a MATSON AND CO. H. MATSON & CO. $ H. MATSON & CO. f H. MATSON & CO. } ♦ CHBISTCHUECH TELEPHONES—Nos. 3, 944, 1147. t AKAROA TELEPHONE—No. 21. I LITTLE RIVER TELEPHONE—No. 2. a AUCTIONEERS, WOOL BROKERS, SKIN & HIDE SALES- ■ 1 MEN, LAND SALESMEN, GRAIN SEED MERCHANTS. |, ' TO THE , PENINSULA FARMERS !•. !, : TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS ! '] 1 TO THE PENINSULA FARMERS! ;; I WE OFFER OUR SERVICES IN THE CAPACITIES |; • MENTIONED. . <; k _— — ■ I In whatever branch of farming you are engaged you <j require a selling Agent— 4 t WHO IS KEENLY ZEALOUS IN YOUR INTERESTS. j f WHO WILL REGARD YOUR INTERESTS AS HIS OWN. \ I WHO WILL APPLY EXPERT KNOWLEDGE & DILIGENCE ■ I TO EVERY LOT ENTRUSTED TO HIM. . \ It is now more than ever essential that all the above should j ► be at your service in your selling Agent. < f WAR TAXATION, HIGH FREIGHTS and RAILAGES, EX- ! ► PENSIVE FARMING REQUISITES, HIGH AND STILL RIS- ' 1 ING COST OF WAGES, INCREASING COST OF LIVING, , : ALL CONDUCE TO INCREASE OF EXPENSE UN- j ! DPvEMIED OF IN PBE-WAR DAYS. ; THIS INCREASE CANNOT BE AVOIDED. ! 1 All you can do to maintain your revenue is to see that every , • lot which you have to offer is sold under the most favourable j 1 conditions. To achieve this desideratum you cannot do , • better than sell, through , 1 H. MATSON & CO. . ; . • < 1 A PIUVATE FIRM • ; I WHOSE PRINCIPALS ARE ACTUAL SELLING SALESMEN ( I WHOSE STAFF HAS BEEN IN THE BUSINESS FOR YEARS ■ ; WHOSE ZEAL IS BEYOND ALL QUESTION. ( The cost to you of producing each lot is a fixed and de- ; finite quantity—every extra penny you get in the price is i , all profit. . ' " . I SELL THROUGH US AND ENSURE GETTING IT. ' { ; AGENTS : ; Our llcpresentatives i MX. B. MORA, Akaroa ! MR M. BARCLAY, Little llivdr a ; arc experts and will be glad to call on you and draft your 5 i stock to the best advantage. j ■ . ' < j 'FINANCE: ! I , H. HATSON & CO. are always willing to entertain any j J financial propositions submitted by bona fide Farmers who , , are either starting or desirous of launching out in a bigger ' ; way. ■ ' CALL IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US. WE WILL I WILLINGLY DO ALL WE CAN TO ASSIST YOU. , I ■ . ; . ~ J SUPPLIES : ; ♦ We carry full stocks of I I WOOL PACKS, CORN SACKS, BRANDING OIL & j J ALL STATION REQUISITES. j £ . s at current prices. J J IT WILL PAY YOU J IT WILL PAY YOU \ J IT WILL PAY YOU i TO TRADE THROUGH J IH. Matson & Co. | $ CHRISTCHURCH. <
TiME AND WA6ES BOOKS. Wβ are just preparing s new stock of Time and Wages Books, required under the "Factories Act 1908," and can supply same at lowest current rates. We shall be pleased to receive orders for same at once. E. M. JACOBSON, j Manager, "Akaro* MalL" Tales of Banks Peninsula THIRD EDITION JUST PUBLISHED AN ENLARGED EDITION WELL ILLUSTRATED. WE have just completed the publication of the Third Edition of the Tales of Banks Peninsula which has been out of print for a number of years now. The new book is a neatly bound volume, crown octavo, and is obtainable at the "Akaroa Mail" Office. This edition is a very much enlarged volume containing 400 pages and in addition a number of valuable plates of historic interest. The additions to the book include matter of historic interest collected by the original author the late H. C. Jacobson and E. M. Jacobson and these additions enhance the value of the book as they deal with the early settlement and industries of the Peninsula more fully. Prici I/*, fotiii I/-.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 4
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