AMUSEMENTS. Hay wards Bi-Weekly Pictures ODDFELLOWS' HALL. Thursday Next 4 MARCH 18 th. A "VITAGRAPH" FEATURE "THE BLIND ADVENTURE" "THE BLIND ADVENTURE" "THE BLIND ADVENTURE" "THE BLIND ADVENTURE" STARRING— EDWARD EARLE and BETTY HOWE , The Most Mystifying Mystery Ever Screened. The Climax will Surprise you. "Love and Blazes" comedy Topical Budget topical Mounting Butterflies educational These films are subject to alteration without further notice. ADMISSION: Body of Hall 1/1 Children 6d. Gallery 1/7 Children 18d. Reserved Seais 3d. Extra. PUBLIC NOTICES. DENTAL NOTICE. \ FTER Five Years Management -"- I have taken over the Business owned by Mr R. A. Dearsly, and trust Ills mstay clients will accord me the support much appreciated by him. A. F. C. WILLIAMSON, Dental Surgeon. Akaroa Gash Butchery. I BEG TO NOTIFY the Public of Akaroa and Surrounding Bays that I am Selling the BEST QUALITY of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, and Pork, with SAIALL GOODS AS A SPECIALITY, and trust with careful attention to business-"to receive a fair share of your patronage. ' CHARLES MANN. LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. LITTLE RIVER EWE FAIR. TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd. TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd. MESSRS H. MATSON and CO. will be glad to RECEIVE PARTICULARS of intended ENTRIES on as early a date as possible to enable judicious advertising for this important fixture. SPECIAL ENTRIES. On account of Mr JOHN F~ BUCH- • ANAN, Kinloch: His Draft of Two-tooth. Ewes On account of MR BASIL WARE, Port Levy: 100 Two-tooth Three-'quarterbred Ewes 100 Four-tooth Three-.quarterbied Ewes On account of MR F. J. EDWARDS: 100 Five-year-old Breeding Ewes On account of MR JOHN E. FLEMING, Port Levy: A Consignment of Sheep and Lambi On account of *WHOM IT MATi CONCERN: 5 Big-woclled Sheep If. not claimed prior to the salt the proceeds will be given to the St Saviour's Orphanage. These are be ing sent in by KINLOCH ESTATE. On account of PERAKI ESTATE : 400 Three-quarter-bred Breeding Ewes, being the annual draf On account of M£ W. MENZIES Menzies Bay: 30 Two-tooth Ewes 30 Full-mouth Ewes On account of MR J. V. CHAPMAN Puaha: 250 Four, Six, and Eight-toot] Crossbred Ewes On account TRUSTEES late H. Vi PIPER: 500 Sound-mouth Crossbred Ewes Oa account of MR A. R. FLEMING Guildford, Port .Levy: -100 Two-tooth Ewea On account of MR J. F. BUCHANA! Kinloch : 750 Two-tooth Thric-quarter-bre Ewes oDo Four and Five-yeur-old Three quarter-bred Ewes On account MR R. CRAW, Chorlton 100 Good Two-tooth Crossbre -ai Ewes IMPORTANT NOTICE. In anticipation of a big entry i ;s this sale it has. been mutually agree ie amongst the various salesmen that will be entirely a SHEEP FAIR. Tl: it Cattle Fair will be on the 9th Mart All Vendors kindly take notice not I bring cattle forward for the 23r March. I H. MATSON and CO.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 3
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