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Local and General.

Pharmacy.—Gordon Dodds, brother of our local chemist, has passed Section A of tho Pharmacy Board's thirty-sixth standard ex imination.

Sk_vice at Duvauohelle's—The Rev, W. Sedgwick will hold service at Duvau chel'e's, on Sunday next at 11 a.m.

Meetings re Cocksfoot—For the time tabli; of meetings this week see advertise ment elsewhere.

.Peninsula People in Taranaki—Nunr I era of Banks Peninsula residents have re* C3t.tly purchased farms in the Taranaki district, principally around Stratford, Many of these properties have been purchased by the Agency of Mr James Scott, of the Farmers' Exchange, Stratford, as his long list of farms on offer and his prompt business commend themselves at once to intending buyers. A notice from him appears else' where.

The W bather.—The weather has been very wet for the last two days, more than two inches of rain having fallen. It has been warm and good for the grass, but very unpleasant for the many visitors who keep coming to Akaroa. Fifteen arrived on Wednesday by coach, and others by steamer, aad did not appreciate the change at all. There were no sign of clearing when we went to preßS. News.—For continuation ot news see ourth page.

Empire Day Sports—A committee meet ii c will be held at Mr Ingram'- shop, at 7 30 p.m., to-morrow. Sunday School Trkat — Tho St. Peter's Sunday school treat, which wi»h to have I ,nl;en placo to-day, has boon postponed till Saturday week, May 23rd. Okain'h Hay Road Board—Tiro polling for tho extraordinary vnnnmiy on tho Oleum's \Uy Road Hoard will Inko placo on Saturday, May 30th. Nominal ionn will bo KOJivml up Io niinii, on Huluiday, May 25. Hay Bkiunhui - Owlok to tho Inolomoncy of tho wnivtlmr ypt(.ti»(l«y, tho mooting re May pprvlopi wen jKnl-potiml. It will be hold urxii Tliurmlny nt Duvuiioliollo'h at the wiumt jilni«o nnd hour. Aiuh-ia Lawn Tmnnim-—To-night, tho AUiiiort, l.nwii Tonkin Club is having a pi-'igr-'UHivri ouoliio pm y, followed by a dano'«. Tho Oddfollow*' Hall has been oiu«k<»l, and v iiio?t onj >y«blo evening should bo spout, Pmiroi Hay Road Humid.—-is Mr W. Goodwin baa rthigiind from tho Board, and as only Mosars (J. McKay and W. Oorrigall woro nominal od, two extraordinary vacancies Inve ooourrod for whioh nominations ol 'so on May 260h. Tub Balkans. — 'ihe outlook in the Ba k iB 'b more pacific. Tho approaching harvesting in Bulgaria and Macedonia will b< an important f.otor fir peace. The G oik Governrneut bas complained to the I'or'e that eight Greeks were killed and four wounded, in tho rcoeot fighting at M oMs' ir. Morocco.—Six tribes, numbering in all twelve thousand, are tttackingTetuan. The suburbs are abl zi, and the famous orange g-i.ieus havd been destroyed. The British Consul ani all British subjects have left the t.wn. which is almost deserted. The Sultan is sending three thousand reinforcements, America and Germany. — Gsrman op nion regards President Roosevelt's Wat' sonville speech a< an alarming development of Monroeism. The newspapers do not anticipate that America's p eponderance in the Pacifio will be soon realised, and suggest tl a', President Roosevelt is trying to arouse enthusiasm with regard to the Navy, and if indulging in Presidential electioneering. Strange & Co—The popular Christchurch fir.n of Strange and Company announce th y live just purchased a large line of fashionable winter dress fabrics—4,ooo yards in all. Th. ; y these goods on exceptionally favourable terms, and are now offering them at such tempting prices that a rapid clearance of the entire line is assured. Many of these sbjlisli fabrics are actually on sale at Strang's at half usual pric , and in some case 3 for leja than half. Incu led in the lot are a number of lovely dre-ia lengths at astouishinp'y cheap rates. Such opportunities of obtaining choice dress g rods for little money seldom present themselves. " There's no place like Strange's."

