PROVISIONAL RATES FOR » CURRENT, ETC. The following list of charges has been drawn up by the engineer, JVlri. J. R. Teniplin, as indicating cost of j current and power to consumers.
The prices are only provisional; bat if there are any alterations they will probably be in the way of a reduction rather than an increase. DOMESTIC LIGHTING" RATE. Minimum charge '5s per month. ; Scl per unit for first 60 hours use per month of active load. <id per unit for all over, SO per cent, of first % K.W. (500 ( watts) connected load and 60 per cent, of that part of connected load in excess of V« K.W. shall be deemed active) The minimum active load I will be 200 watts. Irons will not be ( included'in determining connected load. I SHOP LIGHTING. 1 8d per unit. Minimum ..charge 5s per month. GENERAL COOKING AND POWER ' RATE, i Minimum charge 5s per H.P. of connected load per month up to 5 H.P. and 2s 6d per H.P. for all over 5 H.P. '■ 4d per unit for first 80 units per month. 3d per unit for. next 120 units per month. 2d per unit for all over 200 units per month. POWER FOR MILKING (Fixed Rate ! 2 H.P. Mptor. I The number of cows will be cony puted on the basis of 180 lbs oJ butter-fat per year per cow.. ' Up to 20 cows, £18 per year ; up U 30 cows £20 per year ; up to 40 cow: £22 per year; up to 60 cows, £2( per year; up to 80 cows £30 per yea over. 80 cows £32 per year. 'l If wood cutting, pumping or othei : farm work is done oft' the sami ' motor, add £3 per year, to the abovi ; charges. RATS FOR HEATING AND COOK ING. At the present time the Board i, unable to make any special rates foi heating and cooking, but will do s< as soon as the character of the loac is definitely determined. FARM MOTORS FOR GENERAI WORK. I In cases where motors for shearing woodcutting, or' other farm uses are required, and .they can be supi plied from distribution transformer: used to supply current 'for othei purposes, the general . power rate: will apply. Where it is necessary t( instal separate transformers foi I these motors, the Board will require . a minimum charge sufficient to mccl its expenses in connection with tin I installation. EXAMPLES. HOW TO FIGURE DOMESTIC RATES. Take a five-roomed house having the following connected load :—Livj ing- room, 60 watt or" 50 c.p. lamp. I Kitchen, 40 watt or 32 c.p. lamp. Bedroom, 30 watt or 25 c.p. lamp. I Bedroom. 30 watt or 25 c.p. lamp, j Scullery, 20 watt or 10 c.p. lamp. I Hall, 20 watt or 16 c.p. lamp. (Iron point, 600 watts. Total, 800 ■ watts connected. Deduct iron point I (GOO watts) leaving 200 watts light- , ing. As minimum active load is 200 J watts, then GO'x 200 equals 12,000 :\vatt hours or 12 units. Hence the consumer pays Scl per unit for the .first 12 units and 4d for all over. In case the connected load was 400 watts, then 80 per cent of 400 equals , 320 and 60 x 320 equals 10,200 watt hours or 10 units at 8d. v HOW TO DETERMINE THE PRO--1 BABLE AMOUNT OF CURRENT. I USED. From the above five-roomed house assume the living room light burns I 2 hours per day, or GO per month : then the current used is 60 x 60 or j 3600 watt hours; kitchen 4 hours I per day or 120 per month is 120 x JO equals 1800 watt hours ; bedrooms d ,u hour per day ov 15 per month is 2x30x15 equals 900; hall 4 hours or 120 per month is 20 x 120 equals 2400 ; scullery U hour per clay or 15 p.-'r month 20 x 15 equals 300. Therefore the total lighting consumption is 3600 plus 4800 plus 900 plus 2400 plus 300 or 12,000 watt hours which is 12 units. The iron uses 600 watts and with 8 hours use per month-the consumption of current would be 600 x 8 or 4800 watt hours or 4.8 units. The total consumption would be 12 plus 4.8 or 16.8 units, which cost* 8s for the first 12 units and IB for the next five units.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3956, 9 July 1920, Page 2
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