j To the Editor. | Sir,—There seems to be some misunderstanding in connection with hut purchase, of the section and the 'erection of the monument. The position is as follows.* —During the time 'j the war was on it was decided -to purchase the old school site in Akuroa as a. lifting place to erect a monument at the conculsion of the war. This matter was keenly taken up by residents of tho Peninsula, who collected, some S'JOO in all. With this ' the site was purchased at a cost of J'7oo, leaving a balance in hand of S2OO, which amount is being spent in 'getting the ground trenched, memor-' j ial foundation laid and erecting an artistic fence round the plot. The stock that were given to help to pay for the section will be raffled at' I Easter time and they are estimated j |to be worth about £150. If any of | this money is left over after the section is put in thorough, order it will be used towards the monument. I The Monument Committee is a large committee set up comprising all parts of the Peninsula ; Mr L. J. Van- j gioni is secretary, Messrs Barnham and Thomas arc assistant secretaries, Mr T. E. Taylor treasurer. The com- j mittee's aim is to collect as large a j sum as possible to erect the monument in honour of the great sacri-. fices made by our Peninsula men. Any one who cannot give money can give stock, produce, fruit, vegetables, or anything that will realise money and all goods given will be sold on the Recreation Ground on Easter Monday. After we have .collected all the money the committee intend calling a meeting of ali subscribers to the fund to decide I what shape the monument will take.' Personally I think the meeting should be called at Duvauchclle as it is a .central place. Some may ask why the money held by the Patriotic Society should not bo used for the Monument This money was collected for soldiers requirements only therefore cannot be used for any other purpose. - At .the present time the money is being used to aid wounded and disabled soldiers. Any applications coming before the committee for help will bo given every consideration. Thanking you for inserting the above. -Yours, etc., G. ARMSTRONG, President, Peninsula War Memorial Carnival.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 4
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