Association trt canterbury, nc J - ♦ ■ i J AUCTIONEERS, WOOL BROKERS, f ) FAT AND STORE STOCK SALESMEN J j LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. ' / ; J locoi Branch—lAvaud st., akaroa. | !♦ I I k Head Office :- ©ASHES, STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. " I *■' ■ i S SALES OF ALL CLASSES OF FAT AND STORE STOCK \ } NEGOTIATED EITHER BY ~ { * i I PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATELY. { \ 1.- ---\ Our Btock Ag--tifc ;it Akaro:i I X ' I , d RIR. CHARLES i!MW£S, 7c?er«hnns> Wo. 85. \ if ' • i { a will be pleased to call Uj'.on you at any time. 9 \\ — \ I r f. Appointments may bo made s.fc our Akaroa Jjrancb, | f Telephone No. o. " ? \ f If you want tbo [>rices for your "took let a I sell for you. . r >-: f Consign all Stock 'Jo 0 ] t FARMERS' CO-OP. J-1 1 ■ . v ffi I you will find the Hupp. There •', J . i.s no more popular car in the \ 1 Dominion to-day than the IJupI nio])ile. 1 A\ul Uiis is not liar)!iazaril pojiui § larity. not more chance. j|j The man who buys a car now- | i adays has been educated. Beauty I g of line and general a|)])earanco I are not the only features that S sell a car. The buyer must be I satisfied ibat it lias an engine § capable uf standin.jr up 1o all % sorts of eoii'liiions cx'ci'.y day of I I >n ! I.c IJupmobilo tlie car owner • ,'■ J § kiinw.s Ilial. he ha;; an engine of ,<y'" I I abiiolute dependability, of abso- L^' kite simplicity, of abound'inj',' \ ;: P strenylh and ]iower, j -> : " l I i '"4 V - I (>uite apart from the luxurious ; l>-\ § I'omfort nf i<;: ridiny (|uaiities ] H,'^ J I the Ifunj") i- i--.:v::nl ially ihc car • ! >s^,'' I fur New Zealand cinHliunns, the * . :^^ || car thai "\vi!l <j:o anywhere and « '.',,''; I cmquci' obstacles. i .. H are reasons why ; j }~?-\ ■| THE POPULAR HUPMOBILE 5 -.j*' I is seen on every road. j l*i«-"; I The new series Hupp,, supplies :. f> - : , ? ,- t< "1. , which are now to hand, con- . ' i 'U'<-■ I tains the latest features, which .:. ;;- \ : [') I make it a better car than its ■ .; ; ■ j'^'H'* I famous predecessors. ...Get ■ \ -'>"•■- ---t, acijuainted with Hupp superior- ' ;, \ '"'.it-.'. 5 itv. : f;i'C:' I - ". :^-rl I N.Z. Farmers' Co-op, Assn ksm
Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 4
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