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AMUSEMENTS. 13 It II A tTI HAYWARD'S PICTURES. Bright. IIAYWAIUVS PICTURES. Defined. NO PICTURES TO-NIGHT! I O-MORROW Afternoon and Evening. Indians and (.'owlsiys To-morrow, 2.30. '•MATRIMONIAL rfyi \l.l 3000 FEET OF MERRIMENT. GAUMONT GRAPHIC Topical. THE THOUHADOI'It .. Drama. TO SCIMEZ ... Seenio. I lll'i BRIGAND Drama. l'arcdo in Honour of ... Eduontional. rjlO-N 1 (Til T! T O-X IGIf Tl ENTERTAINMENT IN BURNS HALL. THE PERFORMERS: Knox College Party, Austrnl-Girton Club, and other Entertainers of repute. THE PROGRAMME: Scene from Dickens, a Tableau, (juartels, m' Pii'ioforte Solo, Rccitationt, -Musical .Mc.iiologiin, and other items. Admission: Is, Commenco at B, SITUATIONS VACANT. Cajll aovkiitkheuknts nniler this hesdln? Fomteen Words, SIXFESCK per Insertion; * insertions, 3s 6d; over Fouiteen Wordi m<\ lint eimMinn Twenty-lour Words. Is; Sit Insprtmin, (i. Double rates unles) »?C. pJ !i 1 ' 'i! rt *PlTing to advertisement.' ? 'I', 1 "°, n ' Vacant opplie.intj flioiiM sen I ro ' "•••'' ol testimonials, KOT Orijinsls. BATH MOIiLDERS Wanted.—Apply A. and T. Bun (Ltd.). 2Jau QMARP BOY Wanted for cistirn dcJ partnient,-Apply A. and T. Bun "■''M- 23 j u "jITRiS FRASER, 13 Smith btivet (lew doors P.-iiiai::a House/.—.'louatkeeper wy; country; in.iiii kept. 23,iu WANTED. Voung .Man useful wit it ' • tool.; and experienced in \notn;iii(Ltd). ?.3jhi WANTED. L\ BOLTt ER.-Coriicr ~f IxtrkworMtv and Prince All.vil streets, .St. Kilda. 23au WAN'IED (daily. Sundays cxcepledj. ~ . Capable, (.'oiii|Miiional>lo LADYHELP.—at, Kih!a. T;iiics Ofiioc. 23ati V'iT'ANTED, u MAN (with experience; ik> *»' others) to (hive bread eait; rcfet---liiiki'r, Times (Jllice. W ANTED. PA IXT Kit j,nd I'aT'KiT HANGER; mu't be good hand.— Apply (ico. tlall<rtvay.J4 .-tre.'t. WANTED, GENICRAL ;ThlJ To miik^ * • gcod wago» lo .tillable person. ■ Apply Mrs M'Bride, Waikouaiti. 2iut WANTED, Experienced PLOUGHMAN; wages »50a j.-cr week.—lkix S7, OuimiHL 2San WANTED, Smart YOUTH,~to drive * » lxiket s cart.—Apply James Ross, Ldendale. 23au —Ploughmen (easy distance; * * JOs). Cowman garden, also hoiks; 22s 6dl. —Brew, Maitland streets WANTED, GENERAL; light pi.ioe; V v no childrin.—Apply 121 Jlaitland strcot. 25a U WANTED. GENERAL for three ladies; »' 12s 6d weekly; near Oamarti.—Miss IWdle. 226 George street. 21au WANTED, Improvers and Apprentices Dressmaking.—Mrs Gay, 171 Moray Pjaco (oppositc_old Firo Station). 22au WANTED, Experienced HOUSEMAID * v for country.—Mrs Reid, Oaniplwll street., Morningion (main t.ram line). WANTED-An Improver and Bov' lo " * lOaru jewellery trade—Coventry, jewoller, Howling street. 2itu WANTED, Good COOK: wages, 30.-.— Martin Wills, Criterion Club Hotel, Alexandra. 22au IX7" ANTED, DRESSMAKER noctifl- ' * tomed to children's work.—Smith and Rodger, South Dunedin. 