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HEIRNE'S THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOB Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY OHEBT MEDICINE IN AUSTRALASIA. Those who have taken this mectfeint are amazed at iti wonderful iaflueacce. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Fain or Soreness in the Chert, experience delightful and. immediate relief; and ta those who are subject to Golds on the Chert ifejis iavalceMjs, mit effeota a Complete Cure. It is .most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and It neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has,never been known to exist where ■'■ Ooughs " hare been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, takeji V- the beginning, a; dose is generally rofaclent, and a complete cure is certain. CoumpHoQ' > TOO ILL TO "LEAVE HIS BED. A COMPLRTB CURE. Ifr W. G. Hearne—Dear Sir,—l xm to toll yea about the_ wonderful £b«ut three rears age I began to oongb. .*», ftat tha oough was not severe, bat it tom»Sf"T go* wane. aad I became very WmkiUd ureuWed with night sweats, paia mm* chest, sad treat quaatfties of phlegm. WeVrenl wMtiw there wm blood la the - iiiliii i' suitor. I had bee<rre»ted a isssrn. wkaenwaoaaoedmyeasetobe -" and wiw «tb«r treetmea 4 - •*^sr^Ts7sT* the effects oLyonr Bronchitis Cure, Last winter three of my children had very bad c->agUs, ote bottle oared tht three of them. The housemaid aim had such a sever* cold that she entirely lost her voice, bat half a bottle cured her. I always keep it ia the houo now, and recommend it to anyone requiritg a medicine of this kind. eoagh that could not be removed or even utmiiiLkllrfi "t". "—' —«■»-]—* — r M has SHrflsiaa Waeai»aTrrradlwaeto> J| a. leave mr bad but I comm-oed taking Ba* ease, aad gradually improved. I afo Jad to eay the* the twe lots of medioiae *** aaat have effeetod * oomulefce cava, far am hi iiewpt my vary best thanks.—Yours SfuUv, J. —-. mm . Bridge-road, S.E, London. Sotms Cough-*. A FIVE TKABB* CASK. RELIEVED AT ONCE It COMPLETELY ♦JDEBD BT HE ABIE'S BRONOHIT|S CUBE.' . |>ear Sir,—l smfsred base a severe cold bat have derived so , «atil I asad year Bronchips 4£re. whiofc fern see relief at ones, aad ' \ oared m*. lam dettghtod wfth * s rine; dejes 2)eaee, pad " _ iaty. W.TREMBLLENj Madewam. Vietotm. i-. A JUEFBRBR FROM BIRTH, j 4URID BY t BOTTLE OF MEARNS'S 9 ONCHITIS CURE. * 'lsrwsrd niiiwil batata of year Brpnafcjfce f%r* M eooat a« poealbk, as I aanaot k above a waseper, owing so a cold., I A*4 a battle from yea befere for my h tale afcf whan she w» eevea month* old. the 'fed Heeo svfiMac treat broachitis from her B K«*b, uit snv eh* is "brae yearn old* and < (tan:'J>°t h*« ardmof it since. It pa jßXvaHid mad-do- for broaehstu er aelia ef eat sort. I rem --in, roars truly, i .a*'-* MW H RAMAGE, Title* Town, Vtoverfa. I_: •:"».•>' —. ifftyee Cases Cespleteij Cu** by One >lettlt of Hearae'a Breaekitig Gup«*VlßE COLO. WITH LOSS OF VOICE, .CURED BY HALF i BOTTLE. AMJSrtLY BBNT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGL AND. Llewellyn, Rataage, Vie. MrHearae— Dear Sir,—l am very much pleased with JOHN 1. MORTIMER. The relative in England, whs is M years eld, alee cared by Heame's Breachitie Care. * ? WAS A f RBAT if PTSRER. •HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS. ALWAYS WALES NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL. FEELS BTBONQER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. a, Watsea-street, Bartoa-oa-Trent, Staferdshire, England. Mr W. O. Hearae, Qeeleag. Dear Sir,—Year letter aad Bronchitis Cure te hand quite safe. lam sure yeu will be {.lad to know that yoar Bronchitis Cure haa quite cared me. I. was very glad when it came, as I was aafsring from a severe attack of Beonchltis at the arrived. I had seat for my own doctor, bat bad not had one night's rent for a week* I started taking the Bronchitis Care three time* a day as directed, and was very much eased at once. At. the end of a week I ealy took it twice, aad'theu only every night for a week, es I" felt very mush bettor, whan,thanks to .the Lerk for adding His blessing, I was quite well, aad walked into town and baok without feeling any fatigue. 