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The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1901.

Akaboa County Council. —This Council meet at the usual place and hour on Saturday next. Football.— Canterburye won the match against Hawkes B»y by 34 pointe to nil, and Otago beat New South Wales by 5 points to nil. Japanese Indignation.—There is growing indignation in Japan owing to the ineulting discrimination of the Hawaiian medical inspectors against Japanese ladies travelling in steamships. A Royal Present. —The Kaiser has presented King Edward with a magnificent epergoe of the Kaieer's own design, which is the most elaborate produced since the 18th century. Thb Colombian Bbvolution.— Advices frcm Curacoa state that a thousand Government troops Uft Venezuela in tn»neports to invade Colombia, via the seaport Riochooha, in support of the revolution in progrese in the latter Republic. War" c's W oim Figs are moat effective and not unpleaaaLt; children thrive after taking them. Price Is. Boom ! Boom ! Bcom !—With this issue ia enclosed a circular annouLCing a great half-yearly tale of blankets, quilt?, dress materials, etc , at Penrose's L'rapery Establishment, Beach road, A karoo. Everything eprcially ieduced. Come early, and don't you forget ii! A Convincing Aksyver. -- " I hobbled into Mr. Blackmou'a drug store one evening," naya Weeley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he usktd me to tiy Chamberlain's Puin Balm for rheumatism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had i,o ftilth in any medicine ib they all failed. Be said : " Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does i,ot help you, you ueed not fay for it." 1 took ft bcttle of it home and ustd it Recording to the diiectioue and in one week I wbr cuied, and have not since been tioubled with rheumatism." For sale by J. S. Dodds, Cherrist, Akarca. You can deptud on ridding your children o Worms with Wade's Worm Figs, the wonderful woim worriers. Piioe Is.

Poor olfi China's gone to peicee, Of her vast poßeessiooe rett, Day by day her power dfcreas«e, iSooii t\ ere'll be but little lift. Bbe'll ) o It-ngi. r be a na icn, But) for ev«r bts obecurt- ; Coiighb aid coic's have do foundation, Loeed with Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.

Potatoes, Vegetables and Flowers. — Mr E. F. Lelievre notifies that he has aplen did seed potatoes and vegetable and flower seeds in stock.

Sad Death.—Mr F. Hopkins, butcher, of Christchurch, well known on the Peninsula, shot himself on Saturday. Deceased had a grown up family, and had been married 32 years.

A KAitoA County Racing Club.—The annuai general ineetiug of the above Club will 1)0 held ('» Sot.ur.'ay mx>, Auguat 31so, at the Hill Top Uoiel. ParticuUrs appL-ur iv advertisement elsewhere.

A Mission of Expiation.—Prince Chun's rrhbion to Germany being in expiation of iho murder of Baron Yon Ketteler. the German Envoy to Pekin, last year, he will be escorted by a procession through the chief thoroughfares. The Kaiser received the great pageant at the Berlin Palace, in the presence of Generals, Admirals, Count yon Bulow, and the Ministers of State.

The End ok Tatttblall's Sweeps.— The clause in the Bill authorising the closing of Tdttoraall'e hae passed. The Federal Poatmasler-General states that it has not yet beep decided whether to at once enforce the anti-gambling clauses of the Postal Bill. No notice will be given to Tattersall's prior to notion being taken.

Got Home Elsevvpere, —Wβ nre glad to note that Mr P. Cunningham, lately manager of the German Bay Factory and make. for cheeee that did so well at Home last year, has been appointed manager of anew factory just starting on tb<3 West Coast.

Leßon's Wharf Loan.—The poll taken at Le Bon's on Friday last ac to whether a £300 loan should be borrowed from the Government for the extension of the wharf resulted in 30 votes beicg recorded for the proposal and 19 against. As three-fifths of a majority carries the proposal under the •' Local '.Government Votiug Reform Act, 1899," the loan is now assured.

Sandesb and Sons Eucalypti Extract.— According to reports of a greab number of physicians of the largest professional standIng, there ore offered Eucalypti Extracts which possess no curative qualities. In protection of the world-wide fame of Sander and Sons' preparation we publish a few abstracts from thetie reports, which bear fuily out that no reliance can be placed in other products:—Dr. W. B. Bueh, Oakland, Fla., writes. It is sometimes difficult to obtain the genuine article (Sander and Sons'). I employed different other preparations but they had no therapeutic value and no effects. In one cane the effects were similar to the Gil camphora, the objectionable action of which is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Oregon, says 'Since I became acquainted with thie preparation (Sander and Sons) I use no other form of eucalyptus as I think it by far the oest. . Dr. L. P. Preston, Lyncnburg, V*., writes t' ' I never use any preparation other than Sander aad Sons , , as I have found there 10 be almost useless.

Danqbb of Colds and Lα Grippe.—The greatest danger from colds and la grippe ie their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care ia uaed, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment, h, i* pleaeaui and safe to take. For sale b v J. B. Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa.

