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Local and General.

German Bay Dairy Factory.—The annual general meeting of thartholders ia advertised for Wednesday, August 19th, at 7pm., at the factory.

Okain's Bay Daiet Factory. — The annual general meeting of shareholders will be held In the Okain'e Library, August 20th, at 7 p.m. Death at Gough's Bat.—We have to record the death c.f Mies limily Kearnay, a' daughter of the late Mr George B.earney, of Gough's Bay. It is with deep regret we an'j nounce this second fatality in this household. Like her father, Miss Kearney succumbed to pneumonia. The funeral leaves Gough's Bay at 11 a.m. on Sunday for the Church of England Cemetery, Akaroa.

Bbevia.—A Belgrade report states that King Peter is openly terrorised by hi« entourage, who were chiefly implicated in King Alexander's murder.

Old Winter comes with chilly breath Bringing sickness, tometimes death ; Yet every family, praise the euiots, May now be free from chest comp.'uinta. At winter's cold and wintci'a rain, We can laugh with might and main, For we have the remedy pure W. B, Woods' Gbbat Pjbi?pbbmint Cpei).

.Assistant Borough Foreman. —Appli cations are invited for the position of A.'aiet ant Borough Foreman. For further parti ticulbrp see the advertisement elsewhere.

Girls' Friendly Societt — A wellattended meeting of this Society was held in the Temperance Hall, Akaroa, on Wednes day night. Mueio and games were followed by supper, and the meeting closed at 9 p.m.

Thh Zetland Arms.—Mr E. Fox, till this month licensee of the Al Hotel, Christ church, has rlisposed of that house, and ie now at the head of affairs at the Zetknd Anno, where he will extend a heft'ty welcome to ivll Peninsula visitors.

Salb of Town Hail—We are informpd that- at a meeting of thi> shareholders held on Tuspday evening, the tendrr of Mr 8. "Nt £130, wae accented for the hall and contents. The building ie to he rerroved within three weeks. Le»rnin£ from Mr Wolfreys that it is his intention to move the hall, and to continue it as such on to his peotion lying bteween the Town Hall site and Mr Dodda , . Shareholders heartily congratulate him <- n his acquisition, and wished him evtry succefs in his venture.

Visit of an Old Rksident.—Mr Edward Leprou, the well known blacksmith, who was a former resident of this town, is paying the Peninsula a \iait with a view to the final sale of hie property and settlement of his affaire. Since his arrival, he had the misfortune to be one of the passengers in the boat that was capsized at Lβ Bon'p, when he was unfortunate enough to lose his wntch and other property the value of which he e&timMee at over £20. Mr Leprou is now settled near Auckland. He hae been very succeeeful in monetary matters since leaving us, having achieved a comfortable independence.

The Library—A deputation consisting of Crs Leete, Munro, Taylor, and Geo. Armstrong, jr, waited on the Chairman of the Library Committee, and Messrs Bruce and Orbell, members of the same, asking if some arrangement could not be made for kfeping the large room of the Library open for Msi , tors in the day time, as the present reading room was small and inconvenient. The matter was very fully discussed, suggestions being made as to wiring in the books and putting up a yartition in the large room. It wax alfo advocated that the large room should be left open as it used to be, and pla cards warning that any offence against the rules would be Feverely punished affixed to the walls. The Library Committed did not see its way to accede to the latter proposal, and refined to think the best way to solve the difficulty would be to get some residents to volunteer to attend at the Library during some afternoon in the week bo that the large room could be kept open under supervision. In the meantime the cost of wiring in the books so as to preserve them from the prodatory attacks of the Free Lances who have hitherto po perseveeringly mutilated, stolen, or destroyed them, is to be ascertained.

Sawder and Sons Eucalypti Extract.accordr_)Z to reports of a great number of physicians of the largest professional staiding, there ore offered Eucalypti Extra - 3 which possess no curative quilitia', Tn protection of the world-wide famp of San W and Sons' preparation wo publish a f->w abstracts from theee reports, which hsar fully out that no reliance can bo p!<io"d in other products:—Dr. W. B. Bueh, Oakhnd, Fla., wribeß. It ie sometimes difficu't to obtftin the genuine article (Sander and Sons'). I emp'oypd different other preparations but they hid no thorapeutio and no effect?. In one case the effects were similar to the .il camphora, the objectionable action of whiih is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Orcgcn, sayß • Since I became acquainted with this preparation (Sanger and Sons) I use jo ottn-r form of eucalyptus as I think b by far the orer.' Dr. L. P. Preston, Lynccburg, Vβ,., writes)!' ' I never usoany preparation other than Sander and Sous', us I hay) found others to be almost useless.

Chamberlain's Pain Balm is one of the beat aud most effective liniments on the market for the cure of spraius, bruises and rheumatic paina. This ia the universal verdict of all who have tried it. For sale by J. 8, Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa.

