PYNE & CO. PYNE, GOULD, GUmNESS, LTD. Stock and Station Agents Land, Wool and Grain Brokers. AGENCIES AT . . Amberfoy, Culvarden, Darfield, Lecston, Little River, Rakaia, Rangiora, Springston, Cheviot, Methven, Kaikoura, Oxford, Akaroa. Local Agent: M. FLANNERY, TAKAMATUA. Offices Cashel Street. AVENUE. Regular Sales held at all Gentres Clearing Sales Undertaken. Canterbury and haihoura Agents for COOPER'S DIP. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd. Christohuroh.
Cocksfoot Threshers ANDREWS AND BEAVEN, LTD. The increasing success of these machines year by year should attract the attention of Cocksfoot Growers. Bb twa stcioas ih« extra a—4 extracted from the straw pays the first eoit of maohine. The labour required is less, and the work is put through in half the time. We would ask those intending to save Cocksfoot next season to order their machines early from our Agent:— Mr. W. H. MOORE. Waikerikikiri. The engine in these Threshers is being used for Chaff-cutting, Sawing wood and Sheep-shearing, and is both good and economical for doing this kind of work. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION. STEWART DAWSON & CO. ( MSHBj§^MHMMHHnMBs9^BWaam B AMMMMM9^^ Stewart Dawson's Special Luminous Lever 1 Unequalled for Miners, Railway Men, etc j£&k An infallible timekeeper. Strong, solid, nickel case. Both back and front screw on and off, making the watch practically dust and damp j proof. " Non-magnetic, Lever movement. Luminous Dial which enables you to see the time on the darkest night. ■|H§R&Hb so/- p® s * Stewart DawsonV < Stewart Dawson's Corner, Christchurch
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 1
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