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DUVAUCHELLE MONTHLY SALE. A LARGE ENTRY AND GOOD PRICES. There' was a very large yareling at the monthly Duvauchelle Sale on Friday, the yards being inadequate Ito proviele pen accommodation. i There were between 250 and 300 head of fat cattle, some forty bulls, and a large entry of store, cattle, which (brought the total yarding between 700 and 800 head" in all. -. Such a large entry, which probably estal> lishes a record, for the correct figures are not yet ascertainable from the Yard Company, was quite unprecedented, as the autumn feed on the Peninsula this year is very abundant iuid_tfo.c.. district will .probably carry ai larger number of stock than usual through the winter. Prices, however, M'crcgooel for both fat and store cattle, and almost the whole yareling" cleared at auction. I The fat pens contained a large number of prime cow and heifer beef: j but not a large number of fat steers. IA line of 20 bullocks sold by Messrs -Pyne, Gould, Guinness, on account of Moore Bros., brought from £19 to ' £21, and these fine cattle were easily .the best in the yard. Tho competi--1 tion of two freezing companies re- ■ suited in the high prices paid for • j beef, Messrs Borthwick and Co. opera I ting for-the first time for a number 'of years. The steers offered were 'mostly two and three-year-olds, with >'not many, heavier sorts. The spirited - competition, which started early in > the sale, resulted in prices for cow I and heifer beef advancing from 30s Ito £2 per head. Stores met with a • ready sale, and • this is probably ac--1 countable in the fact that many far- : mci's Have more .feed than they imow what to do with. Prices Were well up to ruling rates, and there were a 'number of .remarkably gootl HII2S. Following is range of prices, stores being incompleted owing to the lateness of the sale :— Fat steers £12 7s Gel to £18 10s, extra to £19 to £21. Fat cows £10 2s Gel to £16 ss. ' Fat heifers £10 10s to £14 15s. ' Yearling heifers £6 10s J Yearling steers £5 ss. | Yearling mixed sexes £4 2s to £6 16s.' Store cows £3 15s to £7 10s. \ \ Springers £8 15s to £11 • Calves "20s. j j Bulls £5 to £12 10s. j The following sales are reported :—, j N. Z. Farmers' Co-op Association sold stock on the following accounts :, S. Gilbert 5 cows £12 10s, 5 at £10 2s. 6d ; W. M. Kearney 3 steers £16 12sj Gd, 3 at £14 10s; Estate T. LeLievre cow £3 15s, 5 steers £13 17s. 6d, 6 at £12 7s 6d; A. W. Harris 2 steers at £15 10s, 2 at £14 15s, cow £13 2s 6d"; A. Helps 4 heifers £13 ss, cow £12 17s'I 6d; W. Corrigall cow £13 17s 6d,'
heifer £10 10s; A. Duxbury heifer £13 ss; A. Hewitt cow £10; J. Marshall 5 cows £14, 1 at £12 ss; D. Tizzard cow £11 12s Gel; D. Curry 4 cows £10 ss, 3 cows and calves £8 10s; A. Thompson cow £12 ; E. Cunry 4 cows £12 7s 6d; C. Marshall 4 cows £11 12s Gd, 3 at £11 2s 6d; -W. Ash-ton 3 steers £IG, 2 cows £10 15s, heifer £14 2s Gd; on account clients springer £10, 12 yearlings £6 16s, 9 yearling steers and heifers £6 ss.
National Mortgage and Agency. Co. sold on account of R. Latter 2cows £16 17s Gd, 6 heifers £10 7s Gd; client 7 heifers £9 ss, springer £9 7s Gd, 2 store cows £5, cow £7 10s, 2 spring-
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ers £8 15s . H. Mats'on and Co. sold on account 'of S. Vogan 2 cows £15 10s, 2 at £13 10s; C..R, Moore 4 cows £15 7s 6'd 1. cow £6; G. Hayward bullock £21, 'stag £7 17s 6d; T. M. Shepherd cow, £3 ss: Jas Wright 12 steers £12 ss; P. Broeheric 2 steers £14 10s; L. Hay-' lock 4 cows £13 12s 6d, -2 at £15 2s 6d '2 at £13 5s ; J. Wright cow £15 2s 6d, '2 at £13.2s 6d; W-. B. Hammond heifer £11.2s Gel; P. Brochcrie cows £12 and £16, 4 heifers £10 12s "6d, 2 steers £13 ss, 2 heifers £14 ; J. Bro'cherie 3 cows £12 17s 6d ; F.Kearney cow £16 ss, 3 steers £18 10s; E. Le- | Lievre 3 heifers £13 17s Gd, 2 at £12 'lOs; Jas. McKay cow £12*7s Gd; F. ; Le Lievre heifer £13 17s 6d, 2 at £13; IJ. D. Bruce 5 steers £17 15s; H. 1 Menzies 4 cows £10 15s; Armstrong • Bros, 2 cows £13, 2 at £14 15s, 1 at 1 £14; G. L. Mcintosh 3 cows £12, 4 1 at £14 12s 6d; P. Shadbolt cow £16 1 10s; A. Shadbolt 4 heifers £11 10s; 1 L. Stanbury 4 steers £13 17s 6cl, 1 at '■ £11 7s 6d; F. Wright 2 cows £12; W. : J. Warner 2 cows £11 7s 6d. ; Messrs W. D. Wilkins and Sons sold ! on account clients 4 fat cows £11 17s 1 6d, 1 at £5, 2 at £8, 3 at £13 6s, 6 [ 15-months heifers £6 10s, 15 15-mths steers £5 15s, 2 yearlings £4 2s. Pyne, Gould, Guinness I/td sold -on ; the following' account:—A. F. Shadbolt 2 steers £12, 12 heifers £10 to 1 £12; P. Cunningham 13 heifers £11 ! to £11 17s Cdj W. Crotty, 3 lieifers ■ £8; Mrs Glynan heifer £11 2s 6d; C. ■C. Narbey 17 heifers £12 7s 6d ; : Moore Bros, 20 fat steers £19 to £21; • Tikao Estate 10 steers £13 7s 6d to { £16 10s, 17 heifers £11 10s to £14 10s; ■W. Leonardo 10 steers £19 ss, 4 ' heifers £16 5s ; G. M. Kearney 2cows ' £U 15s to £15. : ( Messrs Dalgety and Co. sold on 'account client 5 steers £15; E. Gid- ' dens 2 heifers £11 to £13; Cossar - Bros cow'£l2; R. Stewart,' heifer £12 ' 2s Cd; J. C. Hartley, 2 cows £13 5s ! and £9 15s ; J. White, cow £14 17s Cd; i- Geo. Hartley, 2 cows £13 ss; A. I Kotlowski, 13 calves 20s, springers ' £11 and £10 and £9 ss, bull £9 12s 6d ' -j SALE OF PEDIGREE STOCK. 5 ; At the Duvauchelle sale on Friday i- Messrs H. Matson and Co. offered on ■ behalf of Mr W. Menzies, Menzies ■ Bay, a consignment of Purebred r Shorthorn Cattle. There was a good deal of interest taken in the sale as - it is one of the first sales of pedigree stock held in the district of stock bred locally. The cows sold at 18gns 22& gns, 23i:,gns, 22 gns, 27gns; the heifers at 15 gns, 25gns and 3 gns, while a yearling bull realised 15 gns.' Ail the stock were bought by local ( farmers and the. consignment were ( a useful class especially for breeding good beef and dairying strain cattle. \'_
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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1,172COMMERCIAL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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COMMERCIAL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.