An Esteemed Friend.—By the introduction of a comparatively new blend of famous Hootch whisky—"Auld Acquaintance"— the Criterion Hotel has become the chief rendezvous of the Peninsula for those per , sona who eeek tasty and exhilirating bever' ages. MrG. B. Mackay has now a wide reputation for eupplying the wants of the moßt fastidious and may be said to have filled a long felt want in acquiring fche agency for the " Auld Acquajnanoa" brand of whisky.

For Influenza and Gold In the Head take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s 6d.

Accident— A ehil i of Mr OvalicreV:, o! Lo Bon's, w»8 hurt by a horse treadii g on him ye»(erfluy, ard Dγ Hargi-pavcs was sent for. Wo understand tie v ju.-if-.* ure no - , likely to turn out very serious.

Vucure Touramknt.—Only half of the first round of the Euchre To.:rnainc .t wu payed on Wednesday right. So far tin Piratas land by three j^uru:- , , Play w ; l! bn continued on night, «,t the Fire Brigade Station, a* 7.30.

Chatham Island Fish. —Tho statement previously published, that, Messrs T. E, Taylor and G. Liurensnn. M.H.R.'s, had abaidoncd the idea of exploiting the Chat" ham Island fisheries (says the " Frees ") is cot, quite accurate). ToEtn a !- e still beinp made, and the results arc s»nid to be satis' f o'nry. Mr Taylor nppei.r* confident that, p-opeily de\el >[;i(l, a inrge exp rt iracle in fi h con l<l bo tstalilijrhed.

<jRAM> National Meeting.—The Grand National Carnival opened on Tuesday with fine w-athor, Tho result wa-i that, very large attend*- cc wia reported, much in oxc-\sh of last yekiV, and tho sunny weather C'litnbuted much lo tho pleasure of loverß of scort, Tho following are the results of t!ie races: —F;r-t Huntei's Ilurd'es, Plain Torn 1-t, Fairy Kofr 2nd ; Maiden Hurdle?, Tupira ls'r, kvening 2nd ; Winter Cup, Vlmlimir Ist, Pnmpero 2i;d ; Oiand Natlorn), Awahuri Ist, Pipi 2nd, Haydn 3rd ; Trtlly-Ko Plate, The Whip Ist, King 2 d ; Ladies' Braoekt, Waiwara Ist. Stefdanc r 2nd; Knfield Steeplechaße, Victory Ist, Umtlopognas 2ud ; Woolston Plite, Glenala:Ule 1 Narcissus 2nd.

'■"ettlemjnt of Banks' Peninsula. —Mr Lxurtnson. on Wednceday (eaya the 'Preee') atkf'd the Government whether they are yet in a portion to say anything definite regard h'g the question of the closer settlement of Hanks' Peninsula ? The Premier replied that inquiries were being marie, but the matter waa not ye', settled. He would probably be able to rply definitely next week. Iα connection with onn suitable piece of land regarding which irquirirs were being made, it was found that h h.»d been divided between twenty memt'ors of one family. (Laughter, and a member: "Quite right, too.") The Premier :"I do not say it is wrong."

Death of an Old Resident—The "Dane virke Advocate " writes :—" We rpsret to hive to record the death of Mr L. Nielsen, which took place at his residence at Muko , tuku yesterday. Mr Nielsen was ere of the oliieet eettlera in the Jistriot a;:d -much re , sppcted by all who knew him. Ii would t>3 difficult to have found ft more thoroughly straightforward und upright than de , ceased, and sucere Ejmp ilhy is felt in , liis widow and grown up family. The Ute Mr Nielsen yas a rebiJent of thr* district innearly 15 years, and was formerly a settler in Canterbury.' , Mr X, Bargh, of D,meviike, writes us that Mr Nielsen was i\ resident at Barry's Bay for more th»n 11 years.

Errata.—Mr F Mirah. Se.roUiy of the Le Bon's Dairy F-icury, wiites:— '• I hive notice.! mi&rtiulc in !■»«;, week* paptTc, sent in by th>. Ak'.uo , . pr<"; ■ rorre-a - pmident. announcing that thu Le Mon'e Bay Factory intends making 3he ■-<■, itu-teiul of butter this Htv.son. Now, us this is ahso , lutely incorrect, I wish to contradict the (ibeve sttiteini-:!' a* it may bs ti»e im-ans of doing the fj ,, Bon's Hay Oomp.iny a lot of i. jury, a.s iPti'vrc?s their !oc! t.i.vde. The f*ero-y will \o nvir.ufnciuro butter us btfuie, under the title of \h°. Le Bon's Bay Co operative Diiry Factory Co., Ltd., with Mr T. C. Oldrirlgc. Tv? manager, who hiis n w been in ths fadory for several years puet."

