• A meeting of the Peninsula Sub- j Union was held at Duvauchelle on i Friday when there were, present Messrs J. 0. Coop, President, in the chair, W r . Jacobson, L. H. Smith, hon. sec, and the following delegates : -■- 'Akaroa, Mr J. Le Lievre and W. Moore ;• Little Akaloa, C. Shuttle-! worth and R. Waghorn ; Little. River, j M. Barclay and C. Cradock ; Le Bon's ■ .C. and D. Mora. . i i The Canterbury Rugby Union wrote I I r, . | i that the N.Z. Rugby Union was i : bringing in an accident insurance | scheme which it was hoped would; ,by next season cover all players ' against accident. This letter was in '• I reply to the Sub-Union's letter and I was. received. j j Mr Reg' Mason wrote that the Le '' I Bon's ground was in a very rough l condition. The side lines were not ' i marked and the ground was laid out' lat a bad angle. j , Mr Smith said he had written to' | the Le Bon's Club about the ground. 1 j Mr A. Barker, .sec. of the Le Bon's j , club and Mr 0. Thelnihg "waited on! i the meeting and said the ground had 1 . now been properly marked out. I The Canterbury Rugby Union wrote i that it wanted sub-union teams to' meet when the Canterbury selectors i would be present and country playiers would have the chance of being 'selected for the Canterbury team. ( The Peninsula team was to play the Malvern sub-union team. '■ j Mr Jacobson • moved the Malvern ! Sub-Union be written to and the, match be arranged on a suitable date and place to be agreed upon. Seconded by Mr J. Le Lievre and carried. ; , The date for a trial match Bays v Little River division was left in the hands of the Secretary and the Peninsula selectors who would select teams for the trial match. It was decided to play the trial match on the Little Akaloa ground. I I Messrs Cradock and Barclay spoke against fixing the trial match or playing against the Malvern team before the Banner Competition was completed and it was decided to avoid doing so if possible. - ! Mr Cradock said the Bullcr team was touring Canterbury shortly and Ellesmere 'Sub-Union had offered team >;H) toward _ their expenses. It was decided the Sub-Union make the same oner. "• Mr Barclay moved all Peninsula clubs collecting- funds at matches for the Sub-Union be asked to forward same regularly. Seconded by Mr C. Mora and carried. It was decided to write to Mr, V. Ciaw and ask him if he would allow Mr Reg Mason to act as referee in the match Akaroa v Little Akaloa at Little Akaloa. PENINSULA BANNER COMPETITION. 1 AKAROA (6) LE BON'S (0). | The above teams met on the Reci'etaion Ground on Saturday when there, was a good attendance. The ground was in good order and a fairly even game resulted especially in the first spell.. No score was registered in the first spell, play l)eing up and down the field. In the second spell Akaroa had their opponents defending their line continuously. C. Mooi:e scored five minutes after play commenced and C. Barrett about half way through the spell. Neither try was converted. The game was not an interesting one, and the players did not show much clash. Mr Reg Mason acted as referee. ' The sum of C 2 7s was collected for the Sub-Union's -funds. . 1
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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