Amimm mrow i m ■ ... ' A • J > i >. fVf T ■ v J . J _&ran <• . " l j Farmers' Co-op, I J Assocmlien %i cuter-Mri, vi J.'. } AUCTIONEERS, WOOL BROKERS, ? FAT AND STORE STOCK SALESMEN i. I LAND ' AND ESTATE AGENTS. I ■j IKII BIVKII—LAVAUD ST., AKAROA. f . $ A Head ORiea ;— GASHEL STREET, GHRISTCSiURCH £ J . _____ . *> I ''' 1 j SALES OF ALL CLASSES OF FAT AND STORE STOCK \ I NEGOTIATED EITHER BY ( J PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATELY. $ ,♦• •.-;: ■ ■.__■ j j - iV ' ' 9 f Our Stock Agrjiit at Akaroa & , J MR. CHARLES INNES, Ted-d.onc No. 85. \ \ i pleased to call upon you at any time. X \ ' : " ' \■ ' - ¥ Appointments may be made it our Akaroa Branch, | ** Telephone No. 8. . - • —: f If you want the highest prices for your Stock let | I THE FARMERS \ sell for you. 9 ■ ~ J r Consign all Stock to FARMERS' CO-OP. j i _f < A _ I you will find the Hupp. There I § is no more popular car in the - I I Dominion to-day than the Hup- j | mobile. - ii i ' ' And this is not haphazard popu- | a larity, not mere chance. ; 1 The man who buys a car now- ' I I adays has been educated. Beauty . jj 1 of line and general appearance ■ | 1 are not the only features that | I sell a car. The buyer must be \ | satisfied that it has an engine' _ i g capable of standing up to all jl sorts of conditions every day of ; 1 every year. \ I " " - I i In the Hupmobile the car owner | I knows that he has an engine of \ 1 absolute dependability, of abso- . j| i lute simplicity, of abounding jj 9 strength and power. I I Quite apart from the luxurious § § comfort of its riding qualities i 1 the Hupp is essentially the car H I . for New Zealand conditions, the g I . car that will go anywhere and '% p conquer obstacles. ,' I Those are reasons why \ j | THE POPULAR HUPMOBILE \ j I is seen on every road. \ 1 , The new series Hupp, supplies - j I of which are now to hand, con- '" ii 1 tains the latest features, which 5 1 'make it a better car Ujan its i I J'amous. ' predecessors. Get I ■ I acquainted with Hupp .-superior- j! J N.Z. Farmers' Co-op.'-Assii.,' | I Limited? ■ j GHRISTCHUIICIt.-' . j
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 4
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