1 had not done chat previously for 12 months (always went in the omnibus), as walking caused .me such pain and distress in the chest. I always walk now and never feel-it, and lam stronger than I have been for years. I thank my son for his great kindness ia sending the medioiae, and am, dear sir, Yours very truly M. MORTIMER Extract from a letter since written by the same lady to her son, Mr Jeha S. Mortimer, Llewellyn, Katanga, Victoria, HER DAUGHTER -HAD BEEN VERY ILL. BPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. ' CURED BY HEARSES BRONCHITIS CORE, The extract runs as follows :--r" As forj myself, thank the Lord, I am feeling stronger than I have for years. I had aa attack Ot bronchitis in November, but Hearae's BrcastToag. " I must ask yoa to sand me six bottles more ef the medioins, as I wish to have a supply ia the home. I have tried to get it made up here, aad let my chemist have a bottle to anything Kke it before, so there is only one thing for me to do, send for more. I have ■ever kept ia bed one day sinoe I commenced to take it. I need to be ia bed a fortnight at a time always, and after that for months I was .as weak as I could possibly be, and was always taking cod liver ail, so yeu will see at once it is quite Worth while Bonding for it sack a leag distance. "Something more I must tell you. Charlotte has been very ill atoee I wrote yoa. Her cough was so bad she never had a night's rest, aad 1 was spitting ap blood very much. The doctor told her husband that there was nothing more he could de far her. So ion tha Sanday J sent her half a bottle of the Bronohitis Cure, aad told her to try it, and If she did aot use it, not to waste it, but send it baok again. Ska had snob confidence ;in that aba was quite oared aad did aot require any more medioiae. 8e yea see what great has ioae, and she wishes to have some of my next supply." 12 Tsars' Agoay. DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVBDOSBf. NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT. Sir,-My wife was for twelve years a sufferer irep a most distressing, suffocating,, dry and patent medtoines havieg been tried; but I am happy to say that the oough, pain is] the oheet, aad difficulty of breathing, etc* moat respectfully, WILLIAM CBQKETT, Baker's Swamp F. 0., via Dripstone, New South Wales. A Five) Tears' Cose. CURED BY ONH SMALL SOTTLE. | Mr W G Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly send me one large battle ef year Breaeeltls Cure. lam mere than pleased with the resalts of yoar wonderfal medleiae, as a eaudl bottle eared my little girl, who had bee)» suffering for five years, and aew I de net feel safe to be without it.—l remaia, years faithfully, AGNS9 F KEENEDYj Betaaoga, Victoria. A Seven Ttari* CaseEXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER. COMPLETELY CURED. MrW G Hearne.—Dear Sir,—lournwdV cine has cored ma of bronchitis and asthma, from which I suffered for upwards of seven years, during which period I was aesreolv ever free from eoughs, and frequently the difficulty of breathing was so disirassiag abat for nights in snooeiaion I had to sit ap. I write you this acknowledgement from] a sense of duty, as in my case every other treatment had .failed.; For a yea-previews I had been getting very muqh worse, andfat the time I obtained your medicine I .was confined to bed, suffering from a most violent oough, expeotoratinff blood and matter, and apparently beyoad hope of recovery 'she relief, and I steadily improved as 1 continued the treatment until I became, as I am ndw. quite well.