VISIT TO PIGEON' BAY. Tlie executive of the Peninsula . War Memorial Carnival paid a visit to Pigeon 13ay on Monday evening, ■ the party consisting of Messrs G. AnnsUong (chairman), Barnham, Lcv.vitt, Thomas and, P. G. Armstrong. IMr J. Pitcaithly, chairman of Pigeon i'ay iload Board presided ovei - a very good attendance. The Chili mmn .said lie was very pleased to welcome the Mayor and his party, but Pigeon Bay had to subscribe £200 for a memorial o£ their own and were raising , £2000 for a. hall. The speakers emphasised the fact that they were working Tor a war memorial that would contain the names of ali Peninsula men who had fought in the late war and they asked for Pigeon Bay support. After the speakers had finished, Mr John Pettigrcw said he was very i pleased the delegates had come, over jand he thought it was a very fine [spirit to sec men working so earn-. icstly for such a fine object as a J Peninsula War Memorial. He was sure it would appeal to everyone. ] A committee was set up of Mcssr: 'IVUigrew, J. Pitcailbjy and A. Good win to canvass the whole district A hearty vote of thanks to tin I (i' , ' 'gates, was proposed by Mr Petti igi'ev- r , j Mr Goodwin, in seconding the 'motion said he thought after hearing the delegates the Pigeon Ba\ residents should support the monument. The resolution was carried by acclamation, A hearty vote of thanks was passed to' the Chairman. The delegates were entertained by Mr'A. Goodwin. VISITS TO WAIN UI AND TAKAMATUA. Me&dames 'J l . E. Taylor, A. Rhodes, G. Armstrong, went to Wainui on Tuesday evening to canvass for the stalls for the Carnival, and good support was promised. Messrs W. D. Macphail and W. Warner thanked the ladies for coming over and explaining the matter. Messrs Barnham, Lewitt and Thomas went to Takamatua on Tuesday, Mr P. Cunningham being in the :hnii- v The meeting- was large and enthusiastic and those present pro-1 nised to help the object to the best' )f their means. i VIOST SUCCESSFUL CARNIVAL BALL. A ball was held in the Oddfellows'
Hall, Akaroa on Wednesday evening in connection with the Easter Car-] nival. The ball was the means of securing some £30 for the ""Memorial clear of all expenses. The committee, ,in whose hands the ball was entrusted were most successful and the function was a decided success. The committee", consisted of the Misses Cunningham, E. Rhodes, M. Kotlowski, B. Jacobson, N. Le Lievre and L. Armsti'ong and Messrs P. Cunningham, P. Riches, H. J. Barnham and L. J. Vangioni (hon. sec. and treas. Miss M. Kotlowski arranged for the dance music. Misses Kotlowski and N. Le Lievre and Mr E. Kotlowski with two violins ami piano played excellent music during the first half of the programme. I The hall, was tastefully decorated I with festoons of .electric bulbs and a very nice supper was arranged on . the stage. The whole of the supper was given. Residents from all over J, the. district attended and the Hall .was crowded.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 2
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