I'rpTy AMUSEMENTS. . | HAYWARD'S . WIEM.Y PICTURES ODDFELLOWS' HALL. Thursday Next JULY 8. A SELECT DRAMA THE LAW OF COMPENSATION I 'tf-'fE LAW OF COMPENSATION I THE' LAW OF COrVH'KWSATJOW Feat«irin U NORMA TALRIADGE A Picture with a Powerful Appeal to all Women ! An Interesting Dramatic Story of a Wife- whose Love Wavered for a ■ Moment ! ! Pa the Gazeftc ■ topical These films are subject to alteration without further notice. ADMISSION : v S-tly ot Hall 1/1 Children 6d. Gallery 1/7 Children lOd. Reserved Seats 3d. Extra. PUBLIC NOTICES. PHONE 81. now snowiie F ©s* Winf ep Wear SMART COSTUMES • in effective ' styles and shades. iVOOLLEN JERSEYS & JUMPERS in wide range of colourings. L'RENCH WATERPROOF COATS and OVERCOATS. 3LOUSES \n latest styles and materials i'or all smart occasions also LINGERIE, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. SH a alt **d$ k If—S'l-F §!__«_<--? ra Ladies' Outfitter, lEAGH ROAD - - AKAROA. BANKS PENINSULA— CHRISTCHURCH | MOTOR I DELIVERY SERVICE - TON AND A HALF TRUCKS. || nHE AKAROA EXPRESS CO., I -*-• LTD., wishes to intimate that ra . Goods ■ Service has commenced. If Hie Company guarantee a thorough- §| y reliable and punctual service. M JERCHANDISE AND PARCELS | )F ALL DESCRIPTIONS CARRIED i weaving Christchurch from Storey's » Garage, Hereford Street, at 10 a.m 9 ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS | AND FRIDAYS | Leaving Akaroa from Phillips' Cen- i tral Stables at 10 a.m. M rUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND || SATURDAYS. H Parcels left at the above addresses m will be promptly attended to. if ENQUIRIES: 1 PHONE 932, CHRISTCHURCH. | PHONE 20, AKAROA. | w. h. wewt ? 1 MANAGER. § THE I.C.S. I PHONOGRAPHIC gf LANGUAGE OUTFIT. I FOR TEACHING § FRENCH SPANISH 1 The I.C.S. Language Outfit consists w of the Thomas A. Edison Amberola |§ i four-minute, new model Phonograph! with special Adapter and language \r~ speaker; a recorder for blank cylin- ! I tiers : light hearing tubes ; and a j flexible speaking tube. There are 13 blue Amberol fourminute records, comprising; 30 les- ! sons. . There are 4 volumes supplied, one j i'or conversational lessons, covering 'a vocabulary of 1.500 words, taking! in grammatical construction, a drill, 1 and also sentences for phonographic J reproduction. A Dictionary of G.ooo' i ' ' ' i words : a Grammar divided into var- I iOus lesson's, and arranged in a manner which enables the student to; strengthen his knowledge of the lan-j guage gradually ; a Reader, the sub- ; ject matter of which covers a wide range of literature and business forms Advantages of the I.C.S. System. The Phonograph, is an ideal in-j s'tructor, The student can take it with him wherever he goes. He ac-.| quires correct pronuniciation by imi-j tation and repetition. Each record is perfect in > accent, inflection, and pronunciation. • Student has no books to buy. Student? learns to write the ■ language. I I OUTFITS obtainable only from i International Correspondence Schools i 03 DIXON ST., WELLINGTON, N.Z. i
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 3
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