- V * JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER PARCEL OF THE Greenwich Lever Watches Tested to 1 Minute a Week Guaranteed to last 15 years POSTED IN STRONG BOX £2 10s Od. THE MOST RELIABLE WATCHTHAT COMES TO N.Z. - Jones & Sons, Watchmakers and Jewellers, |278 HIGH ST., CHRISTCHURCH. jpropriate as the old school site'jwhsre the boys who had fallen had , fought, their boy-hood battles. '* jMr Goodwin moved: The matter jof erecting the memorial be left in the hands of the Akaroa committee. .Seconded by Mr Mcintosh and car- . jried. ■ '.' The Chairman said when the Aka-"' ,roa committee decided upon a monument they would call a meeting and'let everyone see what had been. done. The Chairman thanked those present for attending.. PIGEON BAY MEMORIAL. • • The design of the .Pigeon Bay memorial was shown to those attending the meeting by Mr J. Pettigrew. | The base of the memorial is Bft.. 'square by 7ft. high and that is comiJ posed of dressed Redcliffs stone. The base cai-ives a granite column 10ft. [high. [A granite slab is let into the basement on which the names of the . soldiers will be carved in relief. The Pigeon Bay residents have let a contract for the erection of this memorial to a Christchurch monumental mason and the work will be commenced shortly. The -memorial will cost £300. AUCTIONS. IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE. HILL TOP, LITTLE RIVER, THURSDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1920, 1.30 p.m. T.r MATSON and CO., having sold ■ ■*■ ■■■*.• the property, are now instructed by MR. W. INNES, to submit to Public Auction as above the whole-. - of his LIVE and DEAD STOCK, 7n-~l eluding:--CATTLE. ~ 80 head -Mixed Sex Cattle, 2 and 4 years old. 25 mixed Sex Yearlings. 1 Purebred Shorthorn Bull, bred at Brooksdale Estate. HORSES. 1 First-class Harness Marc. 2 Good Farm Horses. IMPLEMENTS AND SUNDRIES. 1 Gig. 1 Dray, 2 Sets Harness, 1 Saddle and Bridle, 1 Sack Wheat, 1 Cask Chaff, 3 * Threshing Sheets. A . 20 0 Empty Sacks, 1 Separator, Buckets and Churn. ALSO A QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ALSO • 1 1-cy Under Overland Motor Car, 35 h.p., done about 7000 miles. . H. MATSON and CO. PUBLIC NOTICES. T\r ANTED a-good general. Apply }} MRS. E. E. LE LIEVRE, "Oinako," Akaroa. ■«.' T OST—On Friday, August 20, be- -*-"'. tween Akaroa. and Okain's, leather saddle bag. Finder retfirn to E.G.MASON, Okain's or "Mail" ' Office. FANCY DRESS BALL. PIGEON BAY. -j'-; A Fancy Dress Ball will Be- held '• •*-*- at Messrs Goodwin Bros. Shed, Pigeon. Bay, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 th, 1920. Children's Gjand March 8 p.m. Adults Grand March 5.30 p.m. Gentlemen ss, Outside Ladies 3s. W. LYNSKEY. Hon. Sec. AGENT. rp HE undersigned require the ser- -*- vices of a good reliable person or firm, in touch-with Dairy Farmers [to act as Selling Agent in the Akaroa District for their Milking Plants. Can give good territory and allow liberal commission. Apply immediately THE RID'D COMPANY LTD., New Plymouth. '; . TENDERS. .'} m-ENDERS will be received for '• -*- the Purchase for Removal- of a Three-roomed Cottage,' situated at The Glen, Akaroa. Also for the Purchase and Removal of the Wharf at The Glen. Tenders close September 20th. Apply MRS. BUCKLAND, ' "The Glen," Akaroa. Tor .Bronchial Coughs, take Woods' Jreat Peppermint Cure, 1/9, 2/9 *'
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3973, 7 September 1920, Page 2
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