A -meeting of those who had sub- ; scribed to the Peninsula War Me- : morial to be erected on its site at , Akaroa was held at the Hall, Duvauehelle on Friday, when there were present: Mr. Geo. Armstrong, president of the War Memorial Society, presiding-, Messrs S. J Vogan, D. McKay, G. H. O'Callaghan, W. G. Dalgli'sh, A.A.Macphail, J. C. Hay, R. Bruce, A. Goodwin, R. W. Shepherd, T. E.Taylor, W. Jacobson and L. J. Vangioni, hon. sec. of the Memorial Committee. Mr Armstrong said the Society was keeping faith with its promise in calling this meeting of all subscribers before the form 'of the Memorial was decided upon. They had no designs to submit to the meeting nor had they taken steps to get them. What he suggested was setting up a committee representative of the whole Peninsula to go into the question. It had been suggested a column should be erected and another proposal was an arch with column above Another question they might discuss was whether the names of all men who left the Peninsula should be put on or onlY those who had been killed or died. It had also been suggested the names of South African war ■ troopers should be put on the memorial. Personally, he would like to [ see the names of all men who had left the Peninsula on the, memorial, but it might not be practical, as that depended upon its form. Mr Vangioni reported that the total sum collected for the memorial free of expenses was £1600 appi'oxi- ,' in ate Iy. Mr Shepherd said .1100 had been ' collected for buying the site and puth ting the grounds in -order, and the ,' balance would go to the memorial. ' Mr Goodwin asked if all the money ( was in yet. ► | The chairman said the list was ' not quite complete, and they had got I several sums recently. The day beI fore £10 had been given. Little River ► had also promised to assist, and the i names of their men would go on the . memorial. y ' Mr Shepherd said a foundation * stone had been ordered for the memorial, and it was suggested the new ► Governor, Lord Jellicoe, should be * asked to lay it. * Mr J. C. Hay said Pigeon Bay had ) a committee set up to put up a me- ► morial, and he understood Okain's I and Le Bon's were, doing the same. y All the Bays would understand that ► Akaroa had done a good deal For the ' memorial, and he was sure they I would fall in with any decision they \ came to regarding its form. ► . Mr Goodwin said the Pigeon Bay | Committee had looked at a number ► of memorials and found it most * difficult to decide upon one, as they had to buy one that would cost ► what had been subscribed. I , The chairman said it was a Penin- £ sula memorial, and the society wanted j the assistance of the Bays in the ► matter. l; Mr Shepherd mentioned that Mr ► Seager, of Christchurch, was getting ► designs from Europe, and it might ' be as well to wait for a while. ► i Mr O'Callaghan moved a represenI tative committee of the County and ► Borough be set up to finally decide I what form of memorial is required. ► j Seconded by Mr S. J. Vogan and *' carried. ■ ! The following committee was elect- ► Ed to select the design of the I memorial: —Le Bon's Bay, Mr W. G. ► Dalglish: Okain's Bay, Mr A. T. | Mason; Little Akaloa, Mr S. Gilbert; t Pigeon Bay, Mr J; C. Hay ; Duvauehelle and Barry's Bay, Mr D. McKay French Farm and Wainui, Mr ,W. D. Macphail : Robinson's Bay and .Takamatua, W. W. Williams; Little River, Messrs J. O. Coop and J. F. ;Buchanan:: Pott Levy, Mr R. J. Fleming; Akaroa, Messrs G. Armstrong, Barnham, Vangioni, Taylor and Shepherd. Mr Jacobson brought up the question of what names should go on the . whether men • who had I been living in the district prior to enlisting or those who had been born on the Peninsula. He also suggested the names should be collected Mr Vangioni said if the names of all Peninsula men were inscribed on the memorial there would be be--1 tween 500 and 600 and it would cost 1| £300* Pi Mr Shepherd said if they found I there was not sufficient money the I Peninsula local bodies would contriI bute the necessary amount. t I j Mr O'Callaghan said the names of I the killed could be put on the meL morial and the names of those who I returned kept on a scroll, i! The chairman said there was no I hurry to decide this matter. )\ Mr Goodwin moved the matter of the names be left until a later nieeti ing. ■ I Seconded by Mr Shepherd and ■ carried.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 4
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