11. J. BARNIIAM LTD. H. X Barnham,. Limited* ALL DRAPEBV NEEDS SUPPLIED Ladies Just Opened a Kan ye of Tailor-made Roslyn Costumes in Navy, Fawns and Gaberdines, Job Patent Court Shoes, slightly damaged, 25; per cent, under manufacturers prices, Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. Gentlemen Petone Box Suits and Sports Suits, well made, Fit and Wear assured. Kaiapoi and Mosgiel Underwear for the Winter at last year's prices. Socks, Ties, Braces and Boots. Children Underwear of all kinds, old stock at Old Prices. Boots, Shoes and Sandals. Blankets, Flannels and Rugs. / . NO SHORTAGE HERE. o 1 riffir riiinin II I* \W& L#lJl! 111 I ft* ■■ ■■ uh im ba am m*m ~>mmm* *» mm mm LIMITED Phone OSo. 3§.
Akaroa Cash Dutohery. I BEG TO NOTIFY the Public of Akaroa and Surrounding Bays that I am Selling the BEST QUALITY of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, and Pork, with SMALL GOODS AS A SPECIALITY, and trust with careful attention to business to receive a fair share of your patronage. CHARLES MANN. DALGETY Olid COMPANY LIMITED. STOCK and STATION AGENTS. Stock Sales conducted at ] ADDINGTON and all the principal centres in CANTERBURY. THE LARGEST WOOL HOUSE IN AUSTRALASIA. We have large, well lighted Wool Stores centrally situated. All consignments , carefully valued, andi clients' interests fully protected. j _____ i SALES of SKINS, HIDES and FATJ periodically. f LAND DEPARTMENT—We have a competent Staff in charge of this Department, and invite communications from buyers and sellers. We undertake all arrangements in connection with the sub-division of properties. Catalogues supplied on application. We have large stocks of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRAIN and SEEDS &c, at lowest current rates. Samples and quotations on application. All classes of INSURANCE arranged. AGENTS for QUIBELL'S FAMOUS DD? and KEROL DISINFECTANT. SHIPPING AGENCIES: Shaw, Savill and Albion Co. Ltd. P. and O. Steam Navigation Coy. ' Aberdeen Line from Australia. ' White Star Line from Australia. 1 United States and Australian S. S. Coy. from New York. 1 We have appointed MR. W. P. THOMPSON (late with-Matson and Co.) our Representative in the Per.in--3 sula District, stationed at LITTLE RIVER. s W. P. THOMPSON, Representative, LITTLE RIVER. S DALGETY & COMPANY LTD. J. Q. HERDIHAN, M -agcr.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 3
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