I IBallantynb & Co.—This enterprising firm announce that they are now opening up their Spring and early Summer consignments from Europe, and no doubt our lady friends will be warmly interested in the intelligence. It is said that this Spring's fashions are peculiarly lovely, and include English and French model millinery and a host of other beautiful things, which are enumerated in the firms advertisement elsewhere. No doubt the ladiea of the Peninsula will take an early opportunity of seeing the novelties that have been importod for their benefit.

Thk Deaf Hear.—No 326 of "The Illustrated World " of 628, Ohiswick High Road, London, W., England, contains a description of a Remarkable Cure for Deafness and Head Noises which may be carried out at the patient's home, and which is said t'j be a certain cure. This number will be to any deaf peiwon tending their address to the Editor.

Messbs. G. G. Ltead & Lo.—Special attention is called to this firm's advertisement appearing elsewhtre. _

Japan and Russia.—Japan ie rapidly construe'ing a war harbour at Mataumui, opposite Viadiavostock.

British Thadb.—"The Titnee" eaye there is a more hopeful feeling in trade. The prospects of a shrinkage In general business during 1901 are small. Wool is slightly recov ring.

Fast Atlantic Linbrs.—The syndicate which is constructing the pier afc Berehaven for the accommodation of a new fast line «.f : Atlantic steamers proposes to use oil fuel, and to tun the vessels at the ra.e of twenty four knotu an hour. Dover has been offered am a port of call between Berehaven and Germany.

The Czar's Visit to Fr\ncs.—A hundred and twenty-five thousand troops p*rti cipate in the review at Rheitns. The Czir and Cz\n'zv will spend fiva days in France. Drastic military display precautions are being take'i for the safety of the Cz*r during his v,eit to Francf.

Indignation in Germany—The whole German press is indignant at the condemnation of the soldier Marten (who has just been condemned to death after already having been tried and acquitted) on charges of mutiny and murder, on what is described aa the flimsiest evidence. The p.pers declare thst unless the conviction in quashed there will be a gtoss miscarriage of justice. The Crewn Prosecutor merely insisted that the case wa3 ono of manslaughter.

Dukbdin Hospital —The "Press" special wires:—ilr 1 hos. Mackenzie, the member for Wmhemo, reiterated the charges he made recently regarding the of a p.tifint in the Duciedin Hospial. Hβ added that some time back a man suffering from a sore finger was admitted into the Hospital. When his friends came to rind out about him they were told he was dead and buried. Whin, however they to find oat where he was buried, hie grave could not be found. Then the authorities confessed, allegtd MiMackenzie, that they had been prevaricating, and it appeared that the man was net buried, but that he was dead and cut np ; there was aot even a rib of him left. The Hospital Board now demanded an inquiry iv reference to the former charge, " Let them detrand their investigations," added Mr Mackenzie now, as he resumed his sent at the dinner adjeurument,

Military Libel Case.—lntense interest was taken in the Ricardo case, and the Court waa denasly crowded throughout the seven days of the trial. The add* esses of counsel occupied several hours. The judjie summed up strongly in favour of Colonel Ricardo. He s-aid that on eve y other occasion throughout the campaign he had s,hcF.n great bravery, a:sd was i< ot hVely to have shuwn the white feather when *tuck in a fence. Tha weight of evidenci was Bgiiinßt his having uttered the wordo attributed to him or> that occasion. The jury, after four hou.V retirement, returned a verdict for plaintiff, awarding £500 damages, with cost?.

Discord between Fr\nck and Turkey. —M, Uonstan", tho French Ambtstalor at Constantinople, hah a -vered relations with Turkey, owing to the ttultan not fulfilling a promise to purchuw the Fiench quays at Constantinople. Aaather poiut ot issue is the eettle ru'iit of two French binkers' t'lkinia for £803.000. The consensus of opinion inf. .rtr.eil circles is that tht isulun wili •- io>fl a'j the last moment. Tlv; price stipulated for the quays waa forty-cue million francs. The cruiser Gaasard has started for Constantinople, and n. division is ieiuly to follow. The French Government ;s withholding a full diplomatic rapturo with lutkey, hoping that the Sultan will yield A naval division is ready to proceed to Constantinople. The Sultan has issued an irade, graining the Constantinople Quays Company the enjoyment of the rights embodied under the concession.

L*te Cable. —Yorkshire mane 107 without, she lo=s of a wicket in the second innings Sussex. Brown and Tunnicliffe etouewalled for three houra.— A flood breiched both banks of the Yellow River, causing immense destruction.—A peiition for the release of Earl Russell has been rejected.—Colonel Morland. Commandant of the Northern Nigeria Force, is proceeding with a s;rong force to Yola, 500 miles from Lokoj*. to pnnish the slave-raiding Emir of Adamama, in Central Africa.—Japan is reorganising her army and navy. The Ministerial heads of these departments may iv future be civilians.—Tom Mann, the labour leader, has been fined £10 and coats for selling diluted beer in his hotel.—The Czar has accepted an invitation to attend the German Naval Mateeuvres at D*ntz ; g.

