Tlf ANTED to Let a large room, *' suitable for dressmaking, furnished or unfurnished. Apply— MRS. R. HAHN. EGGS Wanted. Any quantity for Cash. Apply—F. DAVIS, Kowhai Bakery, Akaroa. LAUNCH NOTICES. MR. W. POOL announces that in future the Launch Tui )VILL NOT CALL at Barry's" Bay on the regular day (Saturday). SPECIAL TRIPS. In future, owing to the advanced price of benzine all special trips to the Bays will cost 10/-.. Business luiiouncement Wo the undersigned wish to inform the people of Banks Peninsula i that we are commencing business as ANCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, COMMISSION AND GENERAL AGENCY ns from MARCH Ist. .. ' ~ BUSINESS PREMISESOPPOSITE'BANK OF NEW ! ZEALAND, AKAROA. ! At ihe incsption of our Business v.c desire to assure our future clients 'that it will be a pleasure to faithfully attend to any Business entrusted to us. ■We nro tlic Agents for— AMODEO & JACOBSON, Solicitors THE VICTORIA INSURANCE CO., LTD." THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. THE NEW ZEALAND SHEEPFARMERS AGENCY. and Buyers for— KAYE AND CARTER, LTD. F. J. HILL & GO. GRAND CARNIVAL BALL '; In aid of i 1 WAR MEMORIAL ; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10th i ; .at I ODDFELLOWS' HALL, AKAROA Grand March 8 p.m. Excellent Supper provided Excellent Music Excellent Orchestra. PRICES— | Gentlemen, 5/-. Ladies, 2/6.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 3
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