22au TIfISS.WHIH St. Andrew street. Requires—Cooks (country hotels; widow >vitli crild siiitaliieJ, Hdiiseiiiaiil-Waitiess. \AIANTED, a Permanent FENCER for Wilden.—Would David Hamilton apply Manager, Wildcn. 21au \YANTED, CANVASSER for umbrella " maker and dyo works.—Apply T. M. .Mowbray, Medway street, Gore. 21nu a Capable PEITsON"Ib y housework; wages 17s 6d.-Address Housework, Times Offico. 20au WANTED (at once), TROUSER and VEST HAND.—Apply T. Jones, head cutter, Herbert, Ilayncs (Limited), WANTED (September), General; also, ' T Ilousc.-naid.—Apply Mrs Mondy. 1 R'jyal terracc. lflau WANTI'iD — Housemaid • Ixiiindress (North Island; faro paid; lSsl, Gn:<>rals_(no_washinjß; 15s).—Miss Spain. WANTED— Cook (SCte, soaside; 20s, t.orth line), llou-semnids (hotels, north, south linee), Girls (assist).—Miss Spain; _ 25;: ii WANTED-Good BODICE HAND, competont to take charge of tablo; also. Good COAT lIAND Permanent, positions.—Kilroy and Sutherland, Princoa street. 23au MtIS FORRESTER, 59-61 Maclaggan street. Wants—Cooks, Generate, Waiting Engagements—^Waitresses, Housemaids, Housekeepers. 23au A LCOCK & CO. (LTD.), the Billiard' XX People, reipiirc the Sorvioes of a BOY' for tlieir show room and messages.— Apply 9 Stafford stroe!.. 2itu CENTRAL LABOUR EXCHANGE, Arcade, Wanta—Ploughmen (27s 6d, 30s). Couples (£100), ltousenbouts (25;), Jlilk«rf. Yoiitlis. 2&m "VI"AN Wanted to SELL Times nnd Witiil. ncss on Manse street (oritcr.— Apply (to-day, Mwcen 10 and 12 a.m.) Publisher, Otago Daily Tinier. 21m SKENE'S, 228 Princcs street. Wants— Porter (country hotell, I'louglnnen, Married t'ouples, Cowman-Gardener, Contmci Fencer#. 23au WANTED. First-class XLVNTOLPIECE MAKER; permanent pv'sition for suitable applicant.—Apply Schillitto Bros., Timaru. 2au WANTED (at once), Experienced MAN, travel draught stallion on shares; good horse, good district.—Meet Mr Tyfon, Euroixyin Hotel, Dunetlin, Tue«lay evening 8 o'clock. A N T E D, A WELL-EDUCATED BUY. For Commercial Olficc of t!:o D.iilv Times Tills is a pood openiitv for a smart l»>y with an apiituik' for office work, to wli'>;n every encouragement will be giieu. Apply to the 23an MANAGER. pOSIT 1O X S OP E X ON .VI AFK OF LEADING LIFE ASSI'KANI'E OFl'lf'F„ For '.K'tli fiill tini. a;ni i>ar:-:in.-■ .-lyent.*. Applications ueaud lonlidential. Aildrtss A-SSIUANCi:. 2j.:u lie: 4G. D.mi'dii:. W A . N '' D vv (By local 1-iro. Marine, anil Aiv-dent 1 tisur.ntc- Coinfuny). INSPECTIIR AND BUSINESS INTRODUCER. Good Nibrv to .■,-p:Ll<l.. 'nail. Adir<t. ; CONTIDEVHAL. ! 2oau Ticitn Office. .
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 15540, 23 August 1912, Page 1
Word Count
748Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15540, 23 August 1912, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 15540, 23 August 1912, Page 1
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Otago Daily Times. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.