Immense Varieties ■ Reliable Makes ; |}111 Ladies' ——-—— I HOSIERY — —AT THE" ■'. D.I.C CHRISTCHURCH Lisle Thread Hose, Mercerised finish, in Black, White, Sky, Pink,. Fawn, Putty, Greys, Champagne, Bottle Green, Mole— ;-. .. .. .. 5/6 pair Artificial Silk Hose, Cotton Tops and Feet, in White— 5/6 7/6 and 10/« >air Colours. Cardinal, Bottle Green, Sky, Pink and Maize— "■■■'' " ■ ' ' 7/11Mercury Colton Hose; Lustre finish, fav-.ioned legs, Seamless feci, perfect filling, in Light and dark Greys. Putty, Gaberdine, Winr. and Sand Shades- - 6/6 pair New Silk Hose, Lace Fionls. in Mouse. Leather Brown and ,Gref:--- .. .. . .. ... 15/-parr Novelty Siik Hose, Shot KffccJo, as follow—Black and White, Black and Purple, black and Green, Black and „ Na-vy, and Pm pic — .. .. 21/- pair. Silk Threat? Hqj«u LMo jMid Feel;, in-all „-' -."" -t "~" "' "Shade's"-"" .. 21A 7.5/- '30/- "and 35/- pair DISCOUNT for CASH l/-in each complete £ j FITTg D-I-C pay postage on Hosiery [|YTfl i mm Cloves.' kuw —The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. Authorised Government Brokers for Purchase and Sale of WHEAT CASH BUYERS OP Oats Barley Chaff Potatoes Peas Linseed Grass Seeds Clovers and COCKSFOOT COCKSFOOT Agents for McDOUGALL'S Poisonous and Non Poisonous DIPS. Wonderful Records at Shows throughout the Dominion. NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD R. M. McKNIGHT, Manager,
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 1
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