J Ihc monthly meeting of the Mount M Herbert County Council was held at' IfPurau. Present-Messrs Orton Brad-! j icy (chairman), A. E. Williams, B. G. ! I Ware, W. H. Firmston, G. G, Rj c h [' f and F. R. H. Gardiner. ' j The chairman moved that a letter - of condolence be forwarded to the - x widow and family of the late Mr c
Daniel Bam ford, and also to the widow of the late Mr Jas. E. Davenport, The motion was carried in silence, members standing. It was resolved to strike a general , rate of in the £ in the Port Levy Riding, and a 'general rate of Id in the Port Victoria Riding. The Hamilton Borough Council forwarded a circular urging the Government to remove the duty on cement, and asked the Council to support it. It was considered that as soon as coal was more plentiful the various works would be able to supply requirements. The Manawatu County Council wrote suggesting that more drastic powers be given to Magistrates in dealing with motorists convicted of speeding and dangerous driving. The suggestions were approved. Mr PI. Field wrote regarding fresh appointments of Justices of the Peace. The Council resolved to take steps for the appointment of one at Port Levy and one at Governor's Bay. Mr J. F. Tapley, secretary St. Cuthbe; t's Vestry, applied for a metalled roadway to • the church entrance. The matter was left in the hands of the clsrk to make arrangements to carry out the work. Mr A. E. Williams was appointed . ths Council's delegate to the Proi gress League. The resignation of Mr Q. C. Manson ; was received, he having left the district. The clerk was instructed to 1 h'll the vacancy. It was. resolved to add 12}.2 per : cent, to all the workmen's wages at : a bonus, payable monthly, from May 1 Ist. 1 ,
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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