I I've a dear little wife, the star of ijj! my life, |j Whose b1 ue eyes with love-light |i shine; . 5 And a beautiful boy, our pride andI 1 J°- v ' Fn that, dear little home of mine. H Oft in winter they wait by the §j j garden gate Si j To greet me with rapture pure; » And ask d'd I buy their needed f j supply Of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. „ ! ii-.
I '■Melotte" Separators different from 3 all others and BETTER. The Bowl ■'' hang-:- impossible to get out of bal- '• ance---simplest made. '' No adjustments ever required in 0 "Melotte'' Separators nothing to μ-et c ' out of order. Will outlast three 'i ordinary Separators. !e , The "Melotte'' Separator is used at !S Lincoln Agricultural .College. Recomt- mended by all leading Dairy Com-. c panie-s and. experts. ;t j World Renowned "Melotte" (Bel0 . gian) Separators again arriving in ' s : New Zealand. Delivery end July. '" Two shipments received, all sold be- '" : fore arrival. J ' j The ''Melotte'' is the World's pro- ''» r ved best Separator, easiest running. ( l simplest, cleanest skimmer, finest '", workmanship. ,t i
The best family protection is "NA-f ZOL." Prevents coughs, cold?, sore, thro.-its and chests. No cold is Zazoi- '' proof. Economical, 1/(5 for 00 doses.'
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 2
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