Peninsula Coursing —A meeting of tnis Club was held last night at the Cri 1 terion Hotol, Mr E. F. Lelievre in the chair Twenty dogs were entered, and it w_s resolved that all entries received in letura bear, ing the postmark of the 14th be accepted • Mr E E. Nutt was appointed judge, Mr J\ Nutt Blipper, and Messrs Geo, Kooinsou and H. Nutt Unearned, and the meeting ad' j run el to 8 a.m. on Monday, May 25, at ihe Lake Forsyth Anna, Coursing to start ut 9.30

iSomai.ilam). — The Mullah's followers laugh at the sma 1 wounds caused by the British solid built ts, anl declare that the Mullah c.usts them to heal quickly. Mr W. T. Maul, artist war correspondent of the London " Graphic," ofter a narrow escape during the recent attack upon Colonel Cough's column in Scmalilaud, died at Aden of syncope Details of the capture of Sokoto Bhrnvtlut 6000 fanatical Fulani tribeemen fought desperately f r two hours and a half, showing indiffeienca for a fierce Maxim fire. They charged v ithin a few yards of the British square, and despite wounds died cryiug. •' Allah." Tha chiets heroically defended the Emir's standards. A correspondent st.tea that the captured city is seven miles in circumference, but muoh inferior to Kano.

Affairs in China.—There are seventy three thousand people starving in Nanungfu and Tsunifu districts. Relit f has been sent from Hong Kong. China, evading the intentions of the protocol, has finally declined to pay the indemnity on a gold basis. She insists that if gold is demanded, it must be on the basis of the rate of exchange of April Ist, 1901. M. Plancon, Russian Charge d'Aff.ireß at Pekin, declares that all Manchuria is open for foreign travellers, and passports are unnecessary. It is reported that tho re-occupation of Liaso forts was due io troops resting there while proceeding south. Admiral Alexioff has iufcrmed M. Plancon that the majority of Russim troops have evacuated the Mukden Province.

Sander and Sons EuoALYPri Estbaot. - to reports of a great number of physicianß of the hrgest profes-iional standing, there are offered Eucalypti Extracts A-hich possess no curative qualities. In protection of the world-wide fa n • of Sander .... Sons' preparation wa publ sh a few .bitracts from these reports, wh>ch bear fully out that no reliance can bipUo>din ther r. ."ilucte:—Dr. W. B. Bush, Oakland, Fla. wr't3B. It is sometimes difficult to obtain the genuine arJole(-V_n lar and Soa"-'). [ employed diffierent other preparations but they had no therapautio value aid no effects. In one case the effects wars similar to the :il camphor., the objectionable acV.on of whir-h is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Oregon, spjs 'S- "re I became acquainted with this preparation (Sander and Sons) I use "io other form of eucalyptus as I think lt by" far the oest.' Dr. L. P. Preston, Lyncii'nurg, Va., writes I' ' I never ueoany preparn'ion other than S_nier and B'.>a ■', as I har) found othera to be almost usel m

A Sure Cure fjk Croup. —The fir.t in diciition of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough congh. if Chamberlain. Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even "fter the cropy cough appears, it will prevent ihe attack. It is used iv many thousands of homes in this broad laud and never disappoints tha anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which ib has nob proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record—over thirty years' consttnt use without a failure. For sale by J. S. Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa.

"Auld Acquaintance."—Such is the name of a new whisky, of which Mr McKay, of the Criterion Hotel, Akaroa, has secured a monopoly. Ib is 15 years old and is a vinous and delicious beverage ; but taste and try before you buy. Foe Influenzi and Cold in the Head take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, la 6d and 2s 6d. Stick to the People, it is but their due, Give them good value and they'll stick to you, 80 we have found that wherever we've been; We have a big lead, to keep it we mean, In many a home we have saved much expense And still will continue for years that are hence. For bad coughs and colds, the stuff good , and pure ' Is Woods' Great Pbppebmint Cub*-.

Peninsula Ruouy Association —The annual gonsral meeting of delegates will be held at the Criterion Hotel. Akaro., on hsut.urday next, at 7 p.m. Mr Walton, of tho Canterbury Rugby Union, will b3 present, and sugges'ions for the improvement of Peuitmila footbill will ba discii-sel.

