SHIPPING. BANKS PENINSULA, STEAMSHIP SERVICE. i TIHE Steamers "OYGNET" "MONICA." '~. X and "JOHN ANDERSON" will rim as under -weather arid other circumstances permitting) ;— Cargo at Steamer. Day. Train. Station. For AKAROA and Bays in Akaroa HarbourCygnet Mon. 9.55 am Noon Sat. : f Frid. 9.55 am 4pm Thii"> For LE BONIS BAY— Cygnet Fri 9.55 rib 4pm TV; LITTLE AKALOA AND MENZIES BAY— Monica Tues. 7.55 am 4pm Mon Monica Thur. 755 am 4pm Wed Monica Sat. 7.55 am 4pm Fri. For OKAIN'S BAY— Monica Tuea 7.55 am 4pm Mon. Monica Thur. 7.55 am 4pm \i> ed Manica Satur 755 am 4pm Fna For PIGEON BAY— Monioa Mon. 7-5-5 am Noon Sat. Monica Fri. ' 7.55 am 4pm Thur Wed 4 p.m 11 a.m Wee For PORT LEVY— John Anders'n Wed. 6.30 am 4pm Tuon s John Anders'n Wod. 4.0 pm Noon Vv cd. * Special Trips and Picnioa can ba arranged | STEVENSON STEWAUT & CO., 1 Telophase ■ 130, Manchester Street W. D. WILKINS & SOH3, Agents Akaroa. 1 c : _*- | CROWN BREWERY. r*. The Celebrated SPARKLING | of the Crown Brewery Company can ' be obtained at the following PENIN- * SULA HOUSES :— *-■ MR H. W. PIPER, Maderia Hotel, Akaroa. MESSRS ROBINSON & PARKIN, Bruce Hotel, Akaroa. MR J. fi&SKIN, If Somerset Hotel, Duvauehelle. X Mac W. COOMBS, Hill Top Hotel, Barry's Pass. MR F. WRIGHT, Lake Forsyth Arms, Little River. MR. T. WILSON,.- ;...... Grand Hotel, Akaroa. 1.-. - CROWN BREWERY BEER IS » UNRIVALLED. m BUTTER AND HONEY WRAPPIN® * PAPERS. *,' ■ ' " WE are prepared to PRINT Butter and Honey Wrapping Papers on tho £ prescribed paper and with the proper '' ink, as required by the "Pure Food Act" at reasonable prices. Let us know your requirements, and wo will •* supply you with quotations. p E. M. JACOBSON, Manager. "Akaroa Mail.." TO AKAROA AND PENINSULA RESIDENTS. *. —■ ■*f -\\7 M. LARGE (late of Wellington r ' > and Christchurch leading ■firms) begs to notify residents of the Peninsula that ho has opened up in business- in Akaroa as a Painter and " Paperhanger, etc., and by strict attention to business, use of best material, guaranteed workmanship, **' and reasonable charges, hopes for a fair share of patronage. Enquiries by post will receive prompt atten'■s. tion and work offered will be com- . 1 pleted without delay or unnecessary "■* r inconvenience. Note Address— - W. LARGE, Painter and Paperhanger, M" Lavaud St., Akaroa.^ * Yatfes of & BanScs Peninsula " THIRD EDITION JUST PUBLISHED AN ENLARGED EDITION WELL ILLUSTRATED. WE have just completed the publication of the Third Edition of the Tales of Banks Peninsula which has been out of print for v number' of years now. ?& The new book is v. neatiy bound \-> volume, crown octavo, and is obtainT" nblo at the "Akaroa Maid Office. This edition is a very much enlarged '*:' volume containing 400 pages and in addition a number of valuable plates of historic interest. The additions to the book include matter of historic interest collected; by the original author the late H. C.I Jacobson and E. M. Jacobson and these additions enhance the value of the book as they deal with the early settlement and industries of . the Peninsula more fully. f»ric« 7/6, po»ie«S fl/-.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 1
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