The monthly stock sale' was held at Duvauehelle on Friday, when there was a large attendance, but a small entry of cattle, which consisted almost entirely of beef, very few stores being offered. There were about 150 head penned, and seme good quality bullocks, the prices realized being a big improvement on recent sales. Although the works have closed down there appears to be still a good .demand for anything prime. The Peninsula farmers can hold their stockin good condition, and from now on ! until the spring growth has a good start prices will be high. Following is the range of prices ;•-- ---■ Fat steers, £15 to .23 12s Gd.a ..'.. '- 1 Inferior steers, £11 12s Gd ' Fat cows, SO to £16 12s ,6d Fat heifers .1.0 5s o £13 5s 1 Springers (18 months). ..6, others - ..11 5s to' £12 10s ' Store cows, .4 5s to £7. d The following sales are reported :— - P'yne, Gould, Guinness Ltd sold on ; account J. R. White, 3 steers £11 12s Gd, 4 cows £15 to £16 12s Gd ; C. J. ; Richfield, G heifers £11 10s ; client 6 1 steers £18 15s to £21 ; Moore Bros. 14 ■ steers from £19' to £23 12s Gd, 12
c ' 18-months springers £6. „ t Dalgety and Co., sold on account a W. Mould, 2 steers £22 2s Gd ; T. L. F. Kay, 5 heifers £10 ss. ' H. Matson and Co. sold on account ' T. Masefield, (in conjunction with W. r D. AVilkins and Sons), 4 steers £23 5s !,' 3 steers £22; Goodwin Bros, 3-cows '£9 to £13, 5 heifers -£13 ss; Arm.- . strong Bros., 5 heifers £14, 3 heifers £1.1 10s. 1 at £10; W. Mould, 1 steer £22 10s; Goodwin Bros, 2 steers £9 *_' 12s Gd and £23 ss; J. D. Bruce, 4 steers £18 5s : P. Brocherie, 1 cow '' £9 10s, steer £11 15s; MFPs Wakelin cow £7: L. Kay, 4 steers £17-; Armstrong Bros, 3 heifers £10 5s to £12. 3 springers £11 15s, store cow £7, heifer £6, cow £4 ss, 4 sprirfgers £12 10s. | N.Z. Farmers Co-op. Association . sold on account T. Stewart 2 cows £10 15s: A. Duxbury, cow £11 7s Gd, 4 springers (passed)
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3955, 6 July 1920, Page 2
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