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■ , ... I Al meetrnfg of the Wairewa County Council' 'was held' at the Council Chamber,s on- Friday when tliere were presenifc:—lOounJcdlWoins J. O. Coop '(chiairmiani), W. J. Alietn, W. F, Parkinson, F ICoop, K J. Keenwn, T. Feather and' J. Y\ Chapman'. /MQTIIIOiNi OIF SYIMffWTOY. The l chafcmian: mioveid ,a motion of •sympalthyi wibhi Mr T. Mould and >faan6liy in, the dfcaith of Mr. G. A., | iMoulM. The -moitiiioix- was carried ill sdltoce, members standing. j ISFEJCMIIj j A special meeting l of 'bbe Council; was then be'Kd! t<o p'a'asi the Countty OBridigeis Lo-ani of SIOOO 1 to replia.ce j bridges washedl aiwiay during' the 1 1 QVlay floods-119(314. The 1 rat© of toteres't' of the Hoani was 3<% per cewt. and as security for thia loan a rate one sax>ty-seventh, of a penny in: £ was (fixed. IThe: necessary reeoltttioai was passed' and it wa® decided to< conlfirim 'the iresoLutii'oni alt thie mext ordinary j meeting on llO'tli Junie. ' ■i' | QROINAIRiY MIEiEfIUNiG. ' ; The ordinary (meeting olf the CoulnH | cil was then held. ,

. IPENIACNIOB RETORT. ■The County Clterk presented the financial statement as foiHoiws :— £ s d (De'bi't Balianicei ait Bank 2233 1 8 Temporary Loan 300. 0 0 Wages Sheet (approx..) 136 3 : 4 £'26:69 -5 0 Receipts Sine© Last Meeting-:— ißaites 19/3)4-35 18 10 0 Rents 5 8 4 Deposit on Contract' 7 6 0 Total (£3l 4 4 The payment for wages' was passed' subjects to confirmation! by the Finance Committee The l Ohaamiain mioiyedl the adept ion ■of the 'report anid ©aiid there' vc/as ape pro'xitmaitely £674 owing by the Uneimplbymeinit: Board, Highways Beard anidl 'from other sources which would reduce the deibiifc balance. toi 5t1995 and thatl there was £100' owing toi the Hospital! a,ndi Charitable Aid Board. Or' F. Coop seconded the motion which was carried'. The cllerib reported! that he hoped to 'bavei the Council's accounts to> Silst March, 119135 audited befoire next meeting., BNIGINIE®RIS .REPORT. Mr !W. R. Leedlei*, County Engineer, reported! as follows :— Kinloch works oh Te .Oikai road ana well Id hand', and will! be comipilletedl in the course of a few days. Relief works- en Peraiki road are also we® in hand 1 . (Removing slips will be completed) in about a week f'rom d'aite. Repairs to> 'the wash-out ■ait 'Waterfall! 'Gully have been measured! up, and; estimate of.the cost will! 'be piliace'di before your Council! toi-diay for your consideration A good permanent job can be made at Mrs wash-out by constructing the cofaicrete wall and) widening the road, whichr „ wil'll ~viijmjg_rpive! make "the crossing quite workable. With regard to constructing a groyne om the' flat neair Perafki Homestead, thiis is an impoirtiant work ais the river i's i'njc lined to change its course, andl would eventually do j serious damage to the main Per&ki' roiad,. The const ruction of a groyne aibout 60 or 70 feet will confine the I river 'back itoito the original river-bed, and I recommend' that /favourable :onfs.iderat,iloni be gitven to the carrying cut of thjib work. Submitted for pour consideratdlom Kaitunia Riding—lmpiroiving' a bad surve ,-CiiTi thiei tM'otukarara-Ted'dingtoni j IVFain Highway has 'been completed, j Tihiis pcxin/fc is mow greaitly improved! andl quite' .a good; (Curve has been' made routodl this bend. The men ,are raotw engage di quarrying metal foa- re- ( metalling! the portion of the new formed road .at this point. i iLittlie ■ Rover' 'RiidJimg.—With refer-1 einoe to the fori'dlge on) Ofkuti Valley road, tlhe contractor® have made a start to pu;t in the foundations and the completion .o/f this- work will be pushed on as expeditiously as possible. j The contractor for re - c onstruc t ing a bridge in Price's' Valley ha:s made ' a start with his cofnlt'ract, and work willli be pushed! on as expeditiously ais possible. I expect to see ; thils bridge completed at *a vei',y early i date. | The iMaini Road from Motukar.ara to Uil'L Top—iGemeria't maintenance audi patch metal/l.'frig, etc. has been 1 carried l out. on this road in the usual mannem. There are many p liac es on thiis l road) where some additional metaillli'mg would improve ttoei runnitnlg very much, and l no doubt you wi'll give tlhiils your serious consideration 'vviheni the estimates' are being dealt with .for expenditure during the incoming' year. , ; In the interestl of your financial, position work is being controlled! ais ' much .as possiMe, while the weather is fine, and . I wish to apologise for' the .short hri'df (report, but just at' present (I aim .exceedingly .busy with office detaiflls in connection with the! Elections .and other matters," GRlOffiN' AT (PEIR'AKII. The Engineer said the creek at Peraiki had definitely left' its old 1 course and something should be done ' to stop lit. ! I The Cha/i'rmiam said debriis l had heap- j ed up in the triver andl it was caused i by the flood) anid' could be considered as flood damage. Ifc was a lonig way from (Commander Haiti's homestead. The Engineer said a wire-netting . groin would) meet the caise, WORK 'FiOIRI UNEMPLOYED; Tha Engineer said he wanted to j know what work would' be given to ' the unemployed! for the next' month. The Chairman 3'add metal ait Qikuti VaMey could bei got' out and shingte shifted at Kinloch. The Engineer said metal; was> wanted iat iMr Webb's 'and 1 IMir Berwick's : and 100 yards o : f metial could be got 1 out. Cr ,F. Cooip moved ,i!t be left to the ' Ch'airm'an' and Kinloch members to

