SHIPPING. BANKS PENINSULA STEAM- , SHIP SERVICE. *- -TIHE Steamera " OYGNET " "MONICA," r JL and " JGpN ANDERSON " will rnn as under (weather and other oiroumstanoes permitting):- M Steamer. Day. .. Train. Station. For AKAROA and Bays in Akaroa Harbour— s Cytmet Mon. 9,50 am NoonSa*. Frid. 9.55 am 4pm Thi"* For LE BON'S BAYCygnot Fri 9.55 am 4pm TLLITTLE AKALOA AND MENZIES BAY— Monica Tues. 7.55 am 4pm Mon Monica Thur. 755 am 4pm Wed Monioa Sat. 7.55 am 4pm Fri. For OKAIN'S BAY— Monioa Toes. 7.55 am 4pm kon. Monioa Thur. 7.55 am 4pm Wed Manioa Satur .7.55 am 4pm Dnd For PIGEGN BAYMonioa Mon. 7.55 am Noon Sat. ! " Monica Fri. 7.55 am 4pm Thur Wed 4 p.m 11 a.m. Wed For PORT LEVY- ; John Anders'n Wed. 6.30 am 4pm Tinea. John Anderß'n Wed. 4.0 pm Noon Wed. •* Speoial Tripa and Pionias can bo arranged STEVENSON STEWART & CO., - Telephone' 130, Manchester Sweet ** W. D. iVILKINS & SONS, Agents. Akaroa. CROWN BREWERY. *■ The Celebrated SPARKLING ALES of the Crown Brewery ■ Company can be obtained at the following PENINSULA HOUSES :- "*" MR H. W. PIPER, Maderia Hotel, Akaroa. MESSRS ROBINSON & PARKIN, Bruce Hotel, Akaroa. MR J. GASKIN, # Somerset Hotel, Duvauehelle. T HaW. COOMBS, Hill Top Hotel, Barry's Pass. # MR F. WRIGHT, Lake Forsyth Arms, Little River. MR. T. WILSON, £:■• ; Grand Hotel, Akaroa. ",- ' • • - ■ '.' CROWN BREWERY BEER IS % : UNRIVALLED. BUTTER AND HONEY WRAPPINB -*■ PAPERS. % WE are prepared to PRINT Butter # and Honey Wrapping Papers on the prescribed paper and with the proper ink, as required by the "Pure Food ?\. Act", at reasonable prices. Let us '**" know your requirements, and we will ..-' ; supply you with quotations. f, E. M. JACOBSON, Manager, "Akaroa M»ll-"
QUILL, MORRIS & CO. r~~Z- Allium—lHMMlllllflllWl—— w*^^^^ 11 ™'" I Ait Ideal Beverage. 1 JL m MbKtS ■HHHB bbbbbibbbl tI || 9 iIMBBBaBHHBHY «■ ■&. HHBVHbbbhßbi MHssBBBBSBBBBSHfl? ™ mMi hhmbHßßhß! Whisky ™$ Proprietors : the Distillers O mpany Limited. Largest Scotch Whisky Distillers in the World. Capital employed over £3,000,000. EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. , AGENTS:I Fletcher Humphreys & Co., ChristchurcL
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 1
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