i 11. MATSON AND CO. i _ ■__ I i j % % . H. MATSON & CO. # ♦ H. MATSON & CO. % t H. MATSON & CO. $ i CHKISTCJIUKCH TELEPHONES-Nos. I!, 911, 11-17. - J j akaroa telephone-No. 21. * I LITTLE RIVER TELEPHONE—No. 2. ) I AUCTIONEERS, WOOL BROKERS, SKIN & HIDE SALES- t t MEN LAND SALESMEN, GRAIN SEED MERCHANTS. | \ TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! I I TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! t TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! ♦ ♦ WE OFFER OUR SERVICES IN THE CAPACITIES J J MENTIONED. " ! «• .■ ,; \ i In whatever branch of farming you arc engaged you t \ require a selling Agent— | I WHO IS KEENLY ZEALOUS IN YOUR INTERESTS. a J WHO WILL REGARD YOUR INTERESTS AS HIS OWN. * I WHO WILL APPLY EXPERT KNOWLEDGE & DILIGENCE J J TO EVERY LOT ENTRUSTED TO HIM. ♦ ♦ It is now more Hum ever essential that all the above should J J be at your service in your selling Agent. J J WAR TAXATION. HIGH FREIGHTS and RAILAGES, EX- ♦ ♦ PENSIVE FARMING REQUISITES, HIGH AND STILL RISJ ING COST OF WAGES, INCREASING COST OF LIVING, | ♦ ALL CONDUCE TO INCREASE OF EXPENSE UN- £ } DREAMED OF IN PRE-WAR DAYS. ♦ « } J THIS INCREASE CANNOT BE AVOIDED. | I I 1} All you can do to maintain your revenue is to see that every « J lot v.-hidi you have to offer is sold under the most favourable J conditions. To achieve this desideratum you cannot do ♦ 4 better than sell through } J H. MATSON & CO. ♦ j> . 4 5 A I'KIVATK FIRM | I WHOSE PRINCIPALS ARE ACTUAL SELLING SALESMEN 6 WHOSE STAFF HAS BEEN IN THIH BUSINESS FOR YEARS | I WHOSE ZEAL IS BEYOND ALL QUESTION. ) W. The cost to you of producing each lot is a fixed and de- « t finite quantity—every extra penny you get in the price is f J all profit. ' + J SELL THROUGH US AND ENSURE GETTING IT. | I AGENTS : % A Our Representatives I . MR. B. MORA. Akaroa - ♦ J MR M. Little River * ❖ are experts and will he glad to call on you and draft your | t stock to the best advantage. A % I i FINANCE : ♦ J 11. lIATSON & CO. are always willing to entertain any ♦ ♦ financial propositions submitted by bona fide Farmers who f are either starting or desirous of launching out in a bigger | % CALL IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US. WE WILL ! J WILLINGLY DO ALL WE CAN TO ASSIST YOU. « 0 f J SUPPLIES : ♦ 1 We carry full stocks of i \ ♦ I -.. WOOL PACKS, CORN SACKS, BRANDING OIL & J J ALL STATION REQUISITES. ♦ j at current prices. a ♦ IT WILL PAY YOU I I . IT WILL PAY YOU I J ■ IT WILL PAY YOU ♦ I TO TRADE THROUGH J t " CHRISTCHURCH. i i * QUILL, MORRIS & CO.
Ait Ideal Beverage \ i I Proprietors: I the Distillers Company Limited. [ Largest scotch Whisky Distillers in the Woild. t Ciiiiiul employed over jCWJosyM, p EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. , [ AGENTS:— J Fletcher Humphreys & Co., Christchurch. l
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 4
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