watch Repairs Jewellery Repairs Old Jewellery remade into latest designs. 'Post your repairs to us. We specialize in repairing- and making up Jewellery. RELIABLE WORK MODERATE CHARGES ALWAYS SATISFACTION at ' Jones & Sons? The Manufacturing Jewellers. . 278 HIGH ST., CHRISTCHURCH.
I PUBLIC NOTICES. j AKAROA BOROUGH~COUNCIL."~ j ]\J OTICE. is : hereby given that all \ ±y Rates remaining unpaid after WEDNESDAY next 10th MARCH, J1920 with ten per cent, added will be sued'for without further notice. • G. W. THOMAS, Town Clerk. ."Auctioneers' Acts, 1908 and 1910." NOTICE OF ISSUE OF LICENSE. ' BOROUGH OF AKAROA. T Hereby give notice that Frede.r- - - - ick James Hill and. W. .D. Wilkiris and Sons. Ltd, who have places of business within the above borough, have been duly licensed to sell by auction, such license to continue in force until the day on which the first ordinary meeting of the Borough Council is held after the 31st day of.December next. Dated at Akaroa, this Bth day of March, 1920. G. W. THOMAS, • Town Clerk. Akaroa Borough Council. Use "NAZOL" and you won't keep a bael cold or sore throat above a day or two. Acts like a charm. Get a lottle TO.DAY.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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