A Royal Betrothal - Prince Andrew the fourth son of the King rf Greece, has been ba rothed to Princess Vic'oii. AI ie 3 of Battenburg, a daughter of P<*ince Louis.

America's Future -President Roosevelb, speaking at Watsouviile, said that the Paci fie Ocaan must pries under tho commanding influence of America during ihe present century, involving a great burden of respons ibility.

The Town Hall—Moat of the trees surrounding the Town Hall, Akaroa, have been cut down and quire a alack of firewood has been collected. The change should benefit the Halt, as there were too many trees before, and Ihe building was made damp in consequence.

A New Residencb—Mr Eugene Lelievre, of Long Bay Road, is building a very fiae house in Benoit street, Akaroa. The situ ation is excellent, the house beiDg on a rise, and the ground sloping away below it, ard a magnificent view of the harbour and town is to be obtained from there. Good build ings, like Mr Lelievre's house, go a long way towards improving the general app3ar' ance of the town.

Their Majesties.—The King and Qaoen hive left London for Edinburgh. The Roynl visit to Scotland was inaugurated with a weloome and apicturerque reception to the King and Queen on arrival at Waverly Station, Edinburgh, the Duke an Duchess of Buccleuch, Lords Rosabory and Balfour of Burleigh and most of the great Scottish officers of Btate taking part. The Lord Frovoat tendered the Bilvor keys of the city which the King returned Tne King and Queen drove to Dalkeith Palare. Gold plate, valued at over half a millio , from Buckingham Palace, was transferred to Holyrood, preparatory to the visit. One thousand persons attended the King's levee at Holyrood, and 600 ladles, in morniag dress, were present at the Queen's Court A picturesque bodyguard of archers, under the Duke of Buccleuch, was on duty at the palace. The King conferred a baronetcy upon Mr James Steel, Lord Provost of Edinburgh.

FATaL Railway Accident.—We regret to record the death of Mr Thos. Cooney, tha well known farmer at Kabbit Island. The " Press " says :—" The south express train was delayed twenty minutes in arriving at Christchurch on Tuesday night, owing to a fatal acride-ii which occurred at Kolleatou Junction. It appears that Mr Thomas Cooney, fanner, *-.f Rabbit Islaud, who joined the train >\ Junction, was to meet a Mend at R-lloston, aud just as the train was pulliog up he was seen by a fellow passenger, Mr Alberb Shelton (a resided of Broa, to leave the carriage, cirrying a handbag. Catching hold of the handrail, Cooney attempted to step on the platform before the train had come to a standstill, and falling forward and against tlio carriige, ha was dragged about a car's length. When picked up he was dead. The body was put on board the train, and on arrival at Chris'church was tx-iiiined by Dr Thomas, who found the scalp torn off and other injuries, which mu&t have caused Instant death. ConstibleKoster removed the body to the Christchurch Morgue, where it will await an inquest." The deceased was 60 yrars of age and much respe.ted at Motukarara. His son is a Steward of the Akaroa County Racing Club.

BALLANTYNE & Co.—Messrs J. Ballantyne and Co. announce that they have a complete stock of all the newest materials. Any r.ew coloured winter dress stuffs can be obtained and the firm are always ready to send pat terns post free on application. As winter will soon be upon us, it is necessary to provide against the inclemency of the weather, bo that the sudden cold does net find ua unprepared. The newest three quarter jackets are a specialty of Messrs J. Balian tyne aod Co. and, as the popularity of this latest fashion in jackets is so great, all would-be purchasers are warned that they must do their shopping at once or they will find the choicest gone. Furs and muffs also will soon be in great demand, and, of thee, there is an unrivalled asfor'ment awaiting inßpsction. No other house in the colony is capable of furnishing such a complete winter equipment as that of M'ssn J. B-11-ntynj and Co For Bronchial Cough, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Is 6d and 2s 6d every where,

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2772, 15 May 1903, Page 2

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Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2772, 15 May 1903, Page 2

Local and General. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2772, 15 May 1903, Page 2


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