Sudden Death.—Wβ regret to record that Mr John James Walker, third eon of our local builder, Mr J. J. Walker, died suddenly at his father's farm near liunnythorpe— which ia a village in the vicinity of Palmereton North—on Friday last. The deceased, who was only seventeen years of agp, went North very recently to start dairyiug on hh father's farm in lha locality indicated and succumbed to a shoit and violent attack of infhtnmation of the bowels. Very great regret is felt for Mr aud Mrs Walker in their s*d bereavement. The body will arrive from North by the s.e. Cygnet to-night and the fune'-al leaves the Catholic Church for the Catholic Cemetery at 2 p.m. to morrow.

The Eyrbton Tragedy.—The Executive Council, at a meeting held on Thursday night, decided that the sentence uf death passed upon Alexander McLean for the East Eyioton murders shall be carried out. A "Press" speoial eays: —"McLeaD, now awaiting execution in the Lyttelton Gaol, is reported to be thoroughly reconciled to undergo the forfeiture of his life. His health is good, and his appetite ii perfectly hearty. As ie customary with persons under the death sentence, he is allowed a generous diet, which even includes wine. He occupies his time to a large extent with reli«iouß books, and listens with respectful and intelligent attention to the instructions and suggestions of the Rev. A. H.Treadwell and Mr Smail, who visit him often. He exhibits no anxiety as to the date of his execution, but is content to meet his fate with the utmost stoicism whea the time arrives. The warrant for his execution had not reached Lyttelton yesterday, but it ia thought it may arrive at any moment. It was rumoured in Port that the gallows had beeu brought from Wellington this week, in one of the Union Steam Ship Company's steamers, but the rumour ia Dot confirmed by the gaol authorities. "

Their Claims Set at Rest.—The claim of other cough medicines to be as good as Chumbei'liin's are effectually set at rest in the following testimonials of MrO. D. Glass, an employee of Bartlett & Dennis Co., Me. He saja: ''I had kept adding to a cold tnd cough in the winter of 1897, trying every rough medicine I heard of without permanent help, until one day I was in the drug store of Mr Houlehan and he adviatd me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lunga and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy, and haveaiitcu always turned to it when I gob a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to cay it is the best; of all cough medicines." For Bale by J. S. Dodds Chemist, Akaroa. Wade's Teething Powders for babies are eoothiug, xeduce fever and prevent blotches Price Is.

Horticultural Society.—The adjonrned annual meeting of the Souiety takes place at 3 p m. to-dny at Mr Orbell's office. THEiSrBMARiNB Scare.—-M: Camille Pelletan, the French Marine Minister's Budget reporter, expresses doubt as to the efficacy of tho submarine boat Gusta.\e Zede and other types of submarine boats. In his opinion the feats performed by the submarine under test conditions would be impossible in time of war.

Thb New Hebrides—M. Etieunp, one of the deputies for Algera Hnd the leader of the Colonial Pvaty in the Chamber of Deputies. a ; vooAies securing the abrogation of the splf <1r vina Anglo-French ordinance regarding the N?w Hebrides. He contends thifc New Cnledoria will never be prosperous or ptrateeic\lly safe until the Now Hebrides (ire Froi'oh.

PrninsdliA Footu.vll; —Although every thine lrvl bom arnuiand f< r the niftfch with Le Bons on Sn'nrduy it could not lake place. As r ere a, number ef the mcnib. re were suf ferfng from it fluonzi it was decided not to send a team. A telegram was despatched in the morning asking Le Bons to postpone the m-»tch till Thursday ni>x\ but, in replying, the Le Bon's secretary said that if the game was nob ployed that afternoon Le Bon's would claim the Cuo. The Cup will therefore go to Lβ Bon's for the present year.

The Koyal Tour.—Render's corresy.-ond ent anys the conduct of the students ab the Capetown eraduatio in oeunectinn with the Duke of Cornwall's visit was decorous, and a Btiikine contrast to the nnrosrious behaviour of the und' at Melbourne snd SyoVey. ; h" I) te'f Cornwall laid the burtress F'on ■ of thn rew cathedral, and the rh • con pr stone of Queen Victoria Nurses' H(ii).? The Royaltiea exchanged farewell messages with Lord Kitchener. The Duke of Cornwall has been installed Chancellor nf the C;inn University The Dukfi arid Dn-h-ss of CrnwaH'a visit hag ended, r.nd the party has failed for Ascension Island. The Dnke of Coruwall's letter to Sir W. Hely Hutchison bidding farewell to tho Cape, s*vs that the Roy\l visitors were toadied and gratified by the warmth and on'husinsm shown. They expressed the hop 3 th*t peace would soon bn restored, and a spirit of mutual forbearance, i'nd reconoiliatira infueed into tha hearts of tha peop'e.

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Bibliographic details

Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2601, 27 August 1901, Page 2

Word Count

The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1901. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2601, 27 August 1901, Page 2

The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1901. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LII, Issue 2601, 27 August 1901, Page 2


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