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Shipping News.
ATtEIVED. Oct. 3, ship Glentanner, 610 tons, Benjamin Bruce, from London, Jane 11. PASSENGEES LEAVING LONDON. Chief Cabin : for Canterbury. — Thomas Ellis (surgeon), Misses Ellis (3), H. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Veil, R. D. Thomas, T. A. Zouch, J. Turnbull. For Otago—R. Oalton. Second Cabin : For Canterbury —J. Groves, Mary Groves, Selina Wearing, George and Blanche Wearing, J. Milner," J. B. Patner For Otago —S. Burgh, J. Henderson. Steekagoe : For Canterbury—John and Susanna Maber, William and Emily Oliver; Daniel, Mary, Eobert, and Eliza Day; George and Ann Mary Eamscar; Peter, Margpry, John, and Mary Gallitly'; William, Jane, and Peter Boag; James and Janet Hollo; Henry, Emma, Sarah A., Henry, and John Feilder; Aquila, Ann', Louisa, and Aquila Ivory; Ward, Mary, Anna, Louisa, Harriet, Elizabeth, Ward, and George Robinson ; William, Matilda, Hannah, Eebecca, Maria, John, and Lucy Doggett; John, Elizabeth, John, and Charlotte Hodgson; Henry, Elizabeth, Henry, and John Brooks; George and Amelia Holmes; John, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Helen, John, James, and Peter Johnston ; Murdo, Abigail, Mary, John, Kenneth, and Alexander M'Lennan ; Alexander and Mary M'Leod; Henry, Mary A., Caroline, and Jessie Wagstaff; William, Mary, Charles, and Emma Craythorne ; Shadrack, Elizabeth, William, Elizabeth, and Edward Clement ; Edward Harrison, John Boag, Henry Hodgson, Frederick Holmes, Alexander and William Johnstone, Benjamin Hardisty, Harry, Frank W., and Alfred East, James Rogers, Thomas Williams, Alfred Wyatt, William Forbes, David Gallitly, Robert Marshal], Edwin Rutland, James Merrin, Abraham Stubbs, Matthew and Charles Oram, Edwin Parnham, Robt. Elliot, Thomas Dawson, Walter Rutland, John Taylor' Henry Barton, William Bush, Edwin Chappell' Alexander Johnston, George Mcßae, Joseph 5°? b\ WS ian\ Evans' Willia*n Swale, James Potts, William Ward, Henry Paddy, Caroline Albert, and Caroline Bradwell, Ann Boao- Mary Jane, and Sophia Hodgson, Harriet Holmes', ! ?"7 £"\ ChfX lotte ' and Matilda Wagstaff, Seliria Gredus, Mary Ann and Fanny Cray- 1 thorne, Elizabeth and Joseph Hardisty Sarah **'!?' H^bert East, Mary Williams, Martha Allen, Mary Topp Jane Snelling, Rebecca Dobbs, Charlotte Primer, Maria Rossiter, and Esther Didcock. For Otago :—Five married couples, with five children; nine single men, and nine single women. •■■■«?
SUMMARY. The following is a summary of the passengers according to their destination, two children being reckoned as one adult:— Adults. Children. Infants. Total. M. P. M. F. Cabin ... 7 4 0 0 On Steerage... 75 52 27 23 5 . 182 Totals 82 56 27 23 ~~5~ "193" Canterbury. Otago. Total. Chief cabin ... ... 10 1 n Second ." ... ... 6 2 8 Steerage ... ... 122 22 144 Total ... ... 138 25 "163* Of the steerage passengers, 90 adults and 34 children were English ; 35 adults and 19 children were Scotch; 1 adult and 1 child, Irish • and 1 adult, German. " ' Deaths on board.—July 3, Jane Hymers aged six months. July 23, James Pringle, aged sixteen months. Aug. 1, George Robinson aged nineteen months. Aug. 23, William Ivory' aged twelve months. Sept. 18, Joseph Hurdsley, aged eight years. Births on board.—Sept. 21, Mrs. W. Oliver of a son, who soon afterwards died. Opt. r2 Mrs. W. Robinson of a son. •, IMPOSTS. In the Canterbury (arrived Oct. 2nd,) E. Genet, agent; 14 cases cherry cordial, 12 cases sweetened gin, Rowlands; 1 case merchandise 1 crate, Campbell: 2 pckgs. ironware, 1 case) May; 70 casks bottled beer, 3 bales corn sacks' 18 bundles woolpacks, 13 bags nails, 1 case, 1 parcel, 112 sheets iron, Cookson, Bowler & Co. • 3 cases oilman's stores, Fyfe; 1 qr.-cask Geneva, 1 case drapery, order. In the Glentanner, R,, Latter, agent; 46 cases, 117 casks, 20 kegs, 33 hhds., 1 tierce, 2 chests, 1 bale, 15 jugs and baskets, 5,000 slates, 130 tons coals, 400 bags salt, 77 boxes soap, r! Latter; 10 cases, Campbell & Co. j 5 brls. ale, 5 cases, Cookson, Bowler & Co.; 17 bales, 23 cases, 21 crates, 15 casks, 30 boxes, 4 firkins, 4 tierces, 4 kegs, 2 sheets lead, Gould & Miles ; 15 hhds. 10 brls. beer, Tomlinson; 18 casea wine, Kennaway; 30 pckgs. (house) Morgan; 2 hhds. wine, Aikmari ; 11 cases, Waitt & Co. j 1 case, Field; 1 pekge. Martin; 1 case, Gee;. 1 box,Coyte; 1 box, Frost; 1 box, Worsley;. 1 box, Balestiee • 1 box, Wormald; 2 cases, B"a----sham: 1 box, Curlett; 1 case, Yule; 1 case, Neagle; 2 casks, Gresson; 2 cases, Williams; 1 cask, Phillips; 1 case, Mackie; 1 case, Raymond ; 1 case, Horncastle; 7 pkgs., 1 case, 4 wheels, 1 carriage, 1 axle, 1 pair shafts, 1 box, C. J. Perceval; 1 case, Hanmer; 1 box coin, H. Miles; 102 pkgs. for Otago.
The Glentanner left Gravesend on the 11th June, and had light and variable winds to the equator, which she crossed on the 20th July, 38 days out. Fortunately, $}ie< had pleasant winds from the line until she got into about 43 degs. south, off the Cape, which was made' on the 18th August, when she experienced heavy weather. On the 20th occurred somedisagreeable squalls, one of which, a very heavy one from the S.W.,at7p.m. caught the ship on the lee. The vessel was thrown on her beam ends, when every effort was made to take in all sail. The mainmast head gave way, and also the mizen-topmast and jib-boom, which carried away the fore-top gallant mast and fore-topsail yard, fore-topsail, outer and inner and flying jibs, fore and main-top gallant sails, main-top-mast stay sail, and cross-jack, and split nearly all the sails. When the masts went down theship lighted herself, but it was not until the following day she could be got before the wind,, and then she could only spread her foresail and fore-top-mast stay sail. By this accident Capt. Bruce had the misfortune to lose one able seaman, Augustus Silva, who was knocked off the mizen top-gallant yard.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume VIII, Issue 514, 7 October 1857, Page 4
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941Shipping News. Lyttelton Times, Volume VIII, Issue 514, 7 October 1857, Page 4
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Shipping News. Lyttelton Times, Volume VIII, Issue 514, 7 October 1857, Page 4
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