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N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION. . s ■I I I »:' 1 NEW 'SEASON'S JANS, PICKUS. SUCK, fj I s [J; S ■ and mauv other grocery lines f| H •% § from New Zealand's most rcput- § i( able makers. These ynods con- f 1 form to the usual high standard jt |t of Dominion-made commodities | £ ' . and are cheaper, fresher, than | i . the imported article. * | f Fn this and every other depart- | $ ment -of our establishment | „, k storks .-ire beinu" so quickly ■ M turned over that you will exper- | f I icnce the greatest pleasure and, | ?■ • J , advantage in dealing , exclusively pj ■c E - -- w 't' l us - fei •4. || l';] :-'\ ■ The Best Grocery Service obtain- |i '. \ able-at | *\' ■ N ,v"J ' I r/j . l@w Z@alani | il '■*a' 5 ' a "w, I "Si- ■ ■■ AEtaroa> |
*% li- FANCY DRESS BALL. "' I FANCY DRESS BALI- will be -- A held in the French Farm School on July 14th. AH comers are rcu-tecl lo wear Fancy Dress or a jine vill be inflicted. GRAND MARCH 8 p.m. • Mum.'-M'ss Kotlowski. ' A. HUNT. Hon. Secretary. *, "akakoaTounty council. jt# < T> ÜBLIC NOTICE is hereby tfiven * 1 that in accordance with Secj lion 117 of '"The Counties Act, 1908' ,nd Recfons 48 to 55 inclusive ol fc' -The Rnting Act. 1908" the Akaro» * Cooniv Council intEnds at Us next General Meeting to be held on Saturday 3UI clay of July, 1920, to Make , and Lo\y a General Rate of Three- <& 'Finhths of a Penny in the Pound or ""' ibe CavitAl Value of all the Rate T abL- Property in the several Ridinß! '."/ ol the County of Alcaroa. such rat* 9*' to be I'.r the year commoncing oi *" the 1,1 dnv of April, J O2O. and. end in- on the 31st day of March. 1021 ' -'und to be payable in one sum at lh< \- AKnroa C-'unty Council Chambers '*'. Duvauchelle, on the J 7th. day o " Auquit. VJ2O. The Valuation Roll i> open lor m r spec Lion during olVice hours. Daled this Bth day oC July. I'■':.". '*'• g. H. O'CALLAGHAK. County r.l'.-rk. CLKAUING SALE AT WMNU.. -: - ji-ijnvfTn-RK t'yxV K'- rs "i--' ri- .. *■> T\ ri'VTSON and CO- bave receiil« instrucli-ins frL.m Mr A. .•-**■ McCLUKG to hold , CLKARIK(. »f bis •1.-URNITUUK a.ul ■ V'^-'EFFECTS on " .* FRIDAY, JULY 16. l»^'Sale Commence 12.30 ]).m. U, H. MATSON & CO. '' t Auctior.cjr.-. t N Ms!riiiii MBliiel .' N prwiftit setlets ■' '■ Established 1849. - ' LAUGK.Vr MUTUAL LIFF. <M-V\CV ' IN THK IMirnsU KMiMUi-:. r|o" Best Bonus Paying OiVice in ilu- , World! Accumulated Funds ui.li7.r.iS. ■ IlevevMonary Bonuses ]919 ' DISTRICT AGENT (Ord. "Dept.) 'Phone 13D, ,AKAROA. Postal -12 Selvvyn St., Spreydoi / " - Christchurch.
TAKAMATUA DAIRY CO., LTD. m ENDERS ARE INVITE!) fov •A- piettint: , and delivering at tin; Cheese Factory, Takamatua, -10 CORDS OF FIREWOOD, j Specifications may bo soon a I the , Factory or Mi , . W. B. Hammond's house, and at the Company's Ofl'ice. J,avaud Street. Akaroa. i Tenders to be delivered at ■ the 'Company's Office, Akavoa MONDAY. ■ 12th July, 1920. C. FREDERICKSEN. Secretary. 1 THE BANKS PENINSULA ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD. i IN THE MATTER of "The Electric- ,! Power Boards Act 19L8*' and of , j "The Local Bodies Loans Act . i 19]3" and the Acts amending , the , i same respectively iT)UBLIC NOTfCE is hereby given . !-*■ that a Poll of the Ratepayers .entitled ,to vote in the Hanks Penin- ] suia Eketric-power District will be taken on Thursday the twenty-second dny of July. 1920 on the proposals of ,' (he ;-:>id Board as already advertised in the "Akaroa Mail" newspaper to t ' raise a snecial loan of UOO.OOO, for* puipo.-..-- «il! the purchase and (•ujn-ln'cUon "J- eieeU'ic wci'ks within !!)• l)islrii:n ( ' "!'!):• ,-;: id Poi! will commence at 'J !>■'.■ i'A'H in tl - .<: forenoon of Ihe day ;ipjK>inted for the same and wil cli's-. , at G o'clock in the aftcrnooi ■ f the same day at the undermen ">n~<l .Vollin;;- Places. Akarca County Council Chamber;; ' l.'iivauchcilo. Libi , ; , . , y, Wainui. Lil)iar\'. Pigeon Bay. Liiirary. Little Akaloa, i.ihia'v. Okaiii's Bay, lli-iiil F'-uai-fl OlVice. L? Bon's Bay. Akaroa f»ovi Chambers. '. Akaroa. j Wnirewa Ccuniy Council (.'hambers Little River. Public School. Pual-.a-Glynan's Woolshecl, Kinloch i'uhlic School, Kaituna. Pubiic School, Gebbie's Valley. Pulilie School, Governor's Bay. Old Pvoad Board Office, Teddin-toii Mount Herbert County Council Chambers, Purau. i-'uhiic School, Port IjOvv. Dated this sth day of July. 1921.1 ARTHUR GOODWIN, Chairman, Banks Peninsula Electric-powei " Board. GEORGE HARPER, PASCOE and BUCHANAN. Solicitors, I Chrislchurch. .For Influenza, take Woods' Gi'ea I Peppermint Care, 1/9, 2/9. j The best family protection is "NA -jZOL." Prevents coughs, colds.-sor 'throats and chests. No cold is Zazo! ! proof. Economical. 1 G for GO dose:
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 3
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746Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 3
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 3
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.