'd" :."' v ' ' r " • . 'i i- 1 y*M & Brd Styles: v j . i j?t specially reduced S<*te Pri&S j& j "-7 Ivory fop Silk Blouses ■« ! ! • T«;.s--or. ' ' Silk '' B^ l i se i ft ! ij 'iJsla Silk Blouse( in ft (* ] bIsCOUNT AND FRES ' '' £2 'f- l ■ PCST/.CE AS USUAL. Aft CHRISTCHURCH 32 . ,- * 1 .Winter's-: Needs .' .WHITE PINE SYRUP FOR RECENT AIJD CHRONIC * COUGHS AND COLDS, LOSS OF VOICE, HORASENESS, ETC. Largest Bottle for the Price on the Market. PRICE 1/6 BOTTLE. I", rmalin Throat Lozenges 1/6 Nupincs ■ ■ ■■' •• V" • Pine. Tree Lozenges .. .1/0 Bronchial Tablets. .. ( MKyal Huskeys ■- .. .. 1/0 Glycerine Pastilles .. 1/6 Pine Throat Pastilles .'. 1/6 Black Currant Pastilles .. 1/6 MEW HOT WATER BOTTLES Sixes S x 10, 8 x 12. S) x 12, 10- X ( 12 . .' .-■ ' At less than Christchurch Prices. a ,l .."eg rj oD D 3 ' CHEMIST - - AKAROA. __^____ 1 .Gentleman's Residence I of 'Nine Large Rooms and Modern Conveniences— Splendid Orchard and Garden and Grounds Planted with Ornamental Trees and Native Bush -Unrivalled views and Position. Prfoe £3100. ": F. J. MILL & So., 1 AUCTIONEERS, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS, |, LAVAUD STREET, AKAROA. | ' . •_■ ■- Ihe Carlyle'Automatic Sledge'! . DOES'AN .•IDIHINfi S_ A NEW WAV Scml for Illustrated Pamphlet. Please mention this paper. SUPPLIED ON HIRE CONTRACT IF DESIRED. - BOOTH* I*AGDOM»LD & CO ~ LTO CHRISTCHURCH. Branches at Auckland, Hamilton. Gi.b.rn., Ha»tln„.. New Plymouth, Palmerston N., Wasierton, Ashburton, T.man. and Duned.n. "notice to advertisers. notice to subscribers. ALL alterations to standing adver--tiseroents for insertion in first following issue (blocks -eluded)' ™»Jj " L Sub3cribcr not : rc . _£&. ~- T >Vednes- , nuuunieate at once w,th d3 y' s for Inwi-U'on In 'Friday'!! >«.i«. ; lhc Ma..a„ei.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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