' MILLS IN 5 TW- B ANGER ZONE. Bush fires caused considerable anxiety m the Rangataua and Onakune districts on Tuesday. ' On the previous day 1 a fire started m the: bush a quarter of a mile north of Rangataua, and, fanned by a breeze, the fire spread- rapidly, crossed the railway line into the heavy bush, and threatened the 'building area. Two or three houses m the track of the fire were- threatened, but were saved after exertion on the part of the tenants. The mills were m the danger zone, and fire-fighters were m readiness fo prevent" the. mills being destroyed, but the fire passed without doing any damage. .Another fire, m aai easterly direction, threatened Messrs Perham aud -Larsen's mill, bnt damage -was averted.- The fire penetrated the back of the recreation ground, and the school was m danger. The fire-fighters found it necessary to pull vdoiyra an outhouse, bnt otherwise no damage was done. At Ohakune several houses were tlireatened, and the occupants deemed it advisable to remove their furniture to a place of safety, but the damage was not serioup. Bush fires are also burning m the Kaimanawa Ranges and Utiku, Karoi, and Omatane districts. The grass, howeverj ia not dry enough at present to permit the fires spreading and damaging fences and stock. A message frbm Rangataua states that further damage is not . anticipated, as the fires are practically burnt out. A continuance o! the hot weather, it is feared, may result m further trouble.
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13277, 13 January 1914, Page 9
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 13277, 13 January 1914, Page 9
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