KOAD BOARD MEETING. A meeting of the Board was held on Saturday, Present Messrs J. Pitcaithly (chairman), E. Hay, G. McKay .and A, Goodwin. An apology was received from Mr Duxbiny for his absence. 1 The Chairman stated that Mr Kinghorn did not intend going on with his metal contract. Mr Hay moved and Mr McKay seconded that the Chairman and Mr Duxbury interview Mr Kinghorn and try and -get him to spawl more metal. ' ' ■ ■ . . ■ Mr Goodwin said that'ho had seen Mr Bridges re coming down to survey the Pigeon Bay end of Menzies Bay—Pigeon Bay road. Mr. Bridges had promised to come down on Monday, March Bth. The Chairman said that he had had an offer for one of the Board's horses, but lie did not know what value to put on it. It was resolved that :he horse be valued by Mr J. Duxbury. Tho Chairman brought up the question of his leasing the point opposite Mr Davies 5 for a number of years. Three years ago he had oh-' tamed permission from the Board to plant trees on this piece of land on condition that he fenced it and kept down the weeds. A number of trees had been planted and the fennel practically eradicated, and he would •like control for a number of years until the trees had made good growth. It was resolved to leave -the mattor over for a -full meeting of the ' Board. , -^.... I Mr McKay drew the Board's attention to a broken bridge on Reynish's, road, to the, over-hanging trees on i the Main road below the Horse-shoe j bend and the trees that were obstru-1 cting the view of the road at the corner below side school. It was left in Mr McKay's hands to have the trees cut back and to angage a man to carry out the work' The Chairman stated that a culvert j tvas broken on Pcttigrew's road. Mr j McKay was authorised to supervise; I the work of having the culvert re-' paired. ! The Chairman said that he had heard that the Akaroa County Council allowed their staff [) days holiday per year on full pay-Christmas and Good Friday among c tho number. The Chairman 'stated that some uniformity should exist among the Local Bodies with regard to holidays. Bad colds and "NAZOL" \ cannot exist together. Test this commonsense and certain treatment. Children like it.
Mr Hay undertook .to bring the ( natter up at the next meeting of ho Akaroa County Council. It was decided that the men hould attend to bridges on Holmes' 'alley road after the work on Kay's .-July road was completed. The Bridge on Reynold's road would then )c attended to. Mr Goodwin asked permission to (ire the Board's horses to do a little ploughing. Permission was granted subject to lorses not being in use at the time. Mr Goodwin, on'behalf of the Hall Committee, asked for loan of horses freo of charge for excavating the ial.l site. Mr Goodwin said that it was a matter affecting the ratepayers generally, he thought that no charge should be made. Agreed to. Mr Goodwin asked permission to borrow about 20 yards of metal from the Board for Hall foundation, i The metal would be paid back when the crusher commenced work again. Permission granted. Mr Hay drew attention to weeds in horse paddock. Under the conditions of lease these weeds had had to be kept down. If the men had 'not the time to attend to the matter he, (Mr Hay) would put men on to do the work. An application for transfer of land .from J. Corrigall. to A. Craw was granted, also an application to have W. B. McKay's name inserted on roll in lieu of Salt and McKay. Amounts totalling £11 3s 4d were passed for payment. ' THE COCKSFOOT HARVEST . Threshing is completed at Pigeon Bay. The seed that was out in the last rain darkened rapidly. The yield generally is from half to onethird less than last season. THE CHEESE FACTORY. • The supply of milk to the factory is much ahead of last season at this time. There is every prospect of a long season as feed is plentiful. Mr A. Scott has sold his herd of thirtylive cows and intends going in for grazing. There is every indication of several new suppliers to the factory next year.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 2
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