-— —o-i — — "— Before V. G. Day Esq, S.M. Wednesday, March 10th, 1920': Leo. Kotlowski, for driving a. trap in Akaroa Borough without lights, contrary to the by-law was lined 10s and costs. For the first breach of his prohibition order, an offender was ordered to pay -costs. \ H. Dorecn for driving a motor ear at excessive speed, through Akaroa Borough contrary to the by-laws was lined 10s and costs. STRAYING CATTLE. The following - cases were brought by Mr J. Phillips,' ranger for the Akaroa County Council and the Akaroa and Wairmi Road Board:— J. H. Curry for allowing 4 cows to bo at large was fined 5s and costs. B. G. E. Turner for allowing a horse to be at large was fined os and costs. E. J. Richfield was charged with allowing a horse to be at large in November.. . ' I Mr Amodeo, who appeared for defendant, 1 said ho would like to state in reference to thess cases generally that the ranger was acting in an unreasonable manner, and that-- instead of his being a help he was a hindrance to the community. In most of the cases there was no deliberate grazing; but mostly it was a horse left for v few minutes. Also in most cases the defendant had no idea he had committed on offence, i Mr Williams, who appeared for the Akaroa and Wainui Road Board and Akai'oa County Council, said there had been a great deal of dissatisfac-' tion over the grazing of the roads, and the Akaroa County Council and Akaroa and Wainui Road Board had decided to lay informations in every i case. I Defendant was fined 5s and costs. 11. J. Hawker, on two charges of allowing- cows to be at large was lined 20s and costs, in each case. ( A. Hammond for allpwing cattle to be at -large was fined 40s and costs H. Moir, on two charges of allowing: a horse to be at large was fined 5s and 10s and costs respectively. I L. Shadbolt (Mr Amodeo) was charged with allowing a horse to be' at large at Takamatua. Mr Williams appeared for the local bodies. I Defendant gave evidence that hij horse had been tied up and the case was dismissed. C. F. Cα Wilson (Mr Amcdeo) was charged with allowing horses to be at large. He pleaded guilty and was lined 10s and costs. T, Wakelin (Mr Amodeo) for allowing 2G calves to be at large was fined 20s and costs. A. F. Shadbojt (Mr Amodeo) was charged with having , 11 cows at large on November 2Gth at Takamatua. The case was adjourned until May 12th for further evidence. Mould, Bros., for allowing a horse to bo at large were fined 5s and costs. E. G. Glynan and 11. Cossar for ;d- ---| lowing.Jiorscs to be at large were fined 5s and costs. j F. Brocherie (Mr Amodeo) pleaded not guilty to a charge of having two horses at large. I Plaintiff said he did not know the' horses were out, | The ranger, J. Phillips, said he had told Mr Brocherie's man the horses were out and he had put them in the gate.. Pie was fined 5s and costs. E. Ciisdin was fined 5s and costs When Influenza is raging, take' 'NAZOL." Best safeguard against xttack. Swiftest reliever to sufferers from colds, catarrh, and sore ;hroat. .••;", ' ' j<
for allowing a horse to be at largo. | W. M. Copsar (Mr Amodeo) Cor al- x lowing a hortc to be at large wat> 1 fined 55 and costb. j 11. Cossar (Mr Amcdeb) pleaded < not guilty to having a horse at large ' Defendant said he had left the horse i in a paddock of Mr Samuels'. To Mi- Williams: He was away from 10 o'clock in the morning until j 8 o'clock at night. , * The case was dismissed. R. Whitehead was fined 5s and costs for allowing a cow to be at large. , • 'I A. M. Helps (Mr Amodeo) pleaded j not guilty to a charge of having a horse at large. '■.._, The case was dismissed: J In the case Pilkington's Motors, Ltd.. (Mr Williams) v P. Cunning-j .ham (Mr Amodeo) plaintiff claimed | £1 2s 6d for fares incurred during November, 191 S. ! Defendant claimed he had not authorized anyone to incur the cost of I this fare. ■ • j Tli3 case was adjourned to May 12 ■for further evidence. i ; ■ .
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 2
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