| .d'eciicte What .should .be done with the : unemployed! for the next month; j seconded' by Cr Chapmian andl carried. | rriuei Engineer's report was- adopted. 1' ■ 51 .OKiurrgc dbiridiGie. ) Mesons ! N-. Macfarilainie;, J. Walter,, J. I Maickay ia«idl A. Ro'wfo&riry wrote asik- - tog tifrat a hote should 'be fifed! up to ) straighten tOae' noiafd' on tihe top sidle ' of the Okuti l Vaflley bridge They ) were wiliiing to d'o the work. I The Chairman moved: these gentlie- ) mieni be thanked 1 for. their offer anid • the lOouniciill do this work; seconded l fey Cr Alilien land carried. ■ i (REPAiTiRIS' TP RfOIAC-lS'.. (■ 1 iC'r Feather isiaidi metal was required on Tumbledown; road!' and' it was i left to (Or Feather and the Engineer • to attend, to the matter. Also on ■ the Bossu road down; to Mr Weibb's t required! grading. This would save the road. > It was decided to crush some ii metal for the Long Bay road for 1. (repair iwo-rik, r | Cr Cbapmnani said; there were a ■number of slips at Puahia which . should be cleared out. before the » winter and' it was decided to> d ! o tihlß-. work. iCir Parkinson, sard the Kaituma river waimfreidl clieariing' before, the winter iaind; it' was' decided the work be done. | It was Mt to C'r Ke en an to. have a slip, cleared) >oiff the Qkuti 1 Valley road, , ■ - . KING'S JiUBIIjEE. The .ChlaJiraiaTil reported 1 Messrs i Chapman, 'Parkinsoni amd h'imselM had attendied! ai public meeting to consider tlbie King's J.ubiilfce celebrations'. A committee hiadi 'beem .set up and: i ! t : had 1 beeim deciildied 1 toi builld' a big bonr fine on 'tha'failffl on "Slpritnigvalle,'' and. this had! been arranged fox. , Other arrangements . fori a procession, for fi'rerworksi: airadi altso streamers and colburedl lights. The Maoriis- were taking pert. The coloured! lights would, cost about ■Sio, refreshments, | boniftre, etc, maiking a total of £(15 18s. The fire-worksi would! cost about ifilS l oir iinclludihg large rockets to- be set off at the top of [ thi© Mil l near 1 the/ bonfire. J Cr F. Coop said' the Government | would subsidise any .reasonable expenditure. | A motion/ .approving of the expenditure was paissed). TIHE KEfTHRiTNG COUNOIL. The l Chairman- said -a® this was the Hast meeting of the Council! before the elect iom hei washed! to: thank the , Council meimltoer® foil the support I they ihadi givem him during his term of office. He hoipedl aili would be re- ' turned! fat. the elections. J The Chaitmanj was granted lie ace of abserDcei fori the /rest of the meelt(ing ais . he had! to attend another i meeting'. J lOr J. V. Chapman,, deputy chairman tooilc the chair. C'OIRIRiEISP/OINiDiEINIQEJ. . Mir 'C. E'. .Gray wrote> asking for permission! toi imstal' a septic tank j and .it wasi dtecid'ed 1 to, refer the matter to the Health) Department. ' (Mr B'. li. P'raddJi© wrote in regard to spoiilli from/ the raadteMte put on Ms fence and it was decided! to attend" to it. | The JSecretairy of the Treasury | wrote re refund: of 12% per cent, rebate and! the clerk reported 1140 refundis had to be made. I The C'ivil Re-eistablishanent League wrotei re purchase of a repr.od!ucti.on, of a padint'ing of HisMajesity King George V, to commemorate the Jubilee. The letter was> referred to the next meeting of the Council, CBEAiVY TIRIAIFIFIjCi FfBEIS. The 'Wiaiimariil iCouiinty Council wrote having written to tihe Commiiss'ioner of Transport suggest ing ( that he ®h)oulidl meet local body retph .resentiati'ves' im regard) to heavy traffic fees aU'ooaitron, after the eliectionis'. ! Cr F. 'Coop rep oiribed having waited on the Waiimari County Council 1 in refereince toi tihe matter a(n,d'. they bad adopted 1 the suggestion.. It had beeto agreed to 'ciricuillairitee the local todies and! he' suggested! employing someone to coitect thei required in'foirmiationi toi p-ut before thie Comnii)Ssio:ner. He: thought the local bodlias -shouMl take every step to .compile figure's required'. The Valuation Department wro/te in lieiply to the Councill's request for l a re-vailluaitiilom 'before . 3/lsti Mlarch, 3®315, was the Department's' ihtentii'on to re-vaillue the County betfore' 311 st March, 10136, Ci* F. (Coopi saiidl he thought it ought to be pointed) out! that they were not on t'hei same- fooitdlmg as neighbouring counties whiibhi affected l'andi tax. He movedi the Chairman and deputy Chain-man imterViefw the Vailiatiora Dieipairtaenlt about tfe miatiteir; seconded by" Cr Parkinson and carried; The Camp Superintendent off unemployed! wrote compKainiiing in resferernce to the supply of stores to

