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JOHN ANDERSON, COOT JrfANCJFACTU-KER AND IMPOIiTER, OL-RK STitEKT, DUNKOIN, Wishes toinfr.rm hi:--f ; i«i(!s and the public that he his-OPEVEDa kE'IMIL BRANCH in Albert Buildi>g3, Princes siree", inim&ii.-it.-ly opp-j-ite the Post Office, .vhere ii-.:;e but u'ood-: of the boat quality will be kept. As all uoo:'s aro manufactured and imported by hiirself, be is enabled to soil ak prices that <?;-fy coraps' iUon. L-ii-iios and genilomen will that special care and attention will be triveu to bsrpoke orders, and a perfect fit guaraut-ood. Note the Add^ss— PBIJiCES STREET (Opposite tbe Post Offiue). 12;y LAUNDRY.— The Otego Steam Laundry, Xort-h-East Valley, a. K. Olark and Co. Proprieror.-j, completed addkiocs t3 their Pre-■Jii.-es, ar- prep;red to tike a gi--;ater aumber ol hotel and iamily m.ihlnss than hitherto. Tile above Laundry -.•:&> the first ia jfew ZeaUnd, is now employed by ihe principal hotels, <£»., and wilt be fouad upon enquiry to have jrivefi general sitisfaction. All orderß to the abotre address will receive proaips attention. Sm jgARR, OLIVER, and PAXILIN, CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Civil finsriueerin?, Surveying, Land and Firurocia Agency undertaken in all their branches. BOWLING STREET, Dunk din. TO BUILDKR-s AND CONTRACTORS. rpHE undersigned have OS SALE a Jt~ iarge stock of Acigrican Clear Pice Doors. froi> "At. C:p. x -2;r.. -jiu. to 7f t . 3, Ij, lh, l|, and 2 inches, iiso, anißrsc^is shelving Lumber, Clear Pine, Spruce Ue&is, Scotch i-looring, and Baltic Deals. Colonial Timber o£ every description, B. O'BRLSOOLL, and CO., CumberisTid street. CAUTION. TOWNsEND'S SARSAPARILLA, &c. ? |IHE Proprietors having Registered the above CompDunds under •The Trade Marks Act, ISGG." Hereby notify th-it proceediags will ba taken against Vendors of any IMITATIONS. BACH & NOSTKAND, Proprieiora. Per their Attorneys, ■ . W. G. TURSBULL & Co. lt)J7 Dunodin. i||' X J. S. F. C OY L E, CIVCL ENGINEER, Has removed to OSkes iv South. Britis'a Insurance Bui:di;;gg, Liverpool Street, Buaedin. T S. WEBB'S ADVERTISESISK-TS %J s FOR SALEValuable Warehnuso in Bond street, suitable for wholesale business or for a manufactory Four-roomrd honso, -J ..,( an acre, Duncan street, top of York Piace eehold building allotment, 25 feat to Geortre stieet, ?0 feet to llus-eum street Family Residence in London street with J acre Family Residence in Waller strset, with \ acre Stick Dwelling-house in South Duncdin. J. S. "WEBB, si>'. High street. JJDSIUMD BAKER SMITH Fifteen years Accountant with Cobb and Co.,Dunedin) Successor to BALDIVIS & ASctCROFT, Accountant, Finance and General Commission Agent, and Grain Broker. £3" Office: OTAGO CHAMBERS, Eattray street, Duncdin, (Over Heymanson, Low, and Co.). T^TE have pleasure in saliciting for Mr EDMUND BAKER S\!IIH, as our Succeasoi, voutiiiuaiics of the favours shown to ourselves. WILLIAM BALDWIN, BALDWIN k ASHCROFT, 19ju n | _ Colonial Bank Building, Dunedin. sasoicAL. OKE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS V-*" is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary. Organs acquired or constitutional, GraveL and Pains in the Back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each by all ChemiUi. and Patent Medicine Vendors sola proprietor—F. J. CLARKE, Apothecaries'HaU, Lincoln, Etiglrad. Export Agents—AH tne London Wholesale Honats As-onta for New Zealand— KEMi viao?vHß, PSOSSEPv, and CO. ?/holesal« Dnssgists, Diwiedin and Auckland. uj a fJOUGH NO MOR E ! GAMBLE'S COUGS LOZENGES. Thn wondrous remedy, as thousands can prove. One Iczecge relieves, and one box cures, the most stubborn Cough, Cold, or Inflaenzs. Read the test!. J monials of we:l-kaown men on the wrapperof each bos. 52C0 boxes were sold in 10 weeks, which alone proves tluir va:.ue. Is 6d and 35 6d; by post, Is Sd and ii, DO NOT DYS, but use GAMBLE'S SAFE HAIR V-GOR, retoring grey hair to its original colour in a few day}, creates a rapid growth, Risking the hair sc-fc and glossy, and most traly calied The Modern Restorative. 