To the Editor. Sir, —Might I suggest to your prcjgressive Councillors that the time has arrived when a small destructor is required for the Borough. By this means power, might be generated for i a cool or freezing - chamber to be ■worked with same. It .is doubtful ,if the fishing- industry will be a payling one until a means of treating J fish by freezing is established here. ,If guided by expert advice the Coun- : cil might work these two elements to the benefit of the Borough and success of the iishing industry, and other products requiring cool storing Tho dressing from the seed-cleaning I works and the evil-smelling refuse now causing trouble could by this! means, bo turned to good account;,! and the scheme pay interest on the*, money expended in the undertaking.! A small loan would be the requirement for this purpose, and no reasonable ratepayer who values the ; health of the Borough would object to this where an income would he received while improving the sanitary conditions of the Borough.—• Yours, c tc, PROGRESS.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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