the camp, and) ilfc was 1 decided to see the cow tract o/ri aibouit. i ; t. -The (Pujbllic Trust Office wrote iinr reference -to the cancelling of debentures .as. payments' were madei, BEpAKI (ROAD. , It was Mt: to the Engineer and K'M'och memibensi tot attend! to the miaitter o'f putting met all on and 1 buiiil'dling a concrete wallL on Peraki road'. The Engineer! reported he had received a tend'er far putting' the!' melt,all on the road 1 . He thought the Department shouldl be -"written to far a sulbsMy; for orashirig and 1 carting of me tall where flood" dlamage was 1 being repiairedl. It was dtecMfed fcoi put some shimglie j on ilteyrnoMs' VaMey road l where a ; stop had been cleared 1 off and it was .■ greasy. •' PETfETUiOiN 1 IFOE SERVICE. A! petition wa© re'eeiVedl signed by ;

' a number off 'ratepayers praying tihiaJt | they confsd'deoDedt <m .addMbtoiaH tramport iseryite© im and' around) Little Ritver would! I).© beneficiall as the present seirvilc© was, diniadeqaiate and asfoing that |Q. -and Wi. Rouit h& allowed to ..conduct swell) isertvitee. It . was decidedl to refer l the mia'fcteor to tihie Transport Comimolss'ionei*. HEDAiNKBI flOlßj OTTOT. . JCr iCtoapimni ..said) he wished to tbahik the CouncilU'oirisi foir the sup.por't they .bad given halm. dluring the CbairrniaCT's .absetncei an Ausittrailia. He hoped) t'hey would aiß ibe returned.Th&y badl teen through difficult ! times, especilai'lty .oiwin!g>to. the floods liasit 'M!ay and) thiey wooil'd have to 'budget tb'iiSi year to make iup the leetway. j .Or F, Cocup moved a vote of tbanika to iCr Obapmiain for hi® worik; seconded by Clr Feather audi carried by acclamation.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LVI, Issue 5992, 7 May 1935, Page 1

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WAIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LVI, Issue 5992, 7 May 1935, Page 1

WAIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LVI, Issue 5992, 7 May 1935, Page 1


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