4s per bottle. All Chemists, and KEMPTSTORNE, PROS3ER, & CO. TOWKS SND'S SAP.SAPABILLA. j f|IHE public are Cautioned that several j -*- SFUBIOU3 liiITATIOJfS of this justly ce'.e. I bratef! pieparation have lately been introduced Into ! ih:r itsrket a fi soid ?.% None are genuine I uhSsvhh the cropper of each bottt-Ie bears the sfcrnatnre | oi S. ?. TOVi'NSEX'J), and the certificate of Janies E, i Chi'tou, Ji.D., on a grt-tu Isbe.i. | e; j> W. k fi TQRlCBfJbv^ CO., Aeents. !■" ??OR THE BLOOD IS.THE LIFE," j £-' O L A ]t X S ' S | B L ° 9 ,D - I 2 T U R E. ! l:-Atk " ijiood jlixir.rc." I IUE OUVAT BLOOD PuEIFiER AND KE3TQRE&, Fot cie-iti- ing a»id rioarir:-; tho b.'oojfrom ali its irapuntios, cannot oc coo highiy rocc-nrnonded. For vScrofuls, Scurvy, SUn !..-beascs. and Sores o! al Ktncis, it is s ncvf.r failir;?, ar.d psr^v.uitns cure. I It Cur^sOiu ;k»:r-!. I Cures U'c^raioo Sore sin th^ Keek. I Cures Ukerivzed 3oro Le^d. i r.m-2: i;l-:-k'r<.-.'A-, or I'-aijsi-is on ths Face. ' | .So;:rvy S^r.:;<. j i.:iin-s v'anctrou-i I''C-~r~. i Cares i-.lood ?.;;J ski si Dijciiso^. j Ojautl^sr j-wclii::^. i u-j-t. s Ine liiucJ ffopj :di impure matter, | c rom \yjiHtevcr range arisi,!^. As this mix ure Is ploas^nt to the taste, and war* r-.uitt-d fr?« from ::ti t vthi-i-,' injurious to the most dell' j «to con?Mttiti.;n of eithc? -ox, Iho Proprietor solicits suitersrs fo <nv.j it. a tim! to tt)?.t its value. _ , .'v louSii!H' s '"' "-f -sitaioniali from .ill parts. _ - vo_ia is. 2d t>(J &ich, ana in Cases, coatainlr.g six tunes the quaT:t"ty, 11s oacli—suflicicnc to eSect a ■ pcnun.ncnt care in The <_ rroKt uiajoriv oi longstanding . to?oJ : h T ;i ;; Che-ni-ts and Patent 'ilediciee Vendora ! t.'irouirnout thow._> r ia. | Soie Irroprißtor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, ! Apoi:hecn.r:c<* tinli. ! li •-: col n, c ala nd, ■ r-xport iiiTsats—All :he London Wholesale Hou?e». I A scats for Noiv Ze:Ua-od : j KEMFtHOaNB, PR.JSSSR, and CO.. ] Whilesi!e Dru^isis. j DUHSDIS and AUCKLAND. J "~~ CAUTION ~* ; fflHB popularity of PERSY DAYIS j -S. and SOX'S PAUNKILLKR far the pset SO odd j years has induced efforts from time to time to imitsta it. Therefore, purcJiaic-rs Jhould bo c?.rcfui that they got the Genuine P:»JDkiiier tusde by Perry Davia snsi Son, and act ailov.1 woiih!es3 imitations to be paussd upon them by u-ij>riacip!ed dealers. Soo thai 6very j 'j">ttic lisa a i'bicly engraved Jsfcel on stssl, bearing the j BATUo, SISE, sr,d CO., .Oau&uin. N.Z., Gcaora' Amenta. j TIIS CELTSBEATED FOOD SOLVENT 1 T^R. FAKE'S LUIEi JUICE ASfD -S-^ PErSI-N'B. A pc-rfect remedy for Indigestion and all Stomaca Dißorucrs; also, for Iloartbura, Spp.jins, Gout, &C, Testimonial. 2, Rosalj-n 'i', Hampstead, London, 20th Saptsiubar, 1&76. itT Dbar Sir—lt r;u\uds ins the greatest pleasure tt. bear mcdioiil testimony to the excellence of your prcjwration oi lame Juico and Pcpsine, in cases ol mdfcuiiioa and other distressing affections of tho st'>niacl! ; _ I do not- hesitate, to recommend it as a RK*t e:!ioK'-ist and vahwWo restorative.—Believe me, yours f.uUu'ully, Charts J. F. Bentos, Surgeon, i-:po:<-'tai-y to thp Ko}-al infirm> ary, atid formerly of H.M. ship ireadaought. bo liad of all wholes Tie and retail chemists wir.njghimt the world. Sold in bottles, Is l^d, 2s 9dL 4s od aca Us. solo proprietors and manufacturers Ji'Ji is) t.v.d CO., C 7, i'lrbi'jan, London, E C Agents : KEMPTEORNa, P«OSSER, and CO _- , , P""';djn_and Auckland.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5126, 23 July 1878, Page 6 (Supplement)
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1,172Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5126, 23 July 1878, Page 6 (Supplement)
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5126, 23 July 1878, Page 6 (Supplement)
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