-A public rase ting was hold in the Main schoolroom. Pigeon Bay. i-n Saturday la>t, to determine what form the local soldiers' war memorial should take and the position it should occupy. Mr ,bhn (Chairman of the Committee) prm .ided. He said lie was sorry to ,co co few present; only eleven person as the business was important. Homer those present mu,t undertake the responsibility: He reported--that as a result of the recent canvas* W27 a hei ' n P l ''-"-I'*ol''au 1 '* 01 '- 'au apology i')< ulzcutP V : : ,s received frcm Mr V. daw. Drawings and ostiuiAtes ..f .uU'.a f...™ of memo,,!* v,,re exhibited and after much discussion an obehsk about 20ft high was decided upon or as an alternative, a solid block ot masonry with marble slab, let in for inscriptions, topped with an obelisk ; the existing committee to have full
power to determine aw between these two forms ; when all the circumstances re transport etc were ascertained. The position the memorial was to occupy rvca-sioned a great diversity of opinion. Some months ago the residents were circularized asking for expressions of opinion. This created some interest but as no particular position carried a majority backing it devolved on this meeting to decide. Ultimately after an inspection had been made, it was duly resolved "That the memorial site be on a spot almost opposite the old store site on the seaward side of the main road". Names or South African Soldiers on the Memorial, Mr V. Craw wrote favouring these names ;>ppearing on the memorial. A previous public meeting had sent in a recommendation to the committee to favourably consider this proposal. I It was resolved, . but not unanimously, that the recommendation be given effect to. This being all the business for the public meeting the existing committee undertook to '.■xrry cut the wishes of the public as expressed at the meeting
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3947, 5 June 1920, Page 3
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3947, 5 June 1920, Page 3
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