W. D. WILKINS AND SONS. Akaroa. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE LOT 1. —Homestead Block containing 77 Acres of First-class Dairying Land. Divided into 5 Paddocks, well fenced and watered by nevei failing springs. Buildings—House 7 Rooms, good Dairy and Engine Room, Large Iron and Concrete Cow Shed capable of holding 20 Cow.?, Hay Shed, etc. LOT 2.— 165 Acres very heavy grazing and Cocksfoot land, originally bushed with Black Pine and Totara, sub-divided into 4 Paddocks well fenced and watered. PRICE £30 per Acre. TERMS : 20 per cent CASH BALANCE 5 YEARS at 5X per cent. Open for saie for 1 month only. Milking Plant For Sale ZEALANDIA 3-Cow Milking Plant with Releaser and Mogul Engine PRICE £140 Cash or Terms can be arranged. Chaff Landing immediately Good Heavy j O.S. Chaff PRICE EX. WHARF: Kl3 per Ton. Sacks in. Akaroa* First-class Up-to-date Residence of G Rooms, Bathroom, H. and C. Water, and all Conveniences, 3 ,« Acre Land, attractively laid out in Fruit and Flower Gardens. PRICE £2000. DALGETY titf COMPANY LIMITED, STOCK and STATION AGENTS. Stock Sales conducted at ADDINGTON and all the principal centres in CANTERBURY. THE LARGEST WOOL HOUSE IN 'AUSTRALASIA. We have large, well lighted Wool Stores centrally situated. All consignments* carefully valued, and clients' interests fully protected. SALES of SKINS, HIDES and FAT periodically. LAND DEPARTMENT—We have a competent Staff in charge of this Department, and invite communications from buyers and sellers. We [undertake all arrangements in connection with the sub-division of proIperties. Catalogues supplied on application. We have large stocks of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRAIN and SEEDS &c, at lowest current rates. Samples and quotations on application. All classes of INSURANCE arranged. AGENTS for QUIBELL'S FAMOUS DIP and KEROL DISINFECTANT. SHIPPING AGENCIES: Shaw, Savill and Albion Co. .Ltd. P. and O. Steam Navigation Coy. Aberdeen Line from Australi?.. White Star Line from Australia. United States and Australian S. S, Coy. from New York. We have appointed MR. W. P, THOMPSON (late with Matson and Co.) our Representative in the Peninsula District, stationed at LITTLE RIVER. W. P. THOMPSON, Representative LITTLE RIVER. DALGETY & COMPANY LTD, J. Q. HERDM AN. Hlt-i_g«r.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 1
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