Farmers' Co-op. j Associofioii §1 caiferMry, 111 I 4 AUCTIONEERS, WOOI BROKERS, \ FAT AND STORE STOCK SALESMEN ' f LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. J 10C0I BmiICII—IAVAUB ST., AKAROA. j Head Office s— Q ASH EL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. A j SALES OF ALL CLASSES OF FAT AND STORE STOCK \ 1 NEGOTIATED EITHER BY t I PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATELY. \ I- f 1 Our Stock Agent afc Akaroa J | MR. CHARLES.INNES, Telephone Mo. 85. ( I will be pleased to call upon you afc any time. f ; ' ,'." < j Appointments may be made ifc our Akaroa Brancb, J I Telephone No.' 3. . , f > " J > If you want the highest prices for your Stock let S [THE FARMERS I sell for yon. & , - j ! ' Consign all Stock to 2 ! FARMERS' CO-OP. ESSENTIALLY THE CAR FOR THE FAftHLY— ] I iV h re I ANi LIGHT FOUR Its remarkably sweet running qual- B itics make this superb car a favour- j ite everywhere. I Each Overland Light Four is built I to a rigid standard of appearance, _ [ « performance and cost. j I $ And it is in performance—in actual road work—that Overland Light Four / V. ' pleases just as much as it does in appearance. The steepest hills, the roughest roads, are taken with case , and certainty. ' » • ! Overland Light Four is essentially , |B a comfort-car. The wheelbase allows ' | generous room for seating capacity, I the large tyres roll most smoothly | over ruts and bumps. The long canti if lever rem- springs absorb all shock, . S and the deep, soft upholstery is tlie , H word in seating comfort. a "■ All these fatuercs help, with the §j beautiful Hut's on which it is de- j| signed, to make Overland Light Four | the car that you will be proud to . \ own. I IF YOU CONTEMPLATE CAR I BUYING I it will pay you well to investigate the merits of Overland Light Four. . We will be pleased to demonstrate this superb car, or send you full par- j ticulars of Overland Light Four. \ - I. -J N.Z Farmers' Co-op. Assn, I Limited? ■ I ©HKiSTCHIJFISHa I
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 4
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