A Boon to Country Residents! mri"i m uriiiin-i ir r_ nunrmwiin in mm iin—i■ ni■ ■ m i m iininii n iniiipm—■ Biiir-^wjjo«_iw_pww__wii-MJ--wa-«wwPigßwa»wcMßi>ww*«MH^« wwy««ffw«rai._nira_c<ri nMßwawwaaw iiiVLiw«imii»>iJw:iiLi«j««tp»u«pawMW~«w»Wß*»MW««wwMßwwwMW» F?!a! ff'ftflifttf Tlie ■ Petrol Iron illustrated above is one loa.iXd II m\m> 0 -whic}! we can recommend with confidence, & Plgag|irg for many customers have testified to its usefulness, simplicity, and reliability. It 15 £ i\ C f makes ironing* a pleasure. It is perfectly r6il€€lly ijjuC safe, economical, and is easily adjusted. It heats quickly, and operates about three Easily AdioSiSO hours with one filling of Petrol. Users "away back," who do not enjoy all j Hp&sQ ftiiirlrlv tlie advantages of tonwsfolk, declare this j uvea* iiiduuj . pet „ ol Ircn tQ be invaluable> es pecially E. i during* the Summer months, when the J COHOHIIC3.I quantity of clothes to be ironed is multi- } plied. Think of the pleasure of using this j Onpr?tpcj ahftnf Petrol Iron in the coolest s P ot y° u can I \j {KicahT) ah jut select, asagainst working near a hot stove, j 1 hnir/c wifh with frequent delays for reheating the I d IMkS ¥101 old _ Et yie* o f stove iron. The iron will last 0?1'2 ivdlil? Qi :for y earc > anc *- will quickly repay its cost ->" ," * w " in extra comfort and satisfaction. Petrol. ! o « Price complete OfZ / hj|*AJ with directions m 1111 PI E y ■ E>ost ' carefully packed, 1/3 extra. DISCOUNT FOR CASH 1/- in each complete £. j Cut this Advertisement out and use this Order Coupon Malinger, D.I.C, Cliristclmrdi. Vlc'iso send, l)y return i>ost, I'ctrol Iron as advertised, for which I enclose :\r>/:>,, being -payment for Iron 35/-, Postage J/:: = :JC/.'J, less J/- Discount, Total 35/3. Xainc.. , „ « , - Address - - - _ __-_ . . — - Returnable and postage paid both ways if not approved _ _ < - '-.The New Zealand ——- Loan and Mercantile Agency Go. Ltd., GHRISTGHURGH. GRAIN, SEED, AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, LIVE STOCK SALESMEN & WOOL BROKERS, . LAND SALESMEN, - - LAND VALUATORS, Stenk Bepariiiiiiai Competent Auctioneers and Stock Men repersent us at all principal Salcyards throughout the District. Our expert attention and advice is at your disposal at all times. Se@i B£partiß@iit You can vdy upon bci'iff supplied with English and Colonial Seeds of undoubted germination and purity-. "QUALITY" is Our Motto. ©rain Itepari mmm I We nay highest current rates for all Farm Produce. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FARM REQUISITES WITH US. WE DEFY COMPETITION. AGENTS FOR Mi-DOUGALLS' CELEBRATED DIPS. ELMSiRJRST CHOICE TEA. INSURE WITH TilE UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD (of London.) Lowest Rates;, Liberal and Prompt Settlements. AGENCIES AT Raka.ia F. C. MAY. Culvcrden I. G. GRIERSON Ashbui-ton P. CAMPBELL Rangiora F. L. BUTTLE. Melhven li. GREEN Darfield D. MANSON. U©i¥ Zealand L®an ani SH@i*©antile Aqonov Go. 9 Limited. mH c* f L. 11. CORSBIE Auctioneers /r &M i J/LcMMM2LL m y-*—
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3900, 11 November 1919, Page 1
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