A London cable states that Bishop Gttre. of O&f of d. lias resigned because oil the Church Council's decision re baptism instead of confirmation cdijbtituting a francliise for voting op Church subjects. Mr William Gray, M.A., B:So., for-merly-Inspector of Schools in this district, but now Principal of tha Presbyterian Ladies' College, Melbourne, is at Auckland on his way to the Old Country. - • Chaplain-Captain Bladin of the Salvation Army, who recently returned from France, will arrive in Wanganur on Saturday, and will be accompanied by Captain and Mrs Elston, who also spent some two years in one of the Army's huts in France. The.Mayor - will accord them a civic welcome on Saturday night. Mr G. P. Purnell, who was formerly on the staff of the Public Trust Office, Christchurchj and who. for the past year or two, has occupied the important position of Controlled 6f the Wills, Trusts and Agency Division of the Public: Trust Office, Wellington, has severed his connection with the Depart^ me n't after 18 years' service, and h.f^ taken up his residence in Christohurch. On Monday evening last '(says the-.- ---" Press") Mr Puinel! was falwelled I>y the head office staff, and on their beha:f was presented by Mr T. S. Ronaldsoii. Assistant Public Trustee (in tl}e absence through illness of Mr. Robert Triggs th'j Public Trustee) with a handsome set of legal text-books. fh making the presentation, Mr Ronaldson referred in flattering terms to Mr. PurueU's rapid advancement in thi> Public Triist Office, Mr. Purnell having joined it, at a comparatively .'ate day, as a cadet, arid having risen to one of the highest positions in the J«partment. Mr J. W. M.icdonald (Assi^ tant Public Trustee) fcpoke in, eulogistic terms of Mr Ptlrnell's ability, imd hin determination to succeed, and joined with Mr. RonaSdsOh in wishing Mr. Purnell every success in his new sphere of activity. Mr Purncll is the eldest sonof Mr. George Purnell, of Wanganui.
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXVI, Issue 17544, 10 April 1919, Page 4
Word Count
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXVI, Issue 17544, 10 April 1919, Page 4