— Yonra sincerely UiTmaln Nl*,jtM«e* IKS TW A T V »» Asthma. PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A SEVENTEEN YEARS' OASR. CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. Mr Alex J Anderson, of Oak Park. Charlesville, Queensland, writes:—"After suffering from Asthma for sever teen years. and having boen under a great many differ* ent treatments .without benefit, I wa* induced to try Heame's medicine for Asthma. After taking three bottles of tjhie medioiae I quite get rid 4>f the Asthma,, and since then, which was in "the beginning of 1883 (15 years ago), I have not had the aligheet return of it. The medicine quite cured me, and I have much pleasure in recommending it." Writing again on tho 4th April, .1899,; be states:—"l am keeping very well now. Never have the sligbeat return of the Asthma." —PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AlffD RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR,— w. g. aiAiiiCfiy^ Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: Kempthorae, Proaser k 00., aad Sharlaad & Co. Agent for District s? Alexandra 3

The Celebrated Cornish American Pianos and Organs. FACTORY TO HOME DIRECT AND SOLD ON ONE YEAR'S * FREE TRIAL. Mem* Oownffl a*d 00. are the only firm of actual manufacturers of highM?Moil and organs» *• United States of America selling exclusively 'tfwctfrom the factory to the genefal public, at guaranteed wholesale priceifor Cor the readers of this paper to sit downaad order a piano ar ett»n from America, as to order one from their music store, the only SfiSS&b* that they will save;from 50to KWper cent.; , faeterrTeJ«e,of erery instruniu.,. ■>- —• y- --/ . ™ --.-=--. * 3]j complete act of Cornish Pianos and Organs hv gwuig an ,k4ha moat axpensiTe ue during *he last half century. Miniatures, &e., mt ClliKlbH CO^^aSKtoCnE?SfiSEY. U. S.A JUTABUSHKD 50 YEABS. THE Otage Central Foundry and Engineering Go. (LIMITED.) GENERAL SMITHS, ENGINEERS AND BOILERMAKERS Dredge Backet Pins, Bushes, Links, and Lips supplied promptly a„ uewest Rates. Special Redaction for Quantities. A Large A wort meat of Engiaeer's Fittings; also Belts and Rirats ef al Visas Bell's Asbestos Packing (all Sixes.) Ta—mat Oo.'s Etna Exuihb Oil and Mabihb Oyijsm* Oil kept in Stock. ttaita te Bredcut and ether Maeainsry executed ay Ceapetemt W otkaen. Arrangements hare bean made te driver Goods and Material whererer (flujrad. Quotations given for .a Secular. Supply of any «f the abore lines. H. FOCJOCX Manager

lusbands! Study your Wives' Ease umiiMhii BY PUftCfHASING ONE OF Sellers' Labour Saving Washing Machine®, THE RSA§PNS Why you should purchase one «f *\ *f * SELLEByjfftgherg. > \| - They wash Clothes perfectly clean. J v "'0 They work .smooth and easy. . ' "i"-' ' $■ the.Olothes. 3 * M They adjust themselves to the size of the *M wash, so you can wash one shirt as well as fei ul -- , . , t «. „- B ? bber wnngers are so attached to M.JBKHjW^ the Washer as to allow the water to run f$ back.iatothe.tub when wringing flV\ They close tight and retain the "heat in M the water for a long time, and pflewent the M odour of foul steam rising from the qLoOmss, wh jch is so very injurious to healfli. ; J They save their cost la clothes in on© year. M They save your wife's heatthand patience w ta^* ,ra y t,,e terror, of Wa*-day. quarter ef the usual time. • CURTAINS AND NEEDLEWO*K^St£ outt«aring r andn«uehbetterthanbyhahd. ''< P OBerF stronG, AGENT FOE AMXAJO>RA<

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Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 378, 6 August 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 378, 6 August 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, Issue 378, 6 August 1903, Page 3


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