent in wnixd. j'figures of eight millions, seven hundred cod forty thousand pounds. But they liara borrowed tesa millions one nimdred tbo'isarid (.poancla on these loan;?. V"'"bafc hag bc-ccsap of "She difFereace-yi?.., £1,3(50,000, or '.fcui'tcoix hun'ii-sd thoueand soncda ": Whatever way the balancea in t\h Sfeittinent are taken, this defi oieney of about. £ 1,400,000 crops np, ; If; these Goyerameufj accounts are correct^ the public funde hay^lostjinaccount" ably t;> the extent of more ihtax a million of money. If they are not, tho Gov.fernment is greatly fco biarae in i'raming bogus and cooked statements which deceive theTpeoote. .Iliis may b« capable of. explanation if the "whole of the Treasury hooks -were properly inspected and balanced. On the published figures and statements of the Government, however I challenge any person iv the colony, or out of it,to disprove or dispute these figures. Th.3 people; at any rate, who will have to pay both"interest: ami principal should demand of the Government an explanation of the whereabouts of ibis £1,500,000.-1 am, (Sir, Yours &C, W. L. Reiss, North Head, Aueast 31, 18 75,

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Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1730, 3 September 1875, Page 2

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THE STAR CIRCULATION. Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1730, 3 September 1875, Page 2

THE STAR CIRCULATION. Auckland Star, Volume VI, Issue 1730, 3 September 1875, Page 2


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