Couksino— * mestins of Cnursint; Jjlubs of tiie S,.hi h Island was hell ufc the While Hotel, Ohrietch -roh, on Wednesday, Mr W, Fox representing Akaroa It wis resolved that rules for tm Associatl r* be iirafttd and Biibmitto.i to Coufereuce in Wellington for contirmatiop. Tha meetitig resolved to recommend to the Conference that no Club should be allowed to coarse trapped hures : that cure should be taken to rebate the number of meetings held by cash Club, so that the tport should lu'o be injured by too many meetings, and that any Club holding Tnort; than two meetings in the year Bhould guarantee a stake of at least j650 for each meeting ; that doge should not ba allowed to run ; n sapling or puppy stakes unless registered within three months of the date of whelping, and that no dag of unknown pedigree should be allowed to compete in any but open etakea, and that the Association should fix tho datei of meetiuge,

Limb at Gebbik's Vallkv.—Tha si_eeial correspondent of Uμ " Prtis.i " vvrn«3 : —Our member, Mr Rhodes, as';ed i lie Minister of Lands if he will Ivivp, a report made on the limestone o:i the Gebbik's l'»ss roar!, at the head oF L", Helton Harbour, with a view of eetabluhmg a. iimo kiln iv that locality, and thereby enabling fartr:eis :o obtain a supply of liino at a reasonable cost? Mr Rhodes eaid he was not sufficiently an expert to say whether this lnm-stos.e was buitable for burning. If it was it might ba worth dealing with, as many farmers) were now getting their lime from great distances. Mr Duncan Slid his information wis that the limestone was on private property. Mr Rhodes : " Yes, but you could, no doubt, take it under the Public Works Act." Mr Duncan : " J don't know. I would need to refer it to the Law Officers. lam rl-übtful, however. if there would be very much c.'c.'rand if you did get It." Mr Rhodes : ' : There ia a de' mand in Canterbury." Mr Duncan #aid he bsen told these was a great demand in Otago, but it had been now found that suali waa not the case. In regard to Canterbury, he thought it would be better to get lime from Mount Soniers. He would h;wj en' quirius made, und see what could be.done.

Neg let Always Da.nueuous.~To ho average man it, urems e'niilisti to doctor a cold, and uuJcija it becomes particularly annoyiug to him, little or no attention ia Riven to it. Often a •■old contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opeuing of spring. This is a grave mistake, as oven though the warm weather may bring relief, the aystem ie thereby weakened and rendered susceptible \o kissase. A cold should never be ueglecteii, whether ib he a child or an adult who is afflicted, ay health and often lifo is risked. A bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough remedy, coating but a small amount, will bring speedy relief, and by its use all danger ous consequences will be avoided. For sale by J. 3. DoDDS, Chsmist, Akaroa,

Ballantynh & Co. —Messrs Ballantyne and Co. , s winter eale ie the event of the hour, as can be aeeu by the gigantic ere wds vioiting the firm's premises. Drapery to suit ail requirements can now be procured ub special sale prices. A complete inspection is cordially invited. Ladiee , , gentlemen's and children's clothing is now on show, and all who think of purchasing are advised to come at once, as much of their stock has already been disposed of. Country custom' era are reminded that all letter orders are promptly attended to, so that these who wish to profit by the phenomenal low prices now ruling can write at once for their bar , gains. There is absolutely nothing but new stock offered to the public, and now is the time to buy really first class materials at the lowest possible figure afc J. Bftllantyne and Co.'s great winter sale.

FOB Bronohial Cough, bike Woods' Grcut Peppermint Cure, Iβ 6d and 2* 6do\ery. where ß

Hukkicane. —A hurricane did great dam' a«o in Jamiiioa, and destroyed several vil lagG* in Martinique.

A Corner in WHEAT-The ' Daily Mail' etH-'R thai, an American organisation of 38,000 fermers is pn j.-etiog a great UDion of wheat growers in A.ineric», Russia, Argentine, Australia, Hungary, Roumania, India, a»d Canada, to fix the miaimum selling price of wheat..

Fium Eriuade Assembly.— To-nighb, the Fite Brigade ia holding its fortnightly Assembly, when an additional attraction will be ofiered in the shape of a waltzing competition. Already there are a large number of entries, and as will be eeen by the advertisement elsewhere, further entries will be received at the Oddfellows' Hall, tonight. Both lady and gentleman will be awarded prizes. Spectators will be admitted to the gallery on payment of Is admis , eion.

Prepare For Croup.—The time waeted in sending for a physician when a child shows symptnmi of the croup, often leads to fatal results. A reliable medioine and one tbfit should always be kepb" in tho home raadv for imtiediite use ie Chamberlain's Cough remedy. It never fails and will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomee hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. For sale by J, S. Dodd.s, Chemißt.

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Bibliographic details

Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2799, 14 August 1903, Page 2

Word Count

Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2799, 14 August 1903, Page 2

Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2799, 14